Adding a Link to Manage Subscriptions From Your Shopify Order Status Page

      Adding a Link to Manage Subscriptions From Your Shopify Order Status Page

        Article summary


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        Pro, Premium

        eCommerce Platform

        Shopify, Shopify Plus

        Increase engagement with your subscribing customers, and allow them to manage their subscription right from the very first moment of purchase by adding a manage subscriptions link to your Shopify order status page.

        In this article, you'll learn how to add the manage subscriptions link to your Shopify order status page with just a few easy steps.

        How does it work? 

        The manage subscriptions link will take your customers to your account page in Shopify, where they’ll see their recently purchased subscription, and any previous subscriptions they have with you.

        Before you start 

        • You need to have at least one subscription offer that’s live on your store. If you haven’t launched any subscriptions yet, you need to complete the Yotpo Subscriptions initial setup.

        • You need to make sure your customers’ subscription information appears in your account page in Shopify, you need to make sure your account page login link is enabled in Shopify.

          To enable your Shopify account page login link:

          1. Log in to your Shopify account.
          2. From your Shopify main menu, go to Settings >  Customer accounts.
          3. In the Accounts in online store and checkout section, click Edit.
          4. Check the Show login link in the header of online store and at checkout box.

        To add the manage subscriptions link to your order status page:

        1. Log in to your Shopify account. 
        2. From your Shopify main menu, go to Settings > Checkout.
        3. Scroll down to the Order status page section.
        4. Copy the following script to your clipboard.

          <script> if (Shopify && Shopify.Checkout.hasSellingPlan) {Shopify.Checkout.OrderStatus.addContentBox(`<strong>You’ve signed up for a recurring subscription</strong><br><br><p>Your order contains a recurring subscription product. You can <a href="https://${}/account?view=subscriptions#/">view and manage your subscription </a> anytime from your Shopify customer account.</p></div>`)}</script>
        5. Paste the script into the Additional scripts box.

          Please note:
          You can type in the Additional scripts box to edit the content to fit your brand and needs. 
          Learn more about additional scripts in the Shopify Help Center.

          5. Click Save.
          6. Complete a test order to view your updated order status page.

          Customers will now be able to click on the link to get to their account page on your store in two ways: 
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