Managing Store Access Permissions
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    Managing Store Access Permissions

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    Store Access Overview

    Collaborating with digital agencies can help you achieve an attractive ROI through industry best practices and custom retention strategies. To strengthen those partnerships and achieve the results you want, you can take advantage of Yotpo’s easy agency access management.

    In this article, you'll learn how to manage store access permissions for the agencies you work with.

    Store Access Basics

    To manage store access permissions, the agency must first request access to your Yotpo stores. Only the account admin can approve access.


    There is one admin per account. If the request wasn't sent to the admin, the recipient will be prompted to forward the access request link to them. Reach out to the Yotpo support team to assist you in changing the account admin and provide their email address if necessary.

    Managing Store Access Permissions

    To manage your store’s access permissions:

    1. From your Yotpo account, click the profile icon in the top right corner to access Account Settings.

    2. Click Agencies and select the stores you’d like this agency to have access to. Marking the checkbox will automatically share access to any future stores you create.

    3. Next, select which Yotpo products you want this agency to access. By checking the box, you allow the agency to install additional Yotpo products.

    4. Click Share access.

    Agencies with access to your stores will appear on the Agencies page. They will be able to view and make changes to:

    • All features under your Yotpo plans

    • Store data and settings

    • Billing information including payment methods and preferences, such as Auto Reload

    • On-site widgets and customer communications


    You can remove an agency and edit access permissions to your stores at any time. By removing an agency you will revoke any access they have to your stores.

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