Adding the Q&A Widget to Shopify
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        Adding the Q&A Widget to Shopify

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        Article summary


        Supported plans

        Pro, Premium, Enterprise

        eCommerce Platform

        Shopify, Shopify Plus

        The Q&A widget lets visitors to your store ask questions about your products as well as view popular questions and answers that have been asked previously.

        In this article, you’ll learn how to add the new Q&A widget 3.0 to your store.

        Available for:

        Merchants using the new beta Q&A widget. If you’re using the previous version of the widget, see this article

        Before you start

        Before you add the Q&A widget to your store, make sure you’ve set up your Q&A emails and other settings. See Setting up Q&A emails

        Adding the Q&A widget

        Use the flow below to add the new Q&A widget or to migrate your existing Q&A widget.

        Customize your widget

        To customize your widget:

        1. In your Yotpo Reviews main menu, go to On-Site Widgets.
        2. Click Q&A 3.0.
        3. Customize the widget according to your needs. Scroll down to learn about customization options
        4. Click Save changes.
        5. Click Preview to preview your changes.
        6. When you’re ready to publish, click Go live.

        Install the Q&A widget (required)

        If you’re using Shopify 2.0, you can add Q&A to your store using this flow:

        1. Click Open Shopify to open the Shopify theme editor in a new tab.
        2. On the left of your screen, add a block or section.
        3. Select and add Q&A, and place it in your desired location.
        4. Click Save.

        If you’re using a Shopify vintage theme, use this flow:

        1. Locate the file that manages your basic product page content and settings. This is usually called product.liquid or main-product.liquid.
        2. Copy and paste the Yotpo script under the last line of code.
        3. Paste the Q&A code snippet into your site code.
        4. Click Done.

        Customization options

        Q&A placement

        Define where you want to display Q&A on your store.

        This option is available in the General Settings of your Q&A widget.

        Q&A placementChoose whether you want Q&A to display:- In the first tab of your Reviews Widget- In the second tab of your Reviews Widget- In a new, separate widget

        Colors & style

        Define the colors, fonts, and other look and feel settings for your widget.

        These options are available in the General Settings of your Q&A widget.

        Primary colorThe color used for the aggregated tab names, “Ask a question” button, and shopper status
        TextThe color used for the title, shopper names, avatars, and pagination
        BackgroundThe background color of the Q&A widget on the product page in your website

        Widget header

        Define the headline text and summary text.

        These options are available in the Widget Header settings of your Q&A widget.

        Headline textWhen on, displays a header at the top of the Q&A widgetDefault: On
        TextThe text that is displayed at the top of the Q&A widgetDefault: Questions & Answers
        Widget summaryThe text that is displayed under the headlineDefault: {answered_questions_count} answered questions


        Define the display settings for your questions and answers.
        These options are available in the Questions settings of your Q&A widget.

        AvatarWhen on, displays the shopper avatarDefault: OnNote: The shopper name is the name provided by the user the first time they ask a question or leave a review. Even if that same user later changes the name associated with their email account, the initial name will continue to be applied to all future interactions.
        Name formatChoose to display either the shopper’s first name and initial, or their initials only. Default: First name + initial
        DateWhen on, displays the date the review was submitted. Default: On
        Date formatThe date formatDefault: DD/MM/YY
        Store answer titleThe title displayed above any answers you submit. Default: Store Owner
        Email customizationWe’ll send email notifications to shoppers on your behalf in the following situations:
        • Notify a shopper that an answer was submitted for a question they asked
        • Notify a customer that somebody asked a question about a product they purchased in the past
        To customize these emails, click Go to Q&A email settings.

        Empty state

        Define what your widget looks like before you’ve started displaying Q&A.

        These options are available in the Empty State settings of your Q&A widget.

        Empty StateWhen on, and you haven’t published any Q&A yet, displays text inviting shoppers to ask a question. Default: On
        Subtitle textThe body text of the empty state
        Button textThe button text of the empty state
        Button colorThe color of the button in the empty state

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