Loyalty & Referrals Account Setup Checklist

      Loyalty & Referrals Account Setup Checklist

        Article summary


        Loyalty & Referrals
        Supported plans

        Free, Pro, Premium, Enterprise

        eCommerce Platform


        If you want to make sure Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals is set up correctly in your shop, please check the items below.

        1. Is the program live?

        Make sure the program is live and active. If you look at the top left corner of your Loyalty & Referrals admin, you'll see a button displaying one of the following  statuses:

        • If it's set to Active, the program is live and your customers can start earning points

        • If it's set to paused Paused, the program is not active on your site and your customers can't see it

        Please make sure your account is set to Active, and the Rewards Program is up and running. Read more about Activating/Deactivating your Loyalty Program.

        2. Earning rules (campaigns)

        • How many campaigns should I set up?

        We recommend setting up between 6-8 campaigns. Too many campaigns may create a bad user experience for customers

        • Should I have duplicate campaigns?

        Make sure that only one campaign is set up for each action (i.e. Only 1 Facebook Share Campaign, only 1 Point for Purchase, only 1 Punch Card, etc)

        • How much are points worth? 

        Choose how many points customers need to collect in order to redeem them for store discounts. To learn more, click here.

        • Are the campaigns live?

        You can pause each earning rule by clicking the Pause button in the upper right corner:

        Make sure none of the active campaigns are paused.

        3. Rewards

        • How many rewards should I set up?

        We recommend setting up between 3-5 rewards. Too many options can create confusion and cause problems

        • Direct rewards vs. redeemable rewards

        Direct coupons are sent immediately after completing an earning rule, while the redeemable rewards allow your customers to redeem rewards using earned points

        • Consistent ratio for redemption

        For Example, If 5 points=$5, 10 points should equal $10

        4. Referral program

        • We recommend awarding the referred customers with a discount, and not with points. Points may confuse new customers. A discount is a better incentive for a first purchase
        • If you set up a points-based referral program, reward codes will not show on the Referred Customer Welcome Popup (since the referred customer is earning points and not a discount) 
        • Enable Referral Popups : 
        1. Go to the Referral Program section of Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals.
        2.  Select the relevant popup from the dropdown menu at the top of the page.
        3. Click the green Customize Popup button
        4. On the right side of the screen, click the Popup Enabled? toggle to enable the popup.
        Is the campaign live?
        Make sure the campaign is live and running - click the Resume button in the upper right corner of the Referral Program section.

        5. Enable popups

        • Rewards Popupand Referral Popup
        FreeIf you aren't using the standalone Referral Program, go ahead and enable the Rewards Popup so that customers can interact with it

        Set up the Rewards Page.

        • Newsletter Popup 

        If you are using the Newsletter Sign-up feature, please make sure the popup is enabled

        6. Email notifications

        • If you are using Loyalty & Referrals Emails, make sure they are enabled by going to Communications:

        a. Enabled notifications:

        b. Disabled notifications:

        • Branding

        Make sure the emails contain all your brand details:

        • From Name: Your store name
        • From Email: Your shop's email address
        • Header Image:  The emails will have Loyalty & Referrals' default header image (see below). Make sure to replace it with your brand logo, or any other suitable image.
        Please note:
        To minimize distortion, the image that appears at the top of your Rewards Page should be 1200 x 450 pixels for desktop and 768 x 250 pixels for mobile.

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