Importing Reviews with Yotpo Support
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    Importing Reviews with Yotpo Support

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    Article summary



    Supported plans

    Pro, Premium, Enterprise

    eCommerce Platform

    Shopify, Shopify Plus, Adobe Commerce (Magento), BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Volusion, Salesforce Commerce Cloud, Custom

    Import your existing reviews to Yotpo with the help of the Yotpo support team.

    Use this workflow if all the following apply:

    • Your current eCommerce platform is not Shopify, or you’re using Shopify and a Premium or Enterprise Yotpo Reviews plan

    • You want to import product and/or site reviews you collected outside of Yotpo

    If the above doesn't apply to you

    See Importing Reviews through the Yotpo Interface

    Please note:

    Free and monthly Yotpo plans are limited to a certain number of imports per account:

    • Free - 1 import

    • Monthly - 5 imports

    • Annual - Unlimited review imports

    Legal disclaimer

    When creating this import request, you re-affirm the representations, warranties, and covenants relating to all Imported Reviews following the Terms of Service in effect between Yotpo and you. Without limiting the foregoing, you hereby represent, warrant, and covenant that:

    1. The reviews and ratings that you import are and at all times will be bona fide reviews submitted to you by actual customers

    2. To the best of your knowledge, the information included within the imported reviews, including without limitation, customer email address, review rating, and review date, is accurate,

    3. You are using Yotpo's import feature to capture all bona fide reviews of which you are or reasonably should be aware and legally have the rights to use

    4. You will not otherwise use Yotpo's import feature for any deceptive purposes, including without limitation, to alter your average review score.

    Failure to comply with the foregoing terms shall constitute a material breach of the Terms of Service and may result in the termination of your Yotpo account

    Importing reviews directly from your platform

    If you're using a native reviews solution for one of the following platforms, there's no need to create an import file.

    Simply follow the relevant guide to easily import your reviews into your Yotpo account:


    Follow the instructions in the Shopify help center.


    You can import reviews directly from BigCommerce native reviews app. The import process is done via BigCommerce API, so there is no need to export or manually handle files.

    To import the reviews you'll first need to install the BigCommerce native reviews app and Yotpo Reviews on your store:

    Once you're done, submit a support ticket with the following text:

    Please import my Bigcommerce reviews into Yotpo.  Send me a file with the data from BigCommerce to review before importing - Yes / No  Apply Verified Buyer badge - Yes / No  Thank You.

    please note:

    Since BigCommerce reviews don't fully match Yotpo's format, certain types of data may be modified or lost.

    Known Yotpo-BigCommerce format mismatches/limitations:

    • Reviews with no content - Review will not be imported

    • Reviews with no title - The title will be imported with the first 4 words of the content

    • Reviews without a user display name - These reviews will be imported as "Anonymous"

    • Reviews will be imported by default with an "Anonymous" badge. If you are importing reviews by Verified Buyers, please be sure to mention it in your ticket

    Please note:

    Since BigCommerce does not require a product image, products may be imported into Yotpo without an image. If you want to associate images with such reviews please let us know through the ticket. Some of our features utilize product images and we strongly recommend adding them.


    1. Log into the Yotpo plugin within your WordPress admin.

    2. Click Export Reviews in the bottom left-hand corner of the Yotpo plugin.

    3. Once you have exported your reviews, send the files to  Yotpo Support via the online support form, and Yotpo will import the reviews for you.

    If you are unable to export your Yotpo reviews using this process, please open the following page in your Woocommerce FTP:


    Change the following in line 130:

    $current_review['product_description'] = $this->cleanContent($product_instance->get_post_data()->post_excerpt); into this line: $current_review['product_description'] = $this->cleanContent(get_post($value->product_id)->post_excerpt);

    Try exporting the reviews again as you did before.


    Exporting reviews:

    1. From the header options, choose Inventory and click Import/Export.

    2. Click Standard Export.

    3. Choose Export from Reviews.

    4. Click Check All.

    5. Choose CSV as the file format.

    6. Click Export.

    7. Download the file.

    Exporting product information:

    1. From the same screen, choose Export from Products.

    2. Make sure to check the following fields:

      • ProductCode

      • ProductName

      • ProductDescription

      • ProductDescriptionShort

      • METATAG_Description

    3. From the Virtual Columns box, make sure to check the following fields:

      • ProductURL

      • PhotoURL

    4. Choose CSV as the file format.

    5. Click Export.

    6. Download the file.

    7. Use the online support form to send the files and Yotpo will import the reviews for you.

    Importing reviews using an import file

    If you’re not using a native review solution from one of the platforms listed above, you’ll need to prepare an import file. An import file is just a detailed inventory list of your reviews.

    Step 1: Prepare the import file

    To create the file, you’ll need a standard spreadsheet application (like Excel or Google Sheets) and the correct information for each review.

    Please note:

    If you have more than one Yotpo account, you'll need to create an import file for each account. Also, we cannot import the same review for more than one product. If you'd like to share reviews between products, we recommend using our Product Grouping feature.

    Step 2: Create the import file

    Download the relevant reviews template file and open it with your spreadsheet application of choice. The downloaded file contains an example of a filled-out review. Please make sure to erase it before sending us the file:

    Yotpo Product Reviews Import Template
    63.12 KB
    Yotpo Site Reviews Import Template
    18.94 KB

    Fill the template with the relevant data. For a breakdown of the downloaded template, including column names, explanations, and examples of data per column and whether this data is required or optional to import the review, refer to the file guidelines.

    Please note:

    By default, reviews are imported as “published” (will appear on the live site), but reviews can be imported as "unpublished" (will not appear on the live site). This can be achieved by adding a “published” column and setting it to true (= published) or false (= rejected).

    Step 3: Submit reviews for import

    Use the online support form to submit the file.

    Make sure of the following:

    • You review the legal disclaimer and include the message I accept Yotpo's Terms of service within the support form.

    • You specify the Yotpo account ID for which to import the reviews.

    Verifying reviews

    Our system draws information from the Reviews Widget installed on your shop in order to verify the file. Please install the Reviews Widget on your site for the reviews and product IDs to be verified properly. Yotpo Support will verify the reviews and contact you as soon as the reviews have been imported.

    Importing reviews from one Yotpo store to another

    As a certified Google partner, Yotpo's internal policies don't allow importing reviews from one store to another (as they might be counted as duplicated content) and require the use of syndication. This feature is available on selected Yotpo plans only. For more information please contact us via the online support form.

    Importing reviews with user-generated photos

    Yotpo’s advanced plans include the User Generated Photos feature, which allows you to import images uploaded by your reviewers.

    You can import up to three images per review.


    Photos must be authentic user-generated photos provided by shoppers along with their reviews. Official product photos from your store may be flagged by Google as inauthentic and could result in the suspension of your ratings feed. To add images to your import file, please fill in the following columns in the import file:

    Column name



    The URL of an image that has been published via the Moderation section of your Yotpo Admin.  Multiple images must be separated by semicolons without any spaces (";")


    The URL of an image that has not been published via the Moderation section of your Yotpo Admin. Multiple images must be separated by semicolons without any spaces (";")

    Importing reviews with custom review form questions

    1. Fill in the Custom Review Form data in the relevant column:

    Column Name


    Examples of Column Titles


    Y is the name of the form exactly as defined in the form.  X is the question's display title exactly as defined in the form.


    Or "cf_Form Name__Display Title"


    The column title is both case-sensitive (where only the first letter of Y and X can be capitalized) and space-sensitive.

    If your form name and display title consist of more than one word, there should be space between the words as such: cf_Form Name__Display Title

    Filling in reviewers' answers to customer-related questions:

    The answer should be the actual raw text of the answer, exactly as defined in the form. A customer-related question can receive:

    Question Type



    Radio Buttons

    Single choice answers


    Multiple-choice answers

    Multiple answers must be separated by commas without any spaces (",")

    Free-text answers

    Free text with customizable min/max character limits

    Purchase Experience

    How would you describe your overall purchase experience?

    Filling in reviewers' answers to product-related questions:

    The answer should be a numerical value representing the answer (either 1 to 5, or 1 to 3), except for free text answers, which should be added exactly as written by the reviewer.

    A product-related question can receive:

    • Answers in the form of 1-5 rating

    • Answers relating to fit in 1-3 rating

    • Free-text answers (Free-text with customizable min/max character limits)

    1. Use the online support form to submit the file. Please make sure:

      • You specify the Yotpo account ID for which to import the reviews

      • Review the legal disclaimer and include the message I accept Yotpo's Terms of service within the support form

    For more information on Custom Review Forms, visit our Custom Review Forms guide.

    File guidelines

    Review the guidelines below to help you prepare your import file.

    Product review guidelines

    Column Name





    The product ID of the product on the store page.

    To learn how to find your product ID, refer to Finding Product IDs in Your E-Commerce Platform.

    The product ID may be shown as SKU in the file you export from your store platform. Please make sure you have the correct product ID in your import file.






    product_title (Required)

    The title/name of the product


    product_url (Required)

    The URL of the product on your store


    The date the review was written.

    Make sure the date format is consistent across the entire date column.

    The review date must be within the past 15 years and cannot be a date in the future.

    The recommended format isYYYY-MM-DD.Example: 2016-12-02


    The content of the review as written by the customer

    I just bought this T-shirt and I absolutely love the look!


    The star rating given by the customer (value between 1 and 5)


    review_title(Optional, but highly recommended)

    The title of the review as written by the customer. If the review does not have a title, Yotpo will use the first four words of the review's content as its title.

    My New T-shirt


    The email of the reviewer

    display_name  (Required)

    The name provided by the reviewer

    Mike Johnson


    The two-letter abbreviation of the reviewer country used in the Google Seller Feed. If not provided, the default value will be US.


    product_image_url(Optional, but highly recommended)

    The URL of the product image.

    This allows the review to display the product's image in the Reviews Carousel and when pushed to social media platforms.

    To find your product image URL: Right-click the product image while hovering over it and choose Copy image address. Then, paste the copied link into the corresponding box in your import file.


    The product description as it appears on your product page

    The best, coolest T-shirt ever made. Made of 100% cotton and 110% love.

    metaobject_handle (Shopify only)

    A Metaobject handle ID is a unique ID generated for a review in Shopify. The purpose of this field is to prevent duplicate reviews in Shopify Metaobjects. To learn more, see Shopify's help center


    Some reviews may have associated comments from the store owner, or other users. If you wish to import these comments, please fill out the following columns:

    Column Name





    The content of the comment associated with the review

    Hey Mike! Glad to hear you're enjoying your new T-shirt!



    The comment is public (true) or private (false)


    comment_created_at (Optional)

    The date the comment was created

    The recommended format is


    For example, 2016-12-02

    Make sure the date format is consistent across the entire date column.


    Only relevant to users with plans that include the User Generated Photos feature.

    Click here for more information on how to fill in these columns.


    Only relevant to users with plans that include the User Generated Photos feature.

    Click here for more information on how to fill in these columns.


    Only relevant to users with plans that include the User Generated Videos feature.

    Click here for more information on how to fill in these columns.


    Only relevant to users with plans that include the User Generated Videos feature.

    Click here for more information on how to fill in these columns.


    Only relevant to users with plans that include the Custom Reviews Form feature.

    Click here for more information on how to fill in these columns.

    Site review guidelines

    Column name




    The content of the review as written by the customer

    My package arrived super fast! Really happy with the shop!


    The date the review was written.

    Reviews submitted over 10 years ago will not be imported.

    The recommended format is YYYY-MM-DD.

    Example: 2016-12-02

    review_score (Required)

    The star rating given by the customer (value between 1 and 5)


    review_title(Optional, but highly recommended)

    The title of the review as written by the customer.

    If the review does not have a title, Yotpo will use the first four words from the review content as the title for that review.

    Amazing shipping


    The name provided by the reviewer

    Mike J.


    The email address of the reviewer

    Some reviews may have associated comments from the store owner, or from other users. If you want to import these comments, you’ll need to fill out these columns:

    Column Name



    comment_content (Optional)

    The content of the comment associated with the review

    Hey Mike! Glad to hear you're enjoying your new T-shirt!

    comment_public (Optional)

    The comment is public (true) or private (false)


    comment_created_at (Optional)

    The date the comment was created.

    Make sure the date format is consistent across the entire date column.

    The recommended format isYYYY-MM-DD.

    Example: 2016-12-02


    Only relevant to users with plans that include the User Generated Photos feature.

    Click here for more information on how to fill in these columns.


    Only relevant to users with plans that include the User Generated Photos feature.

    Click here for more information on how to fill in these columns.


    Only relevant to users with plans that include the Custom Reviews Form feature.

    Click here for more information on how to fill in these columns.


    The two-letter abbreviation of the reviewer country used in the Google Seller Feed.

    If not provided, the default value will be US.



    The comment is published (true) or not published (false)


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