Reviewing Your SMS Marketing Campaigns in Analytics

      Reviewing Your SMS Marketing Campaigns in Analytics

        Article summary


        SMS & Email
        Supported plans

        Free, Starter, Pro, Premium, Enterprise

        eCommerce Platform

        Shopify, Shopify Plus

        SMS campaigns are powerful tools that can be easily launched on any occasion (especially with the help of our Campaign Planner). However, it is essential to keep track of their performance in real-time, so you can constantly improve and make the most of your SMS marketing efforts.

        In this article, you'll learn how to access and review your campaign analytics.

        Getting started

        In your Yotpo SMS & Email main menu, go to Analytics > Campaign Analytics.

        You’ll see an overview of all your campaigns and how they are performing based on the following metrics:

        • Sent - the number of messages sent from the campaign
        • Clicks - the number of times your subscribers clicked on the URL in the text message
        • Revenue - the revenue generated from the specific campaign
        • Scheduled Date - the date the text marketing campaign was activated and sent
        Next to some campaign names, you’ll see a small A/B icon that indicates you’ve run A/B testing on them.

        For detailed analytics of the campaign you want to explore, click the magnifier button in the Actions column:

        Section overview

        This is what the whole campaign Analytics dashboard looks like:


        A. A/B testing group - which A/B testing group you’re viewing (it appears only on campaigns with the A/B icon)

        B. Overall campaign analytics – shows the 8 most important metrics of your campaign

        C. Revenue Growth in the selected period – shows the visual distribution of the Revenue Growth

        D. Detailed Data – shows details on messages, orders, campaign steps performance, keyword responses, and AB testing

        You’ll find detailed information regarding each section below in this tutorial.

        Choosing an A/B testing group

        By clicking on one of the options in this section, you can select the A/B testing group you are interested in.

        You can view Group 1, Group 2, or if the A/B testing has concluded - the Winner Group.

        ab testing

        Overall campaign analytics

        This menu shows the 8 most important metrics of your text marketing campaign for the chosen period:


        • Revenue – the total revenue generated from this exact campaign
        • Link clicks – how many times have customers clicked on messages from this campaign
        • Click-Through Rate – the clicks from customers, divided by the total number of sent text messages within this campaign
        • Conversion Rate - the percentage of orders compared to the number of sent messages
        • Orders – the total amount of orders generated via this particular campaign along with the average order value
        • Sent Messages – the number of messages sent from the current campaign
        • Campaign Cost – the amount of money you have spent on this campaign
        • Unsubscribe Rate - the number of unsubscribes divided by the number of messages delivered. Below you’ll also see the total number of unsubscribers

        Revenue distribution in time

        The Revenue Growth section (C) shows a chart of how the revenue from this campaign changed over time.


        You can see which your most successful days/months are: for example – weekends versus weekdays, or you can compare purchases in different months of the year.

        Detailed data

        SMS messages

        Under SMS Messages, you can see the status of every message, when it was sent, to whom, its content, and how much each cost. Remember that sometimes you might see differences in the cost due to message prices by country.



        In the Orders section, you can see which purchases were made via this particular campaign.

        Use this menu to check precise order IDs, total amounts, conversion dates, types (which event type converted the Order), and Converted After (the time between the event and the order). If you click on the order ID, you’ll be redirected to your Shopify orders section.


        By country

        This third section allows you to view where your customers are coming from. You’ll see each country you have sent messages to, the number of sent messages, the percentage of all messages, and the total price.



        In this section, you’ll see which recipients clicked on a link from the campaign, the URL, how many times, and when.



        This section reveals the target audience you’ve chosen for the campaign. You’ll see the name, type, and the number of contacts at the time of sending.


        Unsubscribed users

        The last section will show you a list of all users who have unsubscribed from the campaign, their phone numbers, names, and the opt-out date.


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