Integrating Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals with Dotdigital

      Integrating Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals with Dotdigital

        Article summary


        Supported plans

        Premium, Enterprise

        eCommerce Platform

        Shopify, Shopify Plus, Adobe Commerce (Magento), BigCommerce, Salesforce Commerce Cloud, Custom

        Before you start

        If you use Dotdigital to send marketing emails to your customers, you can use our Dotdigital integration to automatically sync program-related data with your Dotdigital account! Sending rewards and referral program-related emails directly from Dotdigital makes it easier to manage your marketing drips, ensure that customers receive the right email at the right time, and better target customers based on their program status. 

        Creating an API user

        To get started, you'll have to Create an API User in Dotdigital (different from a regular login account). 

        To create an API user:

        1. Log in to Dotdigital.
        2. Click on the Account Settings icon in the bottom-left.
        3. Select Access.
        4. Click on API Users.
        5. Click on the + New user button.
        6. Use the pre-filled email address, provide a description, and create a password for this API User (Status should be set to enabled).
        7. Click Save.
        See a completed form example

        Be sure to note the Username and Password you created here, these are the credentials you'll use to connect your Dotdigital account to Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals.

        Syncing Loyalty & Referrals and Dotdigital

        1. In your Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals main menu,  go to Integrations.
        2. Select Dotdigital from the dropdown and click Add
        3. Enter your API Username/Email and Password where prompted:   
        4. Click Add Integration to start syncing your customer attributes to Dotdigital. You'll see the progress of that sync back in the Settings section of your Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals admin. Once the sync is completed, it should look like this:

        All of your Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals customer attributes have been synced! You'll be able to see them within your Contacts under Data Fields

        Please note:
        Loyalty customer attributes will only be synced for customers who already exist in Dotdigital. We don't create new customers for the ESP.
        Loyalty and Referrals Customer Attributes
        • SWELL_VPTE-VIP Tier Ends At
        • SWELL_REFD-Referral Discount Code
        • SWELL_HASA-Has Account
        • SWELL_NAME-Name
        • SWELL_FINA-First Name
        • SWELL_LANA-Last Name
        • SWELL_PBAL-Point Balance
        • SWELL_PEAR-Points Earned
        • SWELL_REFL-Referral Link
        • SWELL_CBAL-Credit Balance
        • SWELL_TPE-VIP Tier Points Earned
        • SWELL_TPN-VIP Tier Points Needed
        • SWELL_TAMSC-VIP Tier Amount Spent Cents
        • SWELL_TASNC-VIP Tier Amount Spend Needed
        • SWELL_TAMS-VIP Tier Amount Sent
        • SWELL_TASN-VIP Tier Amount Spend Needed
        • SWELL_TPM-VIP Tier Purchases Made
        • SWELL_TPUN-VIP Tier Purchases Needed
        • SWELL_TRC-VIP Tier Referrals Completed
        • SWELL_TRN-VIP Tier Referrals Needed
        • SWELL_BIRM-Birth Month
        • SWELL_BIRD-Birth Day
        • SWELL_BIRY-Birth Year
        • SWELL_VPTN-VIP Tier Name
        • SWELL_TMUL-VIP Tier Multiplier
        • SWELL_TRP-VIP Tier Reward Points
        • SWELL_TRON-VIP Tier Redemption Option Name
        • SWELL_NTN-VIP Next Tier Name
        • SWELL_NTM-VIP Next Tier Multiplier
        • SWELL_NTRP-VIP Next Tier Reward Points
        • SWELL_NTRON-VIP Next Tier Redemption Option
        • SWELL_ISAF-Is Affiliate
        • SWELL_AFEM-Affiliate Email
        • SWELL_PPER-Payout Percentage
        • SWELL_HPTD-Has Provided Tax Details
        • SWELL_TAE-Total Amount Earned
        • SWELL Points Expire At

        Connecting Loyalty & Referrals events to Dotdigital

        Next, you'll need to connect Yotpo events to your Dotdigital Campaign ID or Program ID:

        • Transactional emails are triggered by events such as a change in the number of points a customer has and require the email Campaign ID.
        • Marketing emails are triggered by loyalty events such as completing a loyalty campaign and require the email Program ID.
        To learn more about the different email campaigns, check out Dotdigital's help centre.

        Repeat the steps below for each Yotpo event you'd like to trigger in Dotdigital.

        Loyalty and Referrals Events

        Transactional emails:

        • Swell customer locked
        • Swell purchase payout received
        • Swell redemption payout received
        • Swell purchase payout scheduled
        • Swell redemption payout scheduled
        • Swell purchase payout unclaimed
        • Swell redemption payout unclaimed
        • Swell referral share
        • Swell widgets customer authentication
        • Swell points changed 
        • Swell redemption code below threshold
        • Swell redemption created
        • Swell referral completed 
        • Swell referral code activated
        • Swell referral discount code updated
        • Loyalty donation created
        • Loyalty custom reward created

        Marketing emails:

        • Swell points earned
        • Swell birthday captured
        • Loyalty anniversary captured
        • Swell account created
        • Swell newsletter signup
        • Loyalty opt in
        • Loyalty opt out
        • Swell points reminder
        • Swell redemption reminder
        • Swell customer birthday
        • Loyalty customer anniversary
        • Swell tier earned
        • Swell tier lost
        • Swell referral share reminder

        If you're using Yotpo Loyalty And Referrals' Cash Payouts feature, you'll also want to create Dotdigital events for these Swell emails:

        • Swell Purchase Payout Scheduled
        • Swell Redemption Payout Scheduled
        • Swell Purchase Payout Received
        • Swell Purchase Payout Unclaimed
        • Swell Redemption Payout Received
        • Swell Redemption Payout Unclaimed

        To connect these events in Dotdigital:

        Transactional emails
        1. In your Dotdigital account, click the Email tab.
        2. Click +New Campaign.
        3. Select a template to proceed.
        4. Create a name for your campaign and click Continue (we recommend naming it after the corresponding Yotpo event)
        5. Complete the Campaign Details section
        6. Click on Campaign Settings to set the Format of the campaign to Triggered
        7. Click Save & Continue.
        8. Copy the Triggered Campaign ID from the end of the URL (ex: "215819").
        9. Head back to the Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals Integrations and click  Settings next to Dotdigital.
        10. Select the Yotpo event you just used in creating your Dotdigital Campaign and add the corresponding ID into the ID field:
        11. Click Add and you'll see the event populate in the Settings modal.
        12. Repeat these steps for each event you'd like to connect.
        Marketing emails
        1. in your Dotdigital account. Go to Automation > My Programs and choose the program you wish to connect to a Yotpo event.
        2. Copy the Program ID from the middle of the URL.
        3. Head back to the Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals Integrations and click Settings next to Dotdigital.
        4. Select the Yotpo event you just used in creating your Dotdigital Campaign and add the corresponding ID into the ID field:
        5. Click Add and you'll see the event populate in the Settings modal
        6. Repeat these steps for each event you'd like to connect

        Creating a Loyalty & Referrals campaign in Dotdigital

        Now that all of your events & customer attributes have been synced into Dotdigital, it's time to start completing your campaigns! Since you already use Dotdigital, you are likely familiar with creating campaigns but we'll provide a quick summary below on how to include Swell attributes/"markers" in your Dotdigital campaigns.

        To get started:

        1. Click on the Email tab.
        2. Under Automation, select Triggered Email.
        3. Here you'll see all the Triggered Campaigns we created in the previous step. Click on the edit icon next to the campaign you'd like to work on.
        4. You'll be taken to the Content section of your Campaign.
        5. Click on the Insert Action button & click on Personalize to view all the customer "markers" you have available.
          If you scroll down you'll see all the Yotpo Loyalty And Referrals customer markers that you can include in your email!
          Definitions of those Yotpo Loyalty And Referrals markers can be found here & in the Yotpo Loyalty And Referrals Customer Attributes drop-down under "Syncing Yotpo Loyalty And Referrals & Dotdigital" section
          6. Click into the text box to add the body of your email.
          Here you'll want to add the message (including the attributes/markers) you'd like to send to your customers from the event that was triggered:
        Example content for a Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals Referral Share campaign message


        I've shopped with Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals' Store in the past, and I was thinking you might like to try them out too!  To help you get started, they gave me a referral link to pass along to you.  If you make a purchase using my link then we'll both get a discount:


        Just follow the link to their site, and you'll get a coupon code which you can apply towards your first purchase!

        1. Once you're all set, click Save & Continue to proceed with adding your contacts & testing.

        And you're all set! You've created your first Campaign in Dotdigital using Yotpo Loyalty And Referrals events & attributes!

        Repeat the steps above for each event-related email you'd like to send. You might also consider including your customer's points balances and referral links in some of your non-Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals-related marketing collateral to increase touchpoints with your customers to your loyalty program!

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