Integrating Yotpo Reviews with Salesforce Commerce Cloud

      Integrating Yotpo Reviews with Salesforce Commerce Cloud

        Article summary



        Supported plans

        Free, Starter, Pro, Premium, Enterprise

        eCommerce Platform

        Salesforce Commerce Cloud

        Yotpo’s suite of integrated solutions for user-generated content marketing helps commerce companies accelerate growth by enabling advocacy and maximizing customer lifetime value. With Yotpo, brands can effectively leverage social proof to increase trust and sales and make better business decisions based on real customer feedback.

        This document provides a technical overview and instructions for installing and using Yotpo's Salesforce Commerce Link Cartridge, enabling you to integrate various Yotpo features within a Salesforce Commerce storefront.

        Merchants using Yotpo's Salesforce Commerce Link Cartridge can access the following features:

        • Product Review Widget
        • Star Rating Widget
        • Automatic Review Request Emails

        Functional overview

        Following is the list of features implemented in the Yotpo Link cartridge integration:

        • Product Widgets
          • Product Review Widget
          • Star Rating Widget
        • Automatic Review Request Emails
          • Order Export
        • Analytics
          • Purchase conversion tracking
        For the storefront functionality to work properly, the Purchasers Feed Export Generation integration must be set up within your Salesforce Business Manager.

        Privacy and payment

        • Masked Order Information and Aggregate Sales Information may be captured as part of purchase tracking implementation on the site
        • No customer-specific profile data or sensitive information will be stored related to Yotpo LINK cartridge
        • The Yotpo LINK cartridge itself is available free of charge. See the Limitations & Constraints section below for details regarding potential costs involved with enabling Yotpo to start collecting reviews on your behalf
        • In using the Yotpo LINK cartridge, you agree to Yotpo's Terms of Service

        Limitations and constraints

        • To use the Salesforce Commerce Link Cartridge, you must be subscribed to an eligible Yotpo premium plan. 
        • Use of the Yotpo LINK cartridge by itself does not grant nor enable the use of Yotpo product offerings. You must first enter a contractual agreement with Yotpo for Yotpo to start collecting reviews on behalf of your business. 
        • To learn more, please reach out to Yotpo Sales at:

        Use cases

        Product Review WidgetThe merchant implements Product Review Widget on a page or pages in the store.The user will be able to see the Product Review Widget on those store pages.
        Star Rating WidgetThe merchant adds the Star Rating widget on Product or Category Landing Page in the store. The user will be able to see a Star Rating Widget on those store pages.
        Automatic Review Requests (post-purchase review request emails)The merchant schedules the job that sends the order data to the Yotpo API.The user’s customers will receive review request emails according to the Yotpo account configuration.

        Setup and configuration

        The Yotpo LINK integration makes use of the following cartridges: 

        int_yotpo_pipelinesPipeline VersionYotpo Reviews
        int_yotpoController VersionYotpo Reviews
        int_yotpo_sfraSFRA VersionYotpo Reviews

        Cartridge registration

        1. Navigate to the following path:

        • Administration > Manage Sites  > Select Relevant Site  >  Settings

        2. Add cartridge names to the Cartridges path as demonstrated in each expandable section below:

        Pipeline Version - int_yotpo_pipelines

        Controller Version - int_yotpo

        SFRA Version - int_yotpo_sfr

        SiteGenesis Controller Cartridge configuration

        The Yotpo cartridge relies on a “guard” script from SiteGenesis Controller cartridge if the integration is being implemented with controller version. The default name used is:  app_storefront_controllers 

        If the controller cartridge name differs from the default name, change; exports.SITEGENESIS_CARTRIDGE_NAME = "app_storefront_controllers";

        In int_yotpo/cartridge/scripts/yotpo/utils/Constants.js

        Import Yotpo metadata services and jobs schedules

        1. Retrieve the file from the Yotpo cartridge’s Metadata folder:
        2. Navigate to Administration > Site Development > Site Import & Export
        3. Select the file and 
        4. Click on Import and complete the import process through the interface
          1. The Jobs, Services, Site Preferences, Custom Objects will be imported including Yotpo Configurations and Yotpo Jobs Configurations.
          2. The details on job schedules and services is described in section 3.3 and 3.4 respectively.
          3. The details on Yotpo Custom Preferences is described in section  5.2.1. For further details on configuring custom objects see section 5.2.2 and 5.2.3.

        Job details

        ExportOrdersThis job is for Controller version SiteGenesis or SFRA. This job transfers the purchase feed to Yotpo. 
        ExportOrdersPipelineThis job is for Pipeline version SiteGenesis. This job transfers the purchase feed to Yotpo. 
        Only one is required, make sure to delete the one not required. Make sure to configure the correct site for each job schedule in Sites tab of each job schedule.

        Services details

        Navigate to Administration > Services

        After successfully importing services, the following will be added:


        Authentication service

        Navigate to Administration > Operations > Services > Click on the Credentials tab

        The URL for the authentication token API could be set in

        Please note:
        Username and Password are not required.

        Export purchase service

        The URL for Export Post API could be set in

        Please note:
        Username and Password are not required. The [appKey] parameter will be dynamically replaced in the code when making a service call.

        Import review service

        URL for importing review could be set in

        Custom code pipelines and controllers

        Adding Yotpo JavaScript
        For widgets and conversion tracking to work, Yotpo's JavaScript must be included in storefront header file i.e. htmlhead.isml:

        <isinclude template="include/yotpoheader" />

        Adding Yotpo Modules

        In order to add widgets and tracking modules make sure the Yotpo module modules are added on the top of each template. Copy the below code snippet:

        <isinclude template="util/yotpomodules.isml" />

        Adding Product Review Widget
        Product Review Widget can be added to any product page in your store.

        To add the Product Review Widget include the following Yotpo widget definition code snippet to the desired page e.g. at the end of product details block in productcontent.isml

        Pipelines Version

        <isyotporeviewswidget product="${pdict.Product}"  ispipeline="true" yotporeviewspage="1" isreview="true" />

        Controllers Version

        <isyotporeviewswidget product="${pdict.Product}" yotporeviewspage="1" isreview="true" />

        yotporeviewspage is set to 1, but this can set to any arbitrary value to fetch specific review page. isreview should be set to true for loading reviews.

        Yotpo reviews are fetched from Yotpo in real-time and response is rendered by yotporeviewsresponse.isml. The page is cached for 24 hours for performance concerns, which can be adjusted in the template.

        Adding the Star Rating widget on product pages

        The Star Rating Widget can be added to a product page template.

        To add Star Rating Widget include the following Yotpo widget definition code snippet to the desired page e.g. after product ID in productcontent.isml

        <isyotpoproductbottomlinewidget product="${pdict.Product}" />

        Adding the Star Rating widget to category pages

        To add Star Rating Widget on Category/Search page, include following code snippet at top of the page e.g in categoryproducthits.isml

        <isyotpocategorybottomlineheader />

        And then add the following code snippet in the box below, to the desired page e.g in producttile.isml after or before the following code snippet.

        <isif condition="${showrating && !Product.productSet}">

                <isinclude template="product/components/reviewsmini"/>


        <isyotpocategorybottomlinewidget product="${pdict.product}" />

        Adding purchase conversion tracking

        Conversion Tracking should be added in “confirmation page” in your store.

        In order to enable Conversion Tracking include following code snippet to the confirmation page i.e. at the end of confirmation.isml 

        <isyotpoconversiontracking order="${pdict.Order}" />

        Adding Conversion Tracking widget

        Conversion Tracking should be added in confirmation page in your store.

        In order to enable Conversion Tracking, override any of order confirmation template e.g. confirmation.isml and include following code snippet;

        <isinclude template="tracking/yotpoconversiontracking" />

        Custom Code SFRA

        The SFRA overridden templates resides in int_yotpo_sfra. SFRA architecture doesn’t allow extending template functionality therefore complete templates are overridden. It is highly recommended to copy the specific code only, if other cartridges have customised their functionality. The details of default overridden templates are described below.

        Adding Yotpo JavaScript

        For widgets and conversion tracking to work, Yotpo's dynamic JavaScript must be included in SFRA storefront header file i.e. htmlhead.isml

        <isinclude template="include/yotpoheader" />

        See default overridden templates in the cartridge for reference:

        • /int_yotpo_sfra/cartridge/templates/default/common/htmlHead.isml

        Adding Product Review Widget

        Product reviews can be added to any product page in your store.

        To add product reviews, override the desired template and include the following code snippet in e.g. descriptionAndDetails.isml

        <isinclude template="widget/yotporeviewswidget" />
        • See default overridden templates in the cartridge for reference: /int_yotpo_sfra/cartridge/templates/default/product/components/descriptionAndDetails.isml

        Adding Product Ratings Widget (Category and PDP)

        Product ratings can be added to any product page/tile in your store.

        To add product ratings override the desired template and include the following code snippet in e.g. productRating.isml for Product Details Page and ratings.isml for Category/Search pages.

        <isinclude template="widget/yotporatingswidget" />

        See default overridden templates in the cartridge for reference:

        • /int_yotpo_sfra/cartridge/templates/default/product/components/productRating.isml
        • /int_yotpo_sfra/cartridge/templates/default/product/components/ratings.isml

        Adding Conversion Tracking Widget

        Conversion Tracking should be added in confirmation page in your store.

        In order to enable Conversion Tracking override any of order confirmation template e.g. confirmation.isml and include following code snippet;

        <isinclude template="tracking/yotpoconversiontracking" />

        See default overridden templates in the cartridge for reference:

        • /int_yotpo_sfra/cartridge/templates/default/checkout/confirmation/confirmation.isml


        To see a demo of product reviews and Star Rating visit the following pages:

        Data storage

        Order Custom Attributes

        userAgentUser AgentString
        userIPAddressUser IP AddressString
        YotpoAttributesYotpo Attributes-------


        Yotpo services are based on a high-availability infrastructure and have 99.9% uptime. If Yotpo endpoints go down and your pages are unable to get reviews from our servers, the Yotpo reviews and Star Rating will simply not show, it won’t degrade or break your page in any way.

        Need help?
        Contact Yotpo Support regarding this LINK cartridge.

        User guide

        Roles and responsibilities

        Yotpo Export Orders job should be scheduled to run at least once daily.

        Make sure enablePurchaseFeed, enableReviews, and enableBottomLine is enabled in:

        Merchant Tools > Custom Objects > Custom Objects Editor > Yotpo Configurations for a specific locale to make ratings, reviews, or conversation tracking work.

        Business Manager

        Yotpo Site Preferences

        The Yotpo LINK cartridge consists of the following configuration properties in:

        • Site > Site Preferences > Custom Preferences > Yotpo Configs

        Custom Attribute NameFunction
        Yotpo Cartridge EnabledEnables/disables the Yotpo cartridge
        Yotpo Static Content URLThe base URL to load static content from Yotpo
        Yotpo Conversion Tracking Pixel URLConversion tracking pixel URL
        Import Reviews RealtimeDesignates whether reviews are imported in real-time
        Product Information From MasterMakes production information configurable whether the information will be exported from master or from variants.
        Export Group ID in OrderUsed to make the logic configurable that whether the master product if will be exported as JSON or not.
        Yotpo Orders Batch SizeThis attribute contains batch size for the number of orders that should be processed at one time, while exporting purchase feed.
        Yotpo Info Log EnabledThe flag controls the info log level in whole Yotpo cartridge. By default, the info log will be disabled, therefore to enable the checkbox should be checked.
        Yotpo Debug Log EnabledThe flag controls the debug log level in whole Yotpo cartridge. By default, the debug log will be disabled, therefore to enable the checkbox should be checked.
        The default values are already set; therefore, you don’t need to change anything unless needed.

        Setting up yotpoConfiguration

        1. Navigate to Merchant Tools > Custom Objects > Custom Object Editor
        2. Select yotpoConfigurations
        3. Click New
        4. Configure the your values in the relevant fields:
          1. Refer to the table below if you need help.
        Custom Attribute NameFunction
        localeIDThe Locale ID represents a specific account on Yotpo. This locale ID should always be entered from the selected Locales configured at Administration >  Global Preferences >  Locales
        App KeyAn App key that can be used for a specific account on Yotpo
        Client Secret KeyA Client Secret Key which contains information for a specific account on Yotpo
        Enable BottomlineA flag used to indicate whether the star ratings are enabled or disabled for the specific Locale.
        Enable Purchase FeedA flag used to indicate whether the purchase feed is enabled or disabled for the specific Locale.
        Enable ReviewsA flag used to enable or disable the reviews for the specific Locale.
        uToken Authentication CodeA token which retrieved from Yotpo Authentication call response. It remains valid for some hours before it expires. If once expires it is updated by the Yotpo authentication process automatically.

        Set up the yotpoJobsConfiguration

        Select yotpoJobsConfigurations and press New as shown in the screenshot below:

        Custom Attribute NameFunction
        Order Feed Job Last Execution Date TimeThis attribute used to store the order feed job last execution date time. This is automatically updated by Export Orders process, however initially it should be set to some specific date in the past.
        IDThe Id of the custom object, which should always be “1”.

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