Analyzing Customer Segments

      Analyzing Customer Segments

        Article summary



        SMS & Email

        Loyalty & Referrals

        Visual UGC


        Supported plans

        Premium, Enterprise

        eCommerce Platform

        Shopify, Shopify Plus

        The Customer Segments Analysis is an extension of the Retention Dashboard. It helps you gain a better understanding of your customers by allowing you to view specific customer segments. For example, you can identify your ‘best’ customers, their common characteristics, and how this impacts their purchase behavior. You can then use this information and take action to get more customers into this top segment.

        In this article, you’ll learn how to use your Customer Segments Analysis to view different customer segments.

        How it works

        By default, the view shows information about all your customers. You can view and learn more about specific customers by adding filters from the right-hand menu.

        The view will immediately show data according to the filters you’ve chosen. The data will change with each added or removed filter.

        These filters help you learn more about a specific segment of customers.

        You can view different timeframes when analyzing customer segments. When updating the timeframe on the top right corner, the view will show the total number of customers who made at least 1 purchase in the selected timeframe.

        Filters overview

        The filters allow you to deep dive into your customer data and thoroughly analyze how they interact with different Yotpo products.

        The filters include:

        Placed an order

        You can choose the timeframe for the data. It’s important to note how the ‘Placed an order’ filter is affected by the timeframe.

        For example, if you select ‘Last 30 days’ as the timeframe in combination with:

        • 1 order filter - The board will show customer data for customers who made a single purchase within the last 30 days and made no additional purchases in the last 12 months

        • 2 orders filter -  The board will show customer data for customers who made a purchase within the last 30 days and 1 additional purchase in total in the last 12 months

        • 3 orders filter -  The board will show customer data for customers who made a purchase within the last 30 days and made at least 2 additional purchases in total in the last 12 months

        Engagement level with SMS marketing

        This refers to the customer’s engagement level with SMS marketing. This includes the following related segments:

        • Not subscribed - Customers who have never subscribed to SMS

        • New subscriber - Customers who haven’t received enough messages to determine engagement

        • Unsubscribed from SMS - Customers who unsubscribed from SMS

        • Not engaged - Customers who received SMS messages but didn’t click on any links

        • Engaged - Customers who open links from some of the messages, with some resulting in a purchase

        • Highly engaged - Customers who open the link from almost every message received, with some resulting in a purchase

        Reviews brand affection

        This refers to the connection a customer feels with your brand, based on their reviews and star rating. This includes the following related segments:

        • Never reviewed - Customers who have never submitted a review

        • Won't buy again - Customers who wrote a very negative review that indicates that they won't buy again

        • Dissatisfied- Customers who wrote a negative review due to a resolvable issue, and can still be won back

        • Positive - Customers who wrote a review that indicated positive sentiment, but were not overly enthusiastic

        • Advocate - Customers who wrote very positive and informative reviews expressing intent for further engagement 

        Likely to buy again

        This refers to the likelihood of the customer making a purchase within the next 90 days, based on predictive analysis. This includes the following related segments:

        • Insufficient data - We don't know enough about these customers

        • Unlikely - Customers who are unlikely to buy again

        • Somewhat likely - Customers who might buy again

        • Very likely - Customers who have a high chance of buying again

        Creating segments and campaigns

        You can save and add the newly created customer segment to your Yotpo SMS & Email Lists & Segments section. 

        To learn more, go to Lists & Segments in Yotpo SMS & Email.

        Additionally, you can send a campaign to the segment you’re viewing to boost sales or engagement. 

        To learn more about campaigns, go to How to Run a Successful Text Marketing Campaign and  Creating an Email Marketing Campaign

        Key metrics overview

        At the bottom of the board, you will find the key metrics that change dynamically according to your chosen filters. 

        The metrics include:

        Average sales 

        Total sales divided by the number of customers in the selected date range.

        The total monetary sum made from orders completed by a specific segment, divided by the number of customers in that same segment.

        Let's look at an example where the selected date range is the past 30 days:

        If the “SMS: Engaged” segment made $1000 worth of orders within the last 30 days, and in that segment, there are 50 customers, your average sales for the 30-day time range will stand at $20. This means that, on average, customers in the segment spent $20 in your store within the last 30 days. 

        Average orders

        Total number of orders divided by number of customers in the selected date range.

        The total number of orders made by customers in the created segment, divided by the number of customers in the same segment.

        Let's look at an example where the selected date range is the past 30 days:

        If the “SMS: Engaged” segment made 55 orders within the last 30 days, and in that segment, there are 50 customers, your average number of orders for the 30-day time range will stand at 1.1 orders per customer. This means that, on average, customers in the segment made around 1.1 orders in your store within the last 30 days. 

        Average order value

        This shows how much money was spent on average by a customer in the segment during the selected date range.

        Let's look at an example where the selected date range is the past 30 days:

        If the “SMS: Engaged” segment made $1,000 worth of orders within the last 30 days, and in that segment, there are 50 customers, then your average order value for the 30-day time range will stand at $20. 

        This means that in the last 30 days, customers in the segment spent $20 on average for a single order.

        Average time between orders

        This is the sum of the number of days between each order in the selected timeframe and up to 12 months prior, divided by the total number of orders in the selected date range.

        Let's look at an example where the selected date range is the past 30 days and at a specific customer:

        Customer A placed 3 orders with your store:

        • The first order was on the 1st of February

        • The second order was on the 20th of August  

        • The third order was on the 5th of September

        If we are looking at a 30-day time frame from mid-August to mid-September, The calculation of days between orders will include the last 2 purchases and look like this:

        • Second order ‘days between orders’ value will stand at 111 days, as we count the days from the purchase made prior to this one (1st of February to 20th of August )

        • Third order ‘time between orders’ value will stand at 16 days, as we count the days from the purchase made prior to this one (20th of August to 5th of September )

        In the timeframe we are looking at, only 2 orders were made. The final calculation will be (111+16)/2 = 59.25 Days on average between orders for this segment in the last 30 days.

        Please note:

        If the shopper only had one order, the order will be disregarded from the calculation.

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