Customization Services FAQ

      Customization Services FAQ

        Article summary


        Supported plans

        Premium, Enterprise

        eCommerce Platform


        Yotpo's customization services include specialized customizations and front-end design of Yotpo-powered emails, on-site widgets, and landing pages. Refer to the FAQ below to get answers to frequently asked questions about customizations to on-site widgets, email templates, and landing pages. 

        On-Site Widgets

        What kind of on-site customizations does Yotpo support?

        Yotpo's on-site widget customization services offer support for visual CSS customizations only. Modifications or enhancements to core product functionality and customization of on-site HTML and Javascript elements are not supported.

        Can Yotpo help me create an infinite scroll/lazy loading reviews widget?

        Infinite scroll/lazy loading is currently unsupported out of the box for Yotpo's Reviews Widget. As such, customizations can only be made to a paginated Reviews Widget. 

        If you've built a custom Reviews Widget using Yotpo's API, a carousel-style widget layout can be implemented.

        Can I change the order and location of custom questions within the Reviews Widget?

        Custom Questions are grouped within the Reviews Widget container according to the question and answer type. For example, product or customer-related questions and single choice/multiple choice/free text answers are grouped together. As such, it is not possible to modify their location within the widget. 

        Can I change the display of the review date?

        The review date within the Reviews Widget can be communicated as DD/MM/YY, MM/DD/YY, or YYYY-MM-DD.

        Can I display the star rating distribution and fit indicator in the Reviews Widget header?

        Currently, the Reviews Widget does not support the star rating distribution and fit indicator in the header. We look forward to supporting this functionality in a future release.

        Please note:
        In order to implement customizations to on-site widgets and assets, Yotpo's customization services require a staging environment/sandbox where customizations can be built and tested without immediately affecting your live site.


        What kind of email customizations does Yotpo support?

        Our customization team can help you make customizations to the HTML and CSS of your Yotpo email templates including the addition of buttons, text, styles, and image. Javascript elements within emails are not supported. 

        Can I customize the appearance of the star rating selector within review request emails?

        Stars in review request email must be selected either by radio buttons, or links to the review landing page. Autofilled stars are not supported

        Can I use custom fonts in email templates?

        Custom fonts in email templates are indeed supported. To include custom fonts in your template, make sure to provide Yotpo with the desired fonts in WOFF 2.0 format.

        Note that some email customizations including custom fonts are not supported by certain email clients. Gmail and a few other email clients only offer support for web-safe fonts. Due to Microsoft Outlooks limited CSS capabilities, emails may not be rendered ideally when opened from the Outlook email client.

        Can I display larger images of promoted products?

        Currently, images in the Promoted Products section can not be displayed in a larger size. 

        Landing Pages

        What kind of landing page customizations does Yotpo support?

        Yotpo supports customizations to landing page HTML and CSS. Customizations to landing page Javascript are currently not supported. 

        Can I use custom fonts in landing pages?

        The use of custom fonts within landing pages is indeed supported. To include custom fonts in landing pages, make sure to provide Yotpo with the desired fonts in WOFF 2.0 format.

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