Photos Dashboard

      Photos Dashboard

        Article summary


        Visual UGC
        Supported plans

        Free, Pro, Premium, Enterprise

        eCommerce Platform


        The Photos dashboard provides you with insights into your visual marketing activities and feature utilization so you can best utilize customer photos.

        In this article, you'll learn about the Photos dashboard and the information it displays.

        How it works

        The dashboard reflects your photo generation and publication metrics as well as key analytics on the way visitors to your site view and interact with your visual UGC assets. Leverage this data to showcase high-quality customer photos on your website and convert more visitors into buyers.  You can easily extract key metrics such as:

        • The percent of photos generated from each photo source and how many visitors viewed and interacted with your on-site visual marketing assets 
        • Conversion metrics to gauge how many visitors complete a purchase following exposure and interaction with your Yotpo-powered photos
        • The number of product pages showcasing customer photos
        • The number of products that have photos generated but not published
        • The number of approval requests that have been approved in Instagram

        Accessing the photos dashboard

        To access the Photos dashboard:

        1. Login to your Yotpo Account.
        2. In your list of Yotpo products, choose Visual UGC.
        3. Click Analytics.

        Photos dashboard

        The Photos Dashboard is conveniently divided into two tabs for easy navigation allowing you to view the rate at which your visual marketing content is created and consumed.

        1. Activity Tab -  Highlights photo generation and usage 
        2. Performance Tab -  Provides analytics on impressions, clicks, and conversions derived from UGC photos. 
        3. Date Range Filter - Filter data by date range to display metrics for the time period desired.
        4. Export - Click the export button to download a CSV file of daily photo generation and publication broken down by source as well as daily impressions, interactions, and conversions metrics including a breakdown by on-site asset source.

        Activity tab

        The Activity Dashboard highlights photo generation and usage. It indicates how much content has been generated from each channel and shows how many product pages display customer photos.

        Use this dashboard to view metrics on visual marketing content generation and publication.

        Expand the sections below to familiarize yourself with the Activity Tab.

        Photos Generated

        1) Photos Generated:

        This is the total number of customer photos already available for you to use on your site.

        These photos are generated from email requests and generated from Instagram. Photos generated from social channels include photos you either published or asked permission to use.

        We recommend you keep a balanced ratio of photos curated from social channels to photos generated from reviews, in order to engage customers in multiple channels.

        2) Product Coverage Potential:

        This figure tells you what percentage of your products have photos that are tagged and are available for you to use. 

        The metric is based on photos that are either automatically tagged to a product from a review request email, or that you manually tagged in curation.

        You can increase the number of products with photos by sending more review requests and tagging more products to photos in curation moderation. 

        These numbers exclude products on your blocklist and products that have never been purchased nor reviewed.

        3) Top Products by Photo Generation:

        The number of photos collected for the top five products. To export the full list of products, click on the icon within the section. The export file includes the number of photos collected and the number of photos published per product.

        Photos Published

        4) Photos Published: 

        Here you see data on all photos you published to your site from both Reviews Moderation and Curation Moderation.

        Once you generate photos, you can publish them to the different on-site widgets - photo carousel, reviews widget (if the photo was uploaded with a review) and Visual UGC Gallery.

        A photo tagged to a product will appear on the product page and the Visual UGC (user-generated content) Gallery. An untagged photo will appear in the Visual UGC Gallery.

        5) Actual Product Coverage:

        The percentage of product pages with photos displayed. Your goal is to maximize this number so that you increase engagement and conversion through UGC photos.

        Photos can be displayed on product pages in two places, in the Photos Carousel & the Reviews Widget.

        Any photo published with a review is automatically displayed in the reviews widget. But for the photos carousel to be displayed, you need at least three published and tagged photos to the product, either from curation or from reviews.

        6) Average Number of Photos Published per Product:

        This average is for products with at least one photo published.

        7) Photos Approved by Customers on Instagram:

        The number of photos approved for use by Instagram users out of the photos requested for use.

        By comparing Product Photo Generation and Product Photo Coverage, you can see how many of your product pages actually showcase customer photos

        Performance tab

        The Performance Tab in the Photos Dashboard empowers you with analytics which reflect the way your visual marketing content is consumed by your visitors. Use this dashboard to evaluate how your visitors view and interact with photos published through your on-site assets. Breakdowns over time provide you with a visual representation of trends and breakdowns by on-site asset and serve as valuable insights into the way your visitors view and interact with your Yotpo-powered photos.

        Expand the sections below to familiarize yourself with the Performance Tab.


        1) Impressions:

        Impressions refer to the number of visitors who have viewed any on-site visual marketing asset (widget). A view of any of your on-site assets represents an impression.

        Note: Overall impressions are based on unique visits, however, bear in mind that a single visitor to your site may view or interact with more than one on-site asset. As such, breakdowns by on-site assets may reflect more impressions or interactions than overall visitors.

        2) Breakdown Over Time:

        Reflects the number of unique visitors over time who viewed your Yotpo-powered photos. Use the date range filter to view a breakdown per your desired date range.

        3) Breakdown by On-Site Asset: 

        Reflects the number of unique visitors who were exposed to your photos per individual on-site asset (widget).

        Click-Through Rate

        4) Click-Through Rate:

        Click-through rate refers to the rate at which visitors to your site interact with your Yotpo-powered photos. A click on any of your on-site assets represents an interaction.

        5) Breakdown Over Time:

        Reflects the number of overall clicks (interactions) by visitors over time who engaged Yotpo-powered photos as compared to overall traffic to pages where your on-site visual marketing assets are displayed. Points on the graph display the number of absolute clicks and the click-through rate (CTR).

        6) Breakdown by On-Site Asset:

        Refers to the number of visitors who interacted with your photos per individual on-site asset (widget). The numerical value represents the number of absolute clicks and the percentage represents the click-through rate (CTR).

        Conversion Rate

        7) Conversion Rate:

        Conversion Rate refers to the percentage of visitors who have purchased an item from your store within 24 hours of viewing or interacting with your Yotpo-powered photos.

        8) Lift: 

        Represents the increase in conversion rate between visitors who viewed an on-site photo and those that did not. This shows a visitor's likelihood to complete checkout after engaging your visual content as compared to a visitor that did not interact with any visual content. 

        If no number is shown, then the uplift is not statistically significant.

        9) Breakdown Over Time:

        Represents the overall sales for the date range defined.
        The graph displays the rate over time at which your visitors are converted to buyers following exposure or interaction with your Yotpo-powered photos.

        10) Breakdown by On-Site Asset:  

        Refers to the rate at which your visitors are converted to buyers after viewing or interacting with each individual on-site asset (widget). The numerical value represents a number of absolute clicks and the percentage represents the conversion rate.

        Please note:
        Data displayed in the Performance tab is gathered by means of third-party cookies. As such, data values reflected here may be up to 30% lower than their true value due to missing cookies e.g. opt-outs, cleared cookies, etc.

        Optimization actions

        The following optimization actions are one-click suggestions that appear on the right-hand section of the dashboard:

        Optimization ActionTrigger
        Activate User-Generated Photos
        User-generated photo collection is currently disabled in your account. Enable User-Generated Photos to start requesting photos along with reviews.
        User-generated photos is not toggled/enabled from inside the Admin.
        Connect to Instagram
        Your Yotpo account is currently not connected to Instagram. Connect to start curating photos.
        User did not connect Instagram from inside the Admin.
        Improve Product Coverage
        Some of your products have unpublished photos. Publish them to display them on your product pages.
        Number of products with photos tagged – Number of products with photos published > 20.
        Publish Your Photos
        You haven't published new photos in a while. Start publishing your photos to let your shoppers see how your product is being used by real people. 
        No photos published in the last 30 days & overall photos generated from emails in the last 30 days> 10.
        Conversion Tracking Pixel Missing
        The Performance Dashboard will display this optimization action if you have not yet installed a conversion tracking pixel. To learn how to install a conversion tracking pixel and start receiving conversion data in your Performance Dashboard click here.
        No conversion tracking pixel installed. 

        Exporting data

        Click the Export button to export your visual marketing data in CSV form. 

        Your data will be presented as a daily, weekly, or monthly breakdown as defined by the date range configured in the dashboard.

        Click here to view export fields for Photos data.
        • Generated from {source}
        • Requested in Instagram
        • Published from Instagram without permission
        • Total generated from reviews
        • Published from email requests
        • Published from Instagram
        • Total published
        • Impressions on any widget
        • Interactions for any widget
        • Conversions from any widget
        • Impressions for {widget name}
        • Interactions for {widget name}
        • Conversions for {widget name}

        Check out the articles below to read more about the Photos Dashboard:

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