Filtering Visual UGC

      Filtering Visual UGC

        Article summary


        Visual UGC
        Supported plans

        Free, Pro, Premium, Enterprise

        eCommerce Platform


        Curate on-brand photos faster with Visual UGC filters. Filter and refine your Visual UGC from Instagram, Reviews, and On-site Uploads to help you surface the photos and videos best suited to your brand.

        Available filters

        The filters available vary according to which tab you’re on. 

        Here’s a list of all available filters:

        Filter nameDescriptionAvailable criteria
        Upload DateThe date the content was either uploaded to Yotpo or published to InstagramLast 24 hours, Last 3 days
        UsernameThe name of the Instagram user who published or uploaded the contentN/A
        PopularityThe number of likes the post receivedTop 25%, Top 50%
        Media typeThe type of media that was uploadedImages, Videos
        ProductThe name of the productN/A
        Star RatingThe number of stars the reviewer gave the productOnly 5 stars, 4 and above, 3 and above
        SyndicationContent native to this account (original) or shared across accounts (syndicated)Syndicated, Original
        SourceWhere the content originates fromInstagram, Reviews, Manual Upload, On-Site Upload, Import
        TagsWhether the content is associated with a productTagged, Untagged
        Includes PersonWhether or not the content includes an image of a person. This is powered by Yotpo AI.With character / Without character
        Dominant ColorThe main colors present in the UGC, based on the 3 most dominant colors in the score spectrum. This is powered by Yotpo AI.Brown, Blue, Black, Gray, etc.

        Getting started

        Once you’re ready to start curating your images, just do the following:

        1. Log in to your Yotpo Visual UGC admin.
        2. Navigate to the relevant tab.
        3. Click Filters
        4. Select the filter you’d like to apply.
        5. Create your album.

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