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TikTok Shop - Yotpo Reviews Integration Guide
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TikTok built an integration between their TikTok Shop and Yotpo letting you showcase Yotpo reviews on products you sell via TikTok Shop. This can help increase your overall review coverage rate.
These reviews will be mixed with your TikTok Shop purchased reviews on the PDP reviews module.
Want to sell on TikTok?
To learn how to get started, click here.
"Review from xx (website)" will appear alongside the imported reviews to clarify the source.
Available for:
The integration is currently only open to merchants in the US & UK
The reviews will only be found on the latest TikTok app, or any later versions of the V.30.7.0.
Integrating TikTok with Yotpo Reviews
The Yotpo for TikTok Shop app has been updated, with the new version available in the TikTok Shop App Store starting November 13, 2024. If you have previously integrated the Yotpo app with TikTok Shop, please re-install the updated version to ensure the integration runs smoothly. After re-installation, complete the following steps:
Export your reviews from Yotpo to TikTok Shop to sync your latest feedback.
Link unmatched reviews to ensure all customer insights are accurately reflected on TikTok Shop.
To integrate the app, follow the steps below.
To integrate your TikTok shop with Yotpo Reviews:
From the TikTok app, in the seller center, navigate to Products > Product Rating and click on Import Reviews in the top right corner.
Follow the instructions to grant TikTok access to Yotpo. When the "Authorization successful" message appears, you have successfully installed the integration.
If you don’t see the message, try and refresh the page.
Once the app is connected, you must ensure you have the correct product identifiers in place (e.g. UPC, EAN, ISBN). TikTok needs their Product Identifier Code to match the exact product on your Yotpo account so we can import the right reviews to the right product.
The Product Identifier Code from TikTok must be the same as the unique identifier you have in Yotpo, or else reviews won’t be able to match the correct product information.
Once you submit the Product Identifier Code in your TikTok Shop, it cannot be modified. Make sure to pay close attention when you are adding the code and please read the below carefully
You can find the product identifier code in your TikTok shop account by going to Products > Manage Products, under Sales information.
Updating the product identifier code
There are a few ways you can update your TikTok product identifier code:
Manually - You can manually select your GTIN (UPC, EAN, ISBN) and enter the relevant code through the TikTok Shop admin
Via CSV - You can export your TikTok Shop catalog, input the relevant identifiers, and import it back into TikTok Shop. Here is a guide on how to do this via CSV.
Please note:
If editing your product identifier codes via CSV, make sure to select All information when exporting your products from Tik Tok Shop:
It can take up to 1 day for TikTok to approve your products once the file is imported back into their system.
Via API - Use TikTok’s API to automate updating your unique identifiers. The identifier is under Edit product > SKUS > product_identifier_code.
To learn more about updating your product identifier in the TikTok Shop, go to Product Identifier Code (UPC).
It will take around 3 business days to import your valid reviews from Yotpo to TikTok Shop. This remains true after the integration is enabled - it will usually take 3 business days for any new reviews to display on TikTok Shop.
Only reviews left by verified buyers will be syndicated to TikTok, excluding any incentivized reviews. All review content must pass TikTok’s legal and risk control before showing on the product page to customers. Therefore, not all reviews from Yotpo will be seen on the product page after the integration. You can view TikTok’s moderation guidelines here.
External reviews, including Yotpo reviews, are not counted towards the aggregate star rating displayed on products in your TikTok Shop. This means that even if reviews are syndicated from Yotpo if you don't have any reviews on TikTok Shop, your aggregate star rating score will show as 0.
Although only sellers without negative performance on TikTok’s platform are eligible for the integration, the review ratings will not be counted towards your Shop Experience Score/NRR and will not impact your seller’s performance on TikTok.
As TikTok has its own moderation guidelines, you may have reviews displayed on your TikTok Shop that you did not publish on your website. If you need to delete a review displayed on your TikTok shop for privacy reasons, you can reach out to your TikTok account manager. Additionally, you can reach out to Yotpo’s support team to have the review anonymized. This anonymization will be reflected in your on-site reviews and will also be reflected on TikTok within 3 days of the review being anonymized by Yotpo.
Having issues with the integration?
For some risk control reasons, some TikTok sellers may not be eligible for the integration. Please reach out to your TikTok Account Manager for any technical assistance.
See TikTok’s Yotpo Integration documentation here
How can I import reviews from TikTok to my Shopify store?
We do not advise this as it could lead to complications, such as the duplication of reviews, especially if you are using the same Yotpo account for your TikTok and Shopify integrations.
Can I integrate my Yotpo reviews with my TikTok shop?
Yes, Yotpo offers TikTok Shop Integration that allows syndication of Yotpo reviews to connected TikTok accounts.