- Integration Guide for Yotpo SMS & Email - Integration Guide for Yotpo SMS & Email

        Article summary


        SMS & Email

        Supported plans

        Free, Starter, Pro, Premium, Enterprise

        eCommerce Platform

        Shopify, Shopify Plus

        Connect your account with Yotpo SMS & Email to send more abandoned checkout events into your abandoned cart flows. can identify more checkout abandoners than your ESP alone and will pass all possible events through to the Yotpo platform.


        To learn more about these reminders, go to Abandoned Checkout Reminders: Regulations for US shoppers.

        About helps DTC eCommerce brands harness the power of identity to rapidly expand abandonment revenues.'s identity resolution software helps Shopify merchants recover lost shoppers and increase revenue.

        Before you start

        To integrate Yotpo with, you must have the most recent version of their script on your website.

        You can find the script in your account under Code Script > View Script.


        To view tutorials on how to add the script to your site, click here.

        Setting up the integration


        Only subscribed customers will be eligible to trigger an abandoned cart flow.

        To set up the integration between and Yotpo SMS & Email:

        1. In your account, go to Integrations > Available Integrations and search for Yotpo SMS.

        2. Click on it and choose Connect. This will open a window to give access to Yotpo. If you're not logged into your Yotpo account via Shopify, you will need to log in first.

        3. Go through the connection process.

        4. Once the connection is complete, click Enable. You can also Remove the integration from this page at the top.

        Install "Add to Cart” and “Viewed Product” scripts

        Your title goes here

        If you're using our custom Shopify Integration app, the “Add to Cart” and “Viewed Product” scripts will automatically be installed.

        Add to Cart

        Inside your site builder, add the “Add to Cart” script to fire when someone clicks to add an item to their cart:


        Next, edit the snippet:

        Generic code for buttons defined by a button ID:

        <script type="text/javascript"> document.getElementById("AddToCart").addEventListener('click',function (){ geq.addToCart(item) });</script>

        Generic code for button defined by a class notation:

        <script type="text/javascript">
        var item_classnames = document.getElementsByClassName("AddToCart");
        for (var i = 0; i < item_classnames.length; i++) {
        item_classnames[i].addEventListener('click', function () {

        Viewed Product

        Inside your site builder, add the “Viewed Product” script to fire when someone views a product:

        <script>geq.event('Viewed Product Reclaim', item);</script>

        If you do not have an existing Viewed Product tracking script, add this to your theme:

        <script type="text/javascript">
        var item = {
        Name: {{ product.title|json }},
        ProductID: {{|json }},
        ImageURL: "https:{{ product.featured_image.src|img_url:'grande' }}",
        URL: "{{ shop.secure_url }}{{ product.url }}",
        Brand: {{ product.vendor|json }},
        Price: {{ product.price|money|json }},
        CompareAtPrice: {{ product.compare_at_price_max|money|json }}
        geq.event('Viewed Product Reclaim', item);

        Setting up SMS flows

        To set up an SMS flow:

        1. From your Yotpo SMS main menu, go to Flows > Create flow from scratch.

        2. Choose the trigger relevant to the script you’ve installed:

          • For your “Add to Cart” flow, click Add to Cart Reclaim under to set it as the trigger

          • For the “Viewed Product” flow, click Viewed Product Reclaim under to set it as the trigger

        3. Click Add step > Add delay and set a 30-minute delay.

        4. Add a Condition step to check if:

          • Is an SMS subscriber > is true

          • If No, End Flow.

        5. If Yes, check if:

        • Made an order after flow started > is false

        1. If No, End Flow. For Yes, set the condition to:

        • Country and address > Any country and address match > Country > is > United States

        1. If No, End Flow. If Yes, add a step.

        2. Choose action for SMS/MMS message.

        3. Edit the existing text message to include our shortcodes, like in this example for the “Add to Cart” flow:

        The events include these shortcodes:

        • {price}

        • {image Url}

        • {product Id}

        • {name}

        • {brand}

        • {url}

        Example SMS for “Viewed Product” flow

        10. Name the flow and save your changes. The final flow should look like this:

        Make sure the flow is set to Active in the top right corner of the screen.

        Please note:

        Smart Sending should be enabled by default in Yotpo SMS. However, if you want to exclude transactional messages, you will need to manually do this by going to Settings > General Settings > Smart sending.

        Setting up email flows

        To set up an email flow:

        1. In your Yotpo SMS & Email main menu, go to Flows > Create flow from scratch.

        2. Choose the trigger relevant to the script you’ve installed:

          • For your Add to Cart flow, click Add to Cart Reclaim under to set it as the trigger

          • For the Viewed Product flow, click Viewed Product Reclaim under to set it as the trigger

        1. Click Add step > Add delay and set a 30-minute delay.

        2. Add a Condition step to check if:

          • Is an Email subscriber > is true

          • If No, End Flow

        3. If Yes, check if:

          • Made an order after flow started > is false

        4. If No, End Flow. For Yes, set the condition to:

          1. Country and address > Any country and address match > Country > is > United States

        5. If No, End Flow. If Yes, add an Action step for Email message.

        6. Add an email subject and then click Edit design.

        7. From the Blocks section, drag and drop the Dynamic Products block to the template. This will be populated with the abandoned checkout/browse products for each customer.

        8. Set Max products to show to 1.

        9. Design the rest of the email template to fit your brand.

        10. Click Back to flow in the top right corner.

        11. Click Save in the top right corner.

        Make sure the flow is set to Active in the top right corner of the screen.

        Viewing “Add to Cart” and “Viewed Product” events

        You can also view these events successfully passing through in your account by going to Event Details > Added to cart.

        This is an easy way to confirm that our events have been successfully implemented. You can also see the Viewed Product Reclaim option populate under Event Details.

        Having issues with the integration?

        Contact support at

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