Unique Identifiers

      Unique Identifiers

        Article summary


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        Set up unique identifiers so you can use Google Shopping Syndication and Syndication.

        In this article, you'll learn how to add unique identifiers to the products in your product catalog.

        How it works

        Yotpo supports the following unique identifiers:

        • UPC (Universal Product Code)
        • EAN (European Article Number)
        • ISBN (International Standard Book Number)
        • SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)
        • MPN (Brand name and Manufacturer Part Number combined)
        Please note:
        • Updating unique identifiers might affect review syndication since product matching is done according to unique identifiers. If you're not sure, contact Yotpo support before proceeding.
        • For Adobe Commerce 2 users, SKU is already synced and all other identifiers can be configured in your Adobe Commerce 2 admin.
        • If a product already has a UID, uploading a new UID of the same type will overwrite the existing UID.

        Adding unique identifiers

        There are three steps:

        1. Download the catalog as a CSV file.
        2. Add or modify your unique identifiers in a suitable application.
        3. Upload the catalog as a CSV file.

        1. Download your product catalog

        For step-by-step instructions, see Updating The Product Catalog.

        2. Add the unique identifiers

        1. Open the catalog you downloaded in a spreadsheet or text editing application.
        2. Add the unique identifiers in the appropriate column. The example below shows UPCs.
        3. Save the file as a UTF-8 CSV.

        Different unique product identifiers

        Unique product identifiers are universal codes for the products you sell in the global marketplace.

        Unique identifiers correspond to these fields in the product catalog:

        • Spec UPC - Universal Product Code - This column can contain GTINs such as UPC.
        • Spec SKU - Stock Keeping Unit
        • Spec Brand - Item brand name
        • Spec MPN - Manufacturer Part Numbers (MPNs)
        • Spec ISBN - International Standard Book Number

        The reviews data from a Product Ratings feed is matched to products based on a number of factors, the strongest being globally unique product identifiers. Recommended global identifiers for review matching are GTINS or Brand + MPN pairs. At least one of these types of identifiers should be added to the product data for optimal review matching.

        Unique Identifiers accepted by Google

        Global identifiers for review matching that are accepted by Google are GTINS or Brand and MPN pairs.

        At least one of these types of identifiers should be added to the product data in each review for optimal review matching.

        For more information, click here.

        Without GTINs or Brand + MPN pairs, matching issues may occur. This means that you may not see Product Ratings Stars appear on your Shopping Ads and/or your product reviews may not appear alongside the products your business offers.

        Unique product identifiers, especially GTINs, are important to ensuring your Google Shopping ads work correctly.

        Depending on the type of product you submit and the country you're targeting, you'll submit different identifiers.


        For all your items, we recommend submitting all three attributes ('GTIN', 'Brand', and 'MPN') to help boost ad performance and help users find your products.

        For more information, see About unique product identifiers.

        To ensure the CSV file is in UTF-8 encoding:

        1. Open the file in a text editor such as Windows Notepad or Apple TextEdit.
        2. Select Save As in the file menu.
        3. Select UTF-8 encoding in the Encoding dropdown menu next to the Save button in the Save As dialog box.
        4. Save the file using a new name.

        3. Upload the file

        After you have checked the content, upload the file:

        1.  In Yotpo Reviews, click the Profile icon at the top right corner.
        2. Click Account Settings > Product Catalog.
        3. Choose theUpdate Products tab.
        4. Click Upload Catalog.
        5. Select the catalog in the dialog box.
        6. Click Open.

        Error messages

        Error messages in the Yotpo interface

        File is not in CSV formatThe file is not in the correct format.Save the file as a CSV (comma-separated value) file and upload it again.

        Error messages in the file

        If there is an error with the file you submitted, or with the uploading process, then you receive an email with the CSV file you sent with only the rows containing errors and an additional column that contains any errors for the specific rows.

        These are the possible error messages:

        General ErrorThere was an error processing the file that you uploaded.Check the file and re-upload it.
        Missing Unique IdentifiersThe products in the file did not have a unique and valid combination of identifiers. Add the unique identifiers and re-upload the file.
        Product doesn't existThe Product ID cell is blank, or
        The product does not have corresponding reviews or orders in the Yotpo system.
        Check the Product IDs and re-upload the file.

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