Adobe Commerce 2: Setting Up Yotpo Reviews Extension 4.0.0+

      Adobe Commerce 2: Setting Up Yotpo Reviews Extension 4.0.0+

        Article summary


        Supported plans

        Free, Starter, Pro, Premium, Enterprise

        eCommerce Platform

        Adobe Commerce (Magento)

        Follow the steps below to configure the extension for Yotpo Reviews.

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        Enabling the Yotpo module

        Start by enabling the Yotpo module. 

        We’ve defined some default settings. You may want to customize them on your store before you activate the extension.

        To enable the Yotpo module, do the following:

        1. Log into your Adobe Commerce 2 account.
        2. Click Stores > Configuration.
        3. From the Store View dropdown, select the relevant store view.
        4. From the menu on the left, select Yotpo.
        5. Click Yotpo Configuration.
        6. Next to Enable Yotpo, select Yes. 
        7. Enter your app key and secret key. Not sure how to find them? Refer to our help center.
        8. If you want to keep the default order sync settings, click Save config. All of your orders will be synced to Yotpo. If you want to make changes, update your Order sync settings before saving.
        If you’re new to Yotpo Reviews:

        Setting up your widgets

        To set up the widgets through the extension: 

        1. In your Adobe Commerce admin, go to Stores > Configuration.
        2. From the Store View dropdown, select the relevant store view.
        3. From the menu on the left, select Yotpo.
        4. Click Yotpo Configuration.
        5. Expand the Reviews Widgets menu and select Yes for the Enable V3 Widgetsfield. Choose which Yotpo widgets you'd like to appear on your storefront. These include:
        • If you already have Yotpo widgets installed on your site, click the Sync Widgets V3 instances button. This will migrate all the relevant user-generated content from the old widget version to the new one
        • To customize your widgets, go to the Display Reviews section of Yotpo Reviews
        • If you'd like to manually add the widgets to your site, click here

        Defining your sync settings

        Enable the sync to keep your Yotpo backend up-to-date with your store activity. You can configure the initial order sync date, control all sync processes, and see their last sync time.


        When the Yotpo module is enabled, your orders are automatically pushed from Adobe Commerce to Yotpo.

        The following settings are available:

        Orders syncDescription

        Enable sync

        By default, your orders are synced from Adobe Commerce to Yotpo. 

        If you want to pause the sync to Yotpo, change it to “No”. 

        Changing this back to “Yes” will sync all missing orders in Yotpo.

        Last sync (read-only) (available only in Store View)

        The date and time your orders were last successfully synced in a scheduled or real-time sync.

        Total orders synced (read-only)

        The total number of orders synced to Yotpo.

        Sync orders since

        This setting allows you to sync your past orders with Yopto to send automatic review requests.

        By default, this field contains no value and will sync all historical orders. To set a specific date, enter it in the field.

        Real-time sync

        When set to “No”, orders will sync only by cron job according to the frequency settings.

        Frequency (available only in Default Config)

        The time and frequency that your orders will sync with Yotpo. The timezone will match the timezone of your store.

        Format: Cron

        Default: */2 * * * * (Every 2 minutes)


        The batch limit of orders to sync on each cron job.

        Download logs (link)

        A shortcut link to download the API logs.

        Mapping your order statuses

        Whenever a shopper places an order, this order is sent to Yotpo and then updated as it progresses through the order life cycle. You can define how the status of your orders in your store is mapped to the status of your orders in Yotpo.

        Review request emails

        Review request emails are sent only for fulfilled orders with the “Order Fulfilled” status. The status becomes fulfilled when the order is shipped. 

        If you've recently upgraded your extension, you may want to reduce the previous default for sending a review request from 30 to 14 days, as previously emails were sent based on the order date and not the shipping date.

        To map order statuses, do the following:

        1. Expand the Orders menu and scroll to the section where you can map your order statuses.
        2. Select the relevant Yotpo order status or keep the default settings.
        Yotpo StatusDescription

        Order created

        The order was created on your store. No items were fulfilled yet.

        Order fulfilled

        The order was completed. All items are fulfilled.

        Order cancelled

        The order was cancelled.


        Enable catalog sync to automatically push updates from your Adobe Commerce product catalog straight to your Yotpo product catalog.

        The following settings are available:

        Catalog syncDescription

        Enable sync

        By default, your catalog is not synced to Yotpo.

        Turn on the sync if you want to do any of the following:

        • Add custom attributes such as product group or unique identifiers
        • Use retail syndication or show reviews in Google Shopping ads

        Last sync (read-only) (available only in Store View)

        The date and time your catalog was last successfully synced

        Frequency (available only in Default Config)

        The time and frequency that your catalog will sync with Yotpo. The timezone will match the timezone of your store.

        Format: Cron

        Default: */2 * * * * (Every 2 minutes)

        Batch limit

        The batch limit of items to sync on each cron job.

        Download logs (link)

        A shortcut link to download the API logs.

        Managing your product catalog

        Please note:
        Products set to "Not visible individually" will not be synced to your Yotpo catalog.

        Enrich the product information you want to be updated in your Yotpo store. 

        To manage what product information you send to Yotpo, do the following:

        1. Expand the Catalog menu and scroll to the section where you can map your custom attributes.
        2. Select the product attributes you want to send. Make sure the selected attribute matches the required type. If you need to add attributes to your catalog, see Adding new attributes to the catalog below.

        Product groups


        Groups of related products

        Review form tags


        Tags used in Custom Questions



        A list of products you don't want to generate reviews for.

        Product Identifiers


        Unique identifiers such as Universal Product Code (UPC), International Standard Book Number (ISBN), Brand name, and Manufacturer Part Number (MPN)

        • Not all attributes are available on all plans. See plans
        • Merchants that already keep their catalog updated with Yotpo via API calls or manually via CSV - if you don’t select any attribute to map, no changes will be made on Yotpo. Once you select a product attribute, it will be synced to Yotpo. Therefore, we recommend you update your Adobe Commerce catalog before configuring attributes.

        Adding new attributes to the catalog

        You can send additional attributes to Yotpo by adding them to your catalog. The procedure involves 4 steps:

        1. Creating a new attribute
        2. Assigning it to the relevant attribute sets
        3. Assigning attributes to Products (manually or using bulk import)
        4. (Post-installation) Selecting the product attributes you want to send 
        1. Create a new attribute for grouping products
        1. Add a new attribute in Adobe Commerce 2. Click here to learn how
        2. Give the attribute a name and define the type, for example, Name: Yotpo group Type: Text field Note: There is no need for Advanced Attribute Properties.
        3. Save the attribute.
        2. Assign to the attribute set
        1. Assign to the attribute set in Adobe Commerce 2. Click here to learn how
        2. Select the relevant set name (example: “bags”)
        3. Drag attributes from Unassigned Attributes on the right to the left column under Product Details.
        4. Do the same for all (relevant) Attribute sets.
        3.1 Assign the attribute to products in your catalog (manual method)
        1. Go to Catalog > Products.
        2. Filter the list of products into 1 group.
        3. Select all (top-left checkbox).
        4. From Actions, choose Update Attributes.
        5. Repeat for all groups.
        3.2 Assign the attribute to products in your catalog (bulk import)
        1. Export the catalog to a CSV file. Go to System > Export, Entity type = Products. Learn how
        2. Edit the file. Add a column with the new attribute. Make sure the column name is the Attribute code (example: yotpo_group).
        3. Fill in the column with group names.
        4. Save the file as CSV and importit back to the catalog:
          1. Go to System > Import
          2. Entity type: Products
          3. Import behavior: Add/Update
          4. Choose file
          5. Check data
          6. Import
        4. Create a new attribute for blocklisting products
        1. Add a new attribute in Adobe Commerce 2. Click here to learn how
        2. Give the attribute a name and define the type, for example:
          1. Name: Blocklist for review (Yotpo)
          2. Type: Yes/No (the scope can be global or any other)
        3. Save the attribute
        Please note:

        Groups and Tag names 

        In Yotpo, a valid Group name is limited to 100 characters and supports only lowercase alphanumeric characters (a...z, 0...9) and the "_" and "-".

        A valid Tag name is limited to 255 characters and cannot contain commas.

        You do not have to use these validation rules. The extension will make sure the values are normalized before they are sent to Yotpo. 

        You may notice the changes in values if you export the catalog (for example, spaces will be replaced with an underscore, special characters with a dash, and long inputs may be trimmed).

        4. Select the product attributes you want to send

        See step 2 in Managing your product catalog

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