Importing Reviews through the Yotpo Interface

      Importing Reviews through the Yotpo Interface

        Article summary



        Supported plans

        Free, Starter, Pro

        eCommerce Platform

        Shopify, Shopify Plus

        Import your existing product reviews to Yotpo directly through the Yotpo interface.

        Use this workflow if all of the following apply:

        • Your current eCommerce platform is Shopify

        • You’re on a Yotpo Free, Starter, or Pro plan

        • You want to import product reviews you collected outside of Yotpo

        If any of the below applies, please import your reviews using Yotpo Support:

        • You’re using a different eCommerce provider

        • You’re on a Yotpo annual plan

        • You want to import site reviews

        • You want to import answers to custom questions

        Learn how to import reviews using Yotpo Support

        Getting started

        Follow the steps below to import your product reviews to Yotpo.

        1. In your Yotpo Reviews menu, go to Settings > Import Reviews.

        2. Identify the relevant solution for your needs:

        Good to know

        • Reviews that are imported to Yotpo will automatically be treated as anonymous reviews. Learn more about reviewer badges

        • You can import comments and images with your reviews. You’ll see the reviews right away in the moderation panel but pictures and comments can take up to 3 hours to appear. If you don't see them right away, please check back later.

        Importing from a supported provider

        Import reviews you collected using Shopify Reviews, Loox, or quickly and easily. 

        Do the following:

        1. From your relevant provider, export the reviews you want to import to Yotpo. Make sure your file is saved in CSV format. For further guidance, refer to the help center for your provider:

        2. Click Upload from provider. A popup displays, requesting you to verify that your reviews are genuine.

        3. Check the box to confirm, and then click Import reviews.

        4. Navigate to the location where you saved your file, and double-click the file. Your file will now be uploaded to Yotpo.

        If your upload is completed successfully, you’re done! You can view your imported reviews in the Yotpo moderation panel by clicking See imported reviews

        If the import did not complete successfully, we recommend you try importing your reviews using our template instead.

        Importing reviews using our template


        Before you begin, you’ll need the following:



        Shopify product handle

        A product handle is a unique name for each product and is found in the product page URL. For example, for a product with the page URL, the product handle will be minimal-surfboard.
        How to find the product handle:

        • The quickest way to find the product handle for all of your products at once is to export your product catalog from Shopify. Learn more in the Shopify Help Center

        • In some cases, you can find product handles in the review export file of whichever solution you’re moving from.

        Standard spreadsheet application

        If you’re importing from a reviews provider other than Shopify Reviews, Loox, or, you’ll need a spreadsheet application to open our template file. Either Excel or Google Sheets will work great.

        Importing your reviews

        To import the reviews you collected using our template, do the following:

        1. In your Yotpo Reviews menu, go to Settings > Import Reviews.

        2. Select Other from the drop-down menu.

        3. Download the template file to your computer:

          Yotpo Product Reviews Import Template
          63.12 KB
        4. Once downloaded, open the file with a spreadsheet application of your choice.

        5. Add the existing reviews to your file. To avoid any errors, make sure you closely follow our file guidelines.

        6. Save the CSV file to your computer.

        7. Once the file is complete, go to Settings > Import Reviews and click Upload file.

        Fixing errors

        If your upload is completed successfully, you’re done! You can view your imported reviews in the Yotpo moderation panel by clicking See imported reviews. 

        If the import fails, we’ll help you fix any errors so you can import your file successfully. To help you successfully complete your import, we’ll prepare a file containing only the reviews that failed to upload, along with instructions on how to fix the errors. The reviews that were uploaded successfully are already waiting for you in the Yotpo moderation panel.

        To complete the import:

        1. Click Download report. A CSV file will be downloaded to your computer.

        2. Use the Error column on the left to identify what caused the error and fix it. When you’re done, you can delete this column or leave it as it is - either way, we’ll be able to read your file.

        3. Save the file in CSV format.

        4. Click Upload file to try the upload again.

        File guidelines

        Before you upload your file, please verify the following:

        • Your file must not contain more than 5,000 reviews. If you need to import more, we suggest you perform the import in batches.

        • Your file size must be no larger than 25 MB.

        • The column names must be written exactly as displayed in the table below.

        • Your file must include all of the required column headers.

        Importing using Excel?

        To avoid experiencing any formatting issues, please follow our guidelines for Importing CSV Files Into Excel. The table below contains a breakdown of the downloaded template, including column names, explanations, and examples of data per column. Use it to help you fill out the template.

        Column Header Name




        Shopify Product Handle


        The unique name for your product, found at the end of the product page URL. It can contain letters, dashes, and numbers, but no spaces, accents, or other characters, including periods.


        Review Creation Date


        The date the review was left by the reviewer.
        Valid formats: YYYY-MM-DD, MM-DD-YYYY, MM-DD-YY


        Review Content


        The text of the review, as submitted by the shopper.

        I love the way this bicycle hoist works and am very happy with it.

        Review Score


        The review score left by the shopper.
        Can be any whole number between 1 and 5.


        Review Title


        The title of the review, as submitted by the shopper.

        Xtreme Bicycle Ceiling Hoist

        Reviewer Display Name


        The name of the shopper, as it is displayed on-site.

        Carol S

        Reviewer Email


        The email address of the shopper.
        This won’t display on-site but it’s required for commenting, re-sending review requests, and integrations.

        Publish Review


        Indicates if the review is published on your site.
        Valid values:- TRUE- FALSE


        Comment Content


        The shop owner’s response to the review content.

        Thank you for your kind words!

        Comment Date


        The date the shop owner responded to the review.
        Valid formats: YYYY-MM-DD, MM-DD-YYYY, MM-DD-YY


        Review Image URLs


        The URL(s) for the image(s) uploaded by the shopper.,,

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