Activating Seamless Login

      Activating Seamless Login

        Article summary


        SMS & Email
        Supported plans

        Free, Starter, Pro, Premium, Enterprise

        eCommerce Platform

        Shopify, Shopify Plus

        Offer your customers a hassle-free login experience with Seamless login. The feature provides your subscribers with a convenient way to log into your store or create an account for them via a text message link. In this article, you’ll learn how to activate Seamless login in Yotpo SMS & Email.

        How it works

        Seamless login simplifies the login process for your customers. When customers receive a text message link from your store, clicking it redirects them to your website with Shopify Multipass authentication. This means they can access their accounts without the need for a password – it's secure and convenient.

        If a customer doesn’t have an account, Seamless login will create one for them, using the email they’ve subscribed with. Multipass ensures that customers are seamlessly logged in, improving their overall experience on your platform.

        Before you start

        Before you activate Seamless login and offer your customers this efficient access option, you'll need the following:

        Activating Seamless login

        To activate the feature:

        1. Go to your Shopify Customer accounts settings and copy your Multipass secret.
        2. In your Yotpo SMS & Email main menu, go to Settings > General settings.
        3. Click on the General section and scroll down to Seamless login.
        4. Click on the toggle button and paste your Multipass secret in the text box.
        5. Choose where you'd like to enable Seamless login for your SMS messages - in your SMS Campaigns, your Flows, or both.
        6. Click Save.

        Please note:
        Once Seamless login is activated, it will be applied to all URLs shortcodes directing customers to your store, ensuring a seamless login experience. The URLs in your existing flows and scheduled campaigns will also be automatically updated.

        Next steps

        With Seamless login now active, you're all set to harness the potential of your loyalty program. Encourage your customers to start redeeming their points for fantastic deals and rewards.

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