Which Number Can My Customers Subscribe To?

      Which Number Can My Customers Subscribe To?

        Article summary


        SMS & Email
        Supported plans

        Free, Starter, Pro, Premium, Enterprise

        eCommerce Platform

        Shopify, Shopify Plus

        Ever wondered what number your customers can use in case they want to message you or they simply want to subscribe to your text marketing list?

        This article will help you find the answer to that.

        With Yotpo SMS your messages will be sent via a specific phone number-the number your customers will see when you send them an SMS. They can also use this number to:

        • Subscribe to your text marketing list via a keyword or a mobile pop-up
        • Initiate a chat with you after you’ve send them a message
        • Opt-out to your text marketing

        Due to many local regulations, the subscription numbers for some countries differ.

        US customers

        For all your US customers you will receive a dedicated number which your customers can use to subscribe to your text marketing services.

        To access your number:

        1. In your Yotpo SMS & Email main menu, go to Audience > Subscriber Collection Tools.  
        2. Create a subscription keyword, which your customers can use to subscribe to your messages. To learn more about setting up a keyword, see How to use Opt-in Keywords. On this page you will find all subscription numbers depending on your customer’s phone number.


        The number that you will see in the first box is the number we have dedicated for your US phone numbers. Please only use the number which is assigned to you for your marketing communication, otherwise your customers might end up subscribing to the list of a different store.

        Canadian customers

        In case you have people who subscribed to your list with a Canadian phone number, they will receive your messages from 81787 and this will be in turn the number they should text in case they want to subscribe to your text marketing services or to reply to any of your messages. This number is universal for all of our clients.


        International customers

        If international customers want to sign up for your text marketing list, they will need to message your keyword to +46765196160. This number is universal for all Yotpo SMS & Email users and applies for subscriptions outside of the US and Canada.

        Please be aware that in most locations people won’t be receiving your texts from the above-mentioned number but rather from alphanumeric senders such as Yotpo or BRANDNAME. When a message is received from such a sender, the recipient cannot reply to it.

        Sending messages from a selected brand name is only possible from our paid plans.


        Launching a marketing campaign with keyword opt-in

        When you create a marketing campaign and you want to include a keyword subscription, please be aware that you will need to create 3 separate campaigns for each region with the different numbers as provided above. While it might be a bit time-consuming, consider that you can optimize your costs by making your campaign active in the times when it really matters.


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