Adding a Dedicated SEO Page to Shopify

      Adding a Dedicated SEO Page to Shopify

        Article summary


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        Shopify, Shopify Plus

        The SEO page allows you to showcase your hard-earned review on a dedicated page and increase organic traffic to your store. You can choose to show product reviews, site reviews, or both.

        In this article, you’ll learn how to add an SEO page to your Shopify store.

        To learn more about the SEO Page, check out the SEO Page article.
        Adding the page to Shopify 2.0

        1. From the Yotpo Reviews main menu, go to On-Site Widgets > SEO Page.
        2. Customize the design of your SEO Page to match the look and feel of your site.
        3. Go to the Show your reviews on a dedicated page section at the bottom of the page and click Copy code.
        4. In your Shopify Admin, go to Online Store > Themes > Settings > Edit code.
        5. Under Templates click on Add a new template.
        6. Select the page template type, and choose liquid.
        We recommend naming the file ‘Reviews’. The full name you will see is page.Reviews.liquid

        7. Click Done.

        8. Paste the code you’ve copied from Yotpo Reviews.

        9. Click Save.

        10. Go to Online Store > Pages.

        11. Click Add page. We recommend naming the page ‘Reviews’.

        12. Under Template, choose

        13. Click Save.

        To learn how to add the page to your navigation menu, click here.

        You will now have a new page dedicated to your product reviews and site reviews. 

        Adding the page to Shopify Vintage

        1. From the Yotpo Reviews main menu, go to On-Site Widgets > SEO Page.
        2. Customize the design of your SEO Page to match the look and feel of your site.
        3. Go to the Show your reviews on a dedicated page section at the bottom of the page and click Copy code.
        4. In your Shopify admin go to Online Store.
        5. Click Pages > Add Page.
        6. In the Content section, click Show HTML.
        7. Paste the dedicated SEO Page code you copied.
        8. Click Save.
        To learn how to add the page to your navigation menu, click here.

        You will now have a new page dedicated to your product reviews and site reviews. 


        Footer Overlapping the SEO Page on Shopify

        When implementing the SEO Page on specific Shopify themes, it is possible that the footer will overlap with the text.


        1. Log into your Shopify backend.
        2. Click Online Store > Themes > Edit Html/CSS.
        3. Under Templates click on Add a new template.
        4. Select Page and name it Reviews.
        5. Open the page created from the themes (should be titled "").
        6. Paste the following code onto the page:
        <div class="sixteen columns clearfix collection_nav">
          <h1 class="collection_title">
            {{ page.title }}
        <div class="sixteen columns page">   
          <div id="yotpo-testimonials-custom-tab" style="position: relative;">
        @media (max-width: 600px) {
          #yotpo-testimonials-custom-tab {
            min-height: 3720px;
        @media (min-width: 600px) {
          #yotpo-testimonials-custom-tab {
            min-height: 2500px;
        {% include 'getsocial-follow-bar' %}

        Make sure to change the element sizes (such as min-height for example) to match the store ones. Change those values until you find the right size. 

        Also, make sure that the classes match the ones in the current theme.

        7. Go to Online Store > Pages.
        8. Search for a page called Reviews (if it doesn't exist - create one).

        9. Choose under Template.

        10. Save the changes.

        Still unable to resolve the issue?
        Reach out to our Support team through your Yotpo admin. Please make sure to mention whether you have encountered any difficulties with following one of the outlined steps.

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