Sending Direct Mail from Yotpo SMS & Email via Poplar

      Sending Direct Mail from Yotpo SMS & Email via Poplar

        Article summary


        SMS & Email
        Supported plans

        Free, Starter, Pro, Premium, Enterprise

        eCommerce Platform

        Shopify, Shopify Plus

        Target additional audience by sending customers direct mail using Poplar.

        In this article, you’ll learn how to create a segment in Yotpo SMS & Email and send the segment data to Poplar.

        How it works

        Poplar enables you to fulfill all of your direct mail needs through ongoing triggered mailings or one-time sends. You can bring your Yotpo data or have Poplar source it for you.

        One-time send (OTS) campaigns are designed to target a specific audience, and you can send them to any number of mail recipients. Typically, customers find success with similar workflows to what they’ve seen to be effective in other CRM channels like email, SMS, or push notifications.

        Recommended use cases for OTS campaigns include:

        • Reactivation: ‍Target likely-to-churn or lapsed customers with Direct Mail to bring back your most important customers before they are gone for good
        • Retargeting: Create mailings designed to convert email leads into customers
        • Cross-sell/Existing customers: Send highly personalized or time-sensitive mailings (e.g. special offers, new product launches, etc.) to customized groups of existing customers

        You can add as many rules to your segment as you like, and use AND/OR conditions to make your targeting more specific. See all rules

        Available rules

        Rule descriptionSMS & Email category

        Find properties such as average order value, placed an order, or not ordered since, and filter them by amount spent or last date of the order made. 

        Learn more about customer behavior rules here.

        customer behavior

        Use the engagement level with SMS marketing property to define the audience based on different levels of engagement with SMS such as subscribed/unsubscribed from SMS, engaged, etc. 

        Learn more here.

        SMS actions

        Use the opened email or clicked link in email properties to define the audience based on the level of engagement with emails. 

        Learn more here.

        Email actions

        Build a segment based on the customer’s location

        Learn more about Location-based rules here

        Location based

        Before you start

        Go to to request a partner account. If you’ve already created an account on Poplar, indicate this in the form. Once received, a Poplar account manager will invite you to the platform within 1 business day.

        Creating a new segment in Yotpo SMS & Email

        To learn how to create segments, see Creating Segments with Email Properties

        Editing a segment

        You can change the rules you defined for your segment or a predefined segment at any time. Upon changing a rule, your segment will be dynamically updated right away. To edit a segment, do the following:

        1. Next to the relevant segment, click Edit segment rules.
        2. Update the rules.
        3. When you’re done, click Save.

        Viewing all subscribers in a segment

        To view all of the subscribers currently included in a segment, just click View next to the relevant segment. You’ll see a list of all SMS and email subscribers who are currently included in this segment.

        Exporting your segment from Yotpo SMS & Email to Poplar

        Once you’ve created the segment and saved it, click the View button next to the segment’s name.

        Contact your CSM or Yotpo support to receive the segment as a CSV file via email.

        Now you can send the file over to Poplar so they can begin sending out direct mail to the shoppers on the list.

        Having issues with the file?
        Contact Poplar support at

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