Reviews Atlas Overview
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    Reviews Atlas Overview

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    1. Goals and Outcomes

    Reviews Atlas is a powerful insights tool that leverages Yotpo's industry expertise and extensive data from over 15,000 brands and 300 million reviews worldwide. It provides a comprehensive health score for your brand and its products by analyzing key review metrics such as quality, volume, recency, and customer engagement.

    Reviews Atlas empowers brands to benchmark their review performance against industry leaders and get actionable recommendations to optimize their review strategy.

    With Reviews Atlas, you can:

    • Increase conversion rates by improving user-generated content on product pages.

    • Boost customer retention through optimized review strategies.

    • Strengthen your brand’s reputation with actionable insights and data-driven recommendations.

    In this article, you’ll learn how to use Reviews Atlas to track review performance and improve its health score.

    2. Reviews Atlas Overview

    2.1. What It Does

    Reviews Atlas revolutionizes the way brands track their review performance by using in-house data science algorithms to establish industry benchmarks and outline recommendations to boost retention and conversion. You can access all data and insights in a user-friendly, interactive dashboard within Yotpo Insights > Reviews Atlas.

    Use the data to:

    • Benchmark your review performance against leading brands and industry averages.

    • Analyze trends in different reviews categories, such as quality, authenticity, and recency.

    • Identify low-performing areas or products and optimize them.

    • Identify strong areas and best-performing products.

    • Get actionable recommendations to improve scores.

    • Stay updated with notifications on score changes and new improvement opportunities.

    2.2. How It Works

    Performance scoring is calculated on a scale of 1 to 100 based on the brand and individual products in different categories (number of reviews, average star rating, reviews quality, reviews authenticity, and reviews recency) on multiple levels.

    For example, the Review quality score reflects the overall quality of your brand’s reviews, and we also show a breakdown of the elements that comprise it, e.g. review length, collected media, etc.

    There are five score intervals that indicate your review performance:

    • 0-29 (Room for improvement)

    • 30-59 (Fair)

    • 60-69 (Good)

    • 70-79 (Very Good)

    • 80-100 (Excellent)

    On a product level

    Each product will get an overall score between 0 and 100. That final score is defined by measuring five key components — quality, authenticity, recency, number of reviews, and average star rating — each weighted based on its importance to shoppers.

    To calculate the score, we will compare this product to similar products from other Yotpo customers within a similar industry, considering factors such as product name, product description, and order volume. The product is then assigned a score between 0 and 100 for each category. We’ll then use weighted calculations to aggregate the individual category scores into a single product score.

    So, for example, if the category weights were equal at 0.2, and a product received the following scores:

    • Quality: 81

    • Authenticity: 97

    • Recency: 79

    • Number of reviews: 90

    • Average star rating: 83

    The final product score would be 86.


    In this example, we’ve used equal weights for simplicity, but in actual calculations, each component has a different weight based on its impact on shopper decisions.

    On a brand level

    After calculating the product score for each category, we aggregate all individual product scores to generate a brand-level score per category. Products with higher order volumes contribute more to the overall category score. Finally, we combine all five category scores, applying their respective weights, to generate a single brand score using advanced data science methodologies.

    Trend analytics

    For the performance score and its individual categories, we track and display data changes over time using trend analytics. Trend metrics are calculated by comparing today’s data to 30 days ago. For example, if today is February 10th, we will compare it with January 11th data.

    Keep in mind that trend arrows will not be displayed if the change from the last 30 days is too small.

    2.3. Data Limitations

    The Reviews Atlas shows data based on the following limitations:

    • Data includes only active products: to keep your score and data true to your brand's current catalog and sales, we only take into account published reviews for products that were purchased at least once in the last 60 days.

    • Data includes only published reviews: reviews that are not published are assumed not to have an impact on your shoppers' reviews experience.

    • Data timeframe: Scores are based on all published reviews since your account was created and are updated daily to reflect your most current performance. While scores cannot be filtered by date, recent reviews carry more weight than older ones to ensure relevance.

    3. Understanding the Metrics

    3.1. Overview Tab

    Reviews Performance Score

    The Reviews Performance Score represents the overall performance of your reviews at the brand level. It is an aggregated score based on all product scores.

    This score is calculated using all-time published reviews for active products only. Active products are products that were purchased at least once in the last 60 days. Trend arrows reflect changes over the last 30 days. If there’s no trend arrow, the change is considered too small.

    The score reflects your reviews performance in 5 categories associated with the effectiveness of your reviews:

    • Number of reviews - The number of published site and product reviews.

    • Average star rating - The average star rating for published site and product reviews.

    • Review quality - This score is based on the length of your reviews, the number of images and videos, and the number of topics per review.

    • Review authenticity - This score is based on the number of verified reviews, non-incentivized reviews, and products with balanced rating.

    • Review recency - This score is based on the number of published site and product reviews submitted in the last 30 and 90 days.


    The Reviews Performance Score section displays data on a brand level. To see the performance of individual products, check the Reviews performance by product table.

    Number of Reviews and Star Rating Metrics

    This section provides insights into your brand’s review volume and star rating performance. Here you can analyze key metrics and compare them against industry benchmarks (available for each metric) to better understand how your brand ranks among similar businesses with comparable product types, industries, and sales patterns.

    Date range:

    • Last 30 days

    • Last 90 days

    • Last 365 days

    • All time - this is the default time range.

    Available metrics:

    • Number of product reviews - The total number of unique published reviews in the selected date range. If a product belongs to a group where reviews appear on each product page (within that group), the system will count each review only once.

    • Number of site reviews - The number of published site reviews in the selected date range.

    • Product star rating average - The average star rating for all active products in the selected date range.

    • Site star rating average - The average star rating for all published site reviews in the selected date range.

    These metrics help you track customer feedback and assess your brand’s reputation in the market, providing valuable information on customer satisfaction and areas for improvement.

    Reviews Performance by Product (table)

    The Reviews Performance by Product table provides insights into the performance of active products within the selected date range. It’s available across all dashboard tabs (Overview, Reviews Quality, Reviews Authenticity, and Reviews Recency), but the metrics displayed vary by tab:

    • Overview tab – Includes all available metrics to give a comprehensive view of product performance. However, the two recency metrics—Product Reviews Last 30 Days and Product Reviews Last 90 Days—are not included, as they cannot be filtered by date range.

    • Other tabs – Display only the relevant metrics for the specific category (Reviews Quality, Reviews Authenticity, or Reviews Recency).


    If products are part of a group, they’ll share the same metrics (e.g. star rating, published reviews).

    For example, if a product group contains five products and each has one review, every product’s page will display all five reviews, and the Published Reviews column will show 5 for each product in the group.

    Table Metrics

    In the Overview tab, the table includes the following details for each product:

    • Product - Displays the product name and image as they appear in your product catalog.

    • Performance Score - The product's overall score that represents the performance of its reviews, determined by aggregating category scores and applying their respective weights. This is the only column that will remain unchanged when you apply date filters.

    • Published Reviews - The total number of published reviews for the product. If the product is part of a group, all reviews for that group will appear on its page, and therefore be counted in this column.

    • Average Star Rating - The average star rating for the product based on published reviews.

    • Reviews with Optimal Length - The number of reviews for that product that meet the optimal length criteria for valuable feedback (between 101 and 700 characters).

    • Images and/or Videos - The total number of images and videos in published reviews for that product.

    • Average Number of Topics - The average number of topics detected per review across all published reviews for the product.

    • Verified Reviews - The total number of published reviews from verified buyers or reviewers.

    • Non-Incentivized Reviews - The total number of published product reviews that were not incentivized.

    • Balanced Ratings Score - A score based on the distribution of high and low-rated reviews. Ratings of 4 stars and below contribute to a more balanced distribution.


    The Performance Score per product is an all-time score and will not adjust when filtering by date. However, recent reviews carry more weight when calculating the score.

    3.2. Reviews Quality

    This section offers a deep dive into the quality of your reviews, with a granular look at the metrics that make up the total score. At the top, you’ll see your Review quality score, which is also available in the Overview tab. Again, data only includes published reviews for active products.

    Review quality metrics:

    • Reviews with optimal length - The percentage of all published reviews that are between 101 and 700 characters in length.

    • Reviews with images and/or videos - published reviews that contain images or videos. If a review has more than one image or video, they’ll be counted only once.

    • Average number of topics per review - the average number of topics per published review, calculated using a keywords grouping model. A topic represents a group of synonymous or highly correlated keywords mentioned in your customer reviews. For more information, see Yotpo Topics Insights.

    3.3. Reviews Authenticity

    Here, you can focus on the metrics that define how authentic your reviews appear to shoppers. At the top, you’ll see your overall Review authenticity score, with the metrics that comprise it below.

    Review authenticity metrics:

    • Verified reviews - the percentage of published reviews submitted by a verified buyer or reviewer.

    • Non-incentivized reviews - the percentage of published reviews that were not incentivized.

    • Products with balanced ratings - the percentage of products with a balanced distribution of high and low rating reviews. Low ratings are considered 4 stars and below, with lower stars contributing to a more balanced distribution. To accurately measure authenticity, we’ve built an algorithm that evaluates how genuine a product page appears to shoppers based on the distribution of review ratings.

    3.4. Reviews Recency

    Recent reviews are more valuable to shoppers than older ones, as they provide up-to-date insights into product quality and customer experience. Monitoring review recency helps ensure your brand maintains credibility and relevance.

    In this section, you’ll get a detailed view of how many reviews you’ve collected over the last 30 and 90 days, so you can examine review submission trends and opportunities for improvement. At the top, you’ll see your overall Review recency score.

    Review recency metrics:

    • Product reviews last 30 days - published product reviews submitted in the last 30 days.

    • Product reviews last 90 days - published product reviews submitted in the last 90 days.

    • Site reviews last 30 days - published site reviews submitted in the last 30 days.

    • Site reviews last 90 days - published site reviews submitted in the last 90 days.

    Got questions? Head over to our Reviews Atlas FAQ page to find answers! Also, don’t forget to check out our practical guide on how to use Reviews Atlas to improve your brand’s performance.

    4. Atlas Opportunities: Explore Actionable Recommendations

    Reviews Atlas doesn’t just show you where you’re at right now. It builds on the collected data by offering strategic recommendations to help you improve your reviews performance and ultimately boost conversions.

    You can access the Atlas Opportunities tab by clicking the Explore opportunities button available in the dashboard. The button will appear in the sections where we’ve identified areas for improvement.

    Opportunities are divided into three key areas (tabs), where you can find relevant recommendations to improve each of these metrics:

    Atlas opportunities tab

    • Number of reviews and review recency

    • Reviews quality

    • Reviews authenticity

    Clicking on a recommendation will open a modal outlining the necessary steps you need to take and the potential impact on your performance. Once you’ve completed a recommendation, you can mark it as done directly from the modal.

    Atlas opportunities, recommendation example

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