Emails Dashboard - FAQ

      Emails Dashboard - FAQ

        Article Summary


        Supported plans

        Free, Starter, Pro, Premium, Enterprise

        eCommerce Platform

        Shopify, Shopify Plus, Adobe Commerce (Magento), BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Volusion, Salesforce Commerce Cloud, Custom

        Have a question about your Emails Dashboard?

        Below you'll find several Frequently Asked Questions about common email analytics and dashboard issues and their related answers.

        If you haven't already checked out the Emails Dashboard article, we recommend reviewing it here.


        Why don't my Reminder Email numbers seem to make sense?

        There may be cases where numbers attributed to reminder emails may seem illogical.

        Take, for example, a scenario where Reminder Email #2 is sent more than Reminder Email #1.

        This may occur due to various anti-spam rules created by Yotpo to help protect your shoppers from receiving too many emails.

        These rules include limits on review request emails sent to the same customer within five days of the previous email. In this case, we recommend increasing the number of days the email is sent after purchase. For more information on anti-spam rules and limitations, contact Yotpo Support.

        You can read more about Yotpo email policies here

        What does "Arrived Early" mean?

        'Arrived Early' means that the email arrived before the product was shipped to your customer.

        Review request emails include a footer that allows shoppers to notify you if the review request email arrived before the product.

        The 'Arrived Early' number you see represents the percentage of email recipients that clicked the link. You can generate a report to view a detailed list of the email recipients who clicked this link.

        Can I get a list of all users that Unsubscribed/ Clicked /Arrived Early/ Failed, etc. ?

        Yes! When generating a report, you'll be able to see that the report is comprised of dedicated rows and columns representing an individual email address per customer and various metrics or errors, respectively.

        If a cell contains a timestamp, it indicates that the event or metric listed in the column header occurred at the time and date specified in the timestamp for the customer listed in that row. 

        If the cell is empty, the event or metric is not applicable.

        For example, in the 'Arrived Early' column, the date and time would indicate the exact date and time at which the email recipient clicked on that link. You can filter the export file to display only the fields which contain date stamps to find relevant users for a specific field.

        What does "Email Failed" mean?

        The number of undelivered emails. Failure to deliver an email can occur if the recipient's mailbox is full (over quota), the recipient email server is down or offline, the email message is too large, triggered a spam filter, etc. If you see a consistent rate of failure, consider updating the email's text to avoid spam filters.

        What does the 'Group' button do in Manual Emails?

        By default, Manual Review Request emails are grouped and show an aggregation of all emails. 

        However, you can ungroup emails to see a drill-down of each email by email subject making it easy to A/B test two emails and differentiate between them by the subject line. 

        For example, if you've manually sent out different email batches by different subject lines, un-grouping emails will allow you to see individual performance metrics for each respective batch.

        How long does it take for email data to appear in my Emails Dashboard?
        • The visual dashboard is updated once every 24 hours, however, exported data will be up to date

        Troubleshooting and Best Practices

        Still have questions? Check out the articles below to troubleshoot scenarios affecting reviews generation or read more about how to get more customer reviews.  

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