Customer Fields - Yotpo SMS & Email Integration Guide via Zapier

      Customer Fields - Yotpo SMS & Email Integration Guide via Zapier

        Article summary


        SMS & Email

        Supported plans

        Free, Starter, Pro, Premium, Enterprise

        eCommerce Platform

        Shopify, Shopify Plus

        The Yotpo-Customer Fields integration via Zapier allows you to automate and streamline data from Customer Fields to Yotpo.

        You can use this integration to pass the following data into Yotpo:

        • Update customers in Yotpo with data collected in Customer Fields

        • Use form-submission events from Customer Fields to trigger SMS or email campaigns or flows in Yotpo

        In this article, you’ll learn how to set up the integration to enrich customer profiles in Yotpo and trigger SMS and email flows.

        About Customer Fields

        Customer Fields is a powerful app designed for Shopify, allowing merchants to collect, store, and utilize unique customer data to enhance their online store's performance. By providing customizable forms, Customer Fields enables businesses to gather detailed information from customers beyond the standard checkout or signup fields. This can include preferences, interests, and other relevant data that help in personalizing the shopping experience.

        Before you start

        Before configuring this integration between Yotpo and Customer Fields, please make sure that:

        • Your Shopify store has the Helium Customer Fields app installed. To install the app, go to Shopify’s app store.

        • You have integrated your Yotpo account with Zapier. To learn more about connecting Zapier and Yotpo, see the Zapier integration guide.

        Using a Zap template

        Zap templates are pre-configured workflows that connect two or more apps. For example, a pre-made Zap can connect your Gmail account to your Trello project management tool, automatically creating a new Trello card every time you receive a new email. To learn more about Zap templates, see the Zapier Platform Docs.

        Use the template below to create a flow that easily connects Yotpo to the service of your choice:

        Creating or updating Yotpo customers using ״form submitted״ in Customer Fields

        1. In your Zapier account, click Create a Zap and give it a title. To learn more about creating Zaps, see Zapier’s help center.

        2. Under the Trigger:

          1. Search for Customer Fields and select the New Form Submission event.

          2. Click Continue.

          3. In the Account dropdown, choose the relevant Customer Fields account to connect to if one isn’t already connected.

          4. Click Continue and select the relevant form on Customer Fields.

          5. Click Continue and test your connection to Customer Fields by finding a recent submission in your Customer Fields account to confirm your trigger is set up correctly in Zapier.

        3. Under Action:

          1. Select Yotpo as the destination app and Update Customer Profile Properties in Yotpo as the action.

          2. Click Continue.

          3. In the Account dropdown, choose the relevant Yotpo account to connect to, if one isn’t already connected.

        4. Fill out the following details:

        • Customer Identifier: Choose either phone or email. This is required to relate the customer and event attributes to the relevant customer entity. In our example, we’ll use the email address.

        • Email Address: The Customer Fields property relating to the customer’s email address

        • Custom Properties: You can add any information you’d like to aggregate in the Yotpo customer profile:

        5. Click Continue and test your Zap to ensure that it works properly. A successful connection should look like this:

        6. Click Publish to complete the setup.

        Creating a custom event in Yotpo using ״form submitted״ in Customer Fields

        1. In your Zapier account, click Create a Zap and give it a title. To learn more about creating Zaps, see Zapier’s help center.

        2. Under the Trigger:

          1. Search for Customer Fields and select the New Form Submission event.

          2. Click Continue.

          3. In the Account dropdown, choose the relevant Customer Fields account to connect to, if one isn’t already connected.

          4. Click Continue and select the relevant form on Customer Fields.

          5. Click Continue and test your connection to Customer Fields by finding a recent submission in your Customer Fields account to confirm your trigger is set up correctly in Zapier.

        3. Under Action:

          1. Select Yotpo as the destination app and Create Custom Customer Event in Yotpo as the action.

          2. Click Continue.

          3. In the Account dropdown, choose the relevant Yotpo account to connect to, if one isn’t already connected.

        4. Fill out the form:

        Form field


        Customer Identifier

        Choose either phone or email. This is required to relate the customer and event attributes to the relevant customer entity. In our example, we’ll use the email address.

        Email Address

        The Customer Fields property relating to the customer’s email address

        Event Source

        Fill in the name of the event source. For example, customer_fields_zap. The name should reflect the origin of the event.

        You’ll see this information when you go to your Yotpo Customer timeline.

        Event Type

        The type of event that took place. For example, new_form_submission.

        External Event ID

        This allows Yotpo to identify the specific event. For example, ID (Submission Token).

        This event identifier has to be unique. If you use the same event ID more than once, the system will not register the new event since it isn’t recognized as a new event but rather an existing one.

        Please note:

        The external event ID should be unique for every event sent. Sending the same external event ID more than once will lead to ignoring the later events. We suggest using the combination of the Customer Fields form ID and the email address of the customer who filled out the form. For example: "", where xyziK2a represents the form ID and represents the email address of the customer.

        Event Properties

        The specific properties relating to the event, for example, submitted_form_id, and insert the Form ID data field. This shows exactly which form was submitted.

        5. Click Continue and test your Zap to ensure that it works properly. A successful connection should look like this:

        6. Click Publish to complete the setup.

        Creating or updating Yotpo customers using ״new customer״ in Customer Fields

        1. In your Zapier account, click Create a Zap and give it a title. To learn more about creating Zaps, see Zapier’s help center.

        2. Under the Trigger:

          1. Search for Customer Fields and select the New Customer event.

          2. Click Continue.

          3. In the Account dropdown, choose the relevant Customer Fields account to connect to, if one isn’t already connected.

          4. Click Continue and test your connection to Customer Fields by finding a recent customer event in your Customer Fields account to confirm your trigger is set up correctly in Zapier.

        3. Under Action:

          1. Select Yotpo as the destination app and Update Customer Profile Properties in Yotpo as the action.

          2. Click Continue.

          3. In the Account dropdown, choose the relevant Yotpo account to connect to, if one isn’t already connected.

        4. Fill out the following details:

          • Customer Identifier: Choose either phone or email. This is required to relate the customer and event attributes to the relevant customer entity. In our example, we’ll use the email address.

          • Email Address: The Customer Fields property relating to the customer’s email address

          • Custom Properties: You can add any information you’d like to aggregate in the Yotpo customer profile:

        5. Click Continue and test your Zap to ensure that it works properly. A successful connection should look like this:

        6. Click Publish to complete the setup.

        Creating or updating Yotpo customers using ״update customer״ in Customer Fields

        1. In your Zapier account, click Create a Zap and give it a title. To learn more about creating Zaps, see Zapier’s help center.

        2. Under the Trigger:

          1. Search for Customer Fields and select the Updated Customer event.

          2. Click Continue.

          3. In the Account dropdown, choose the relevant Customer Fields account to connect to if one isn’t already connected.

          4. Click Continue and test your connection to Customer Fields by finding a recently updated customer event in your Customer Fields account to confirm your trigger is set up correctly in Zapier.

        3. Under Action:

          1. Select Yotpo as the destination app and Update Customer Profile Properties in Yotpo as the action.

          2. Click Continue.

          3. In the Account dropdown, choose the relevant Yotpo account to connect to, if one isn’t already connected.

        4. Fill out the following details:

          • Customer Identifier: Choose either phone or email. This is required to relate the customer and event attributes to the relevant customer entity. In our example, we’ll use the email address.

          • Email Address: The Customer Fields property relating to the customer’s email address

          • Custom Properties: You can add any information you’d like to aggregate in the Yotpo customer profile:

        5. Click Continue and test your Zap to ensure that it works properly. A successful connection should look like this:

        6. Click Publish to complete the setup.

        Next steps

        Once you’ve added your Zaps, you can go ahead and do the following:

        1. Segmentation tool in SMS & Email - Use the collected properties to create segments of customers for more precise targeting for your campaigns.

        2. Campaigns- Set up email or SMS campaigns for your new customers.

          1. To learn more about setting up SMS campaigns in Yotpo, see Setting up SMS Campaigns

          2. To learn more about setting up email campaigns in Yotpo, see Setting up Email Campaigns

        3. Flows - Create SMS and Email flows by using custom triggers. To learn more about customer triggers, see Managing and Using Custom Triggers to Activate SMS & Email Flows

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