Syncing Yotpo SMS & Email Subscribers to Shopify Customers

      Syncing Yotpo SMS & Email Subscribers to Shopify Customers

        Article summary


        SMS & Email
        Supported plans

        Free, Starter, Pro, Premium, Enterprise

        eCommerce Platform

        Shopify, Shopify Plus

        As you probably know, every shopper who places an order on your Shopify store will automatically be added to your list of Shopify Customers, and now your subscribers will too. This will help you keep track of, manage, and segment your customers. The following article will explain how user profiles are synced from Yotpo SMS & Email to Shopify.

        Shopify Customers

        How it works

        Every new Yotpo SMS & Email subscriber who provides a valid email address when subscribing will automatically be synced to Shopify Customers, and a customer profile will be created. You don’t need to do anything for the sync to happen.

        Customers who have entered only a phone number will not be synced, and a customer profile in Shopify will not be created.

        Which subscriber collection methods sync customers to Shopify?

        All subscriber collection methods that collect an email address:

        • Shopify checkout
        • Popup
        • Floating button
        • Embedded form
        • Signup page
        • Footer collection
        • List import

        Will existing Shopify customers get duplicated?

        No. If a customer already has a profile on your Shopify Customers page, we won’t create a second profile with the same email address. If the existing phone number is different, we will update it with the one coming from the SMS & Email subscription.

        Is the sync retroactive?

        No. Existing Yotpo SMS & Email subscribers will not be synced with Shopify Customers. Only new ones.

        Can I disable the automatic sync to Shopify customers?

        To disable this function, please contact your CSM or SMS & Email support.

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