Subscriptions Store Appearance

      Subscriptions Store Appearance

        Article Summary


        Supported plans

        Pro, Premium

        eCommerce Platform

        Shopify, Shopify Plus

        In this article, you'll learn how to view and customize your subscriptions store appearance to fit your needs and brand. 

        Subscriptions store appearance overview

        Subscription options are natively embedded to your Shopify product pages via the Product Page Widget:

        Please note:
        The Product Page widget will also include the single, one-time-purchase, in addition to the new subscription options. This way shoppers have even more options to choose from, and more ways to convert to your products.

        Before you start

        To preview and customize subscriptions store appearance, you need to first complete your basic subscriptions setup. You can either follow the initial setup guide or go to Plans and create your first subscription plan.

        Don’t worry — you won't have to publish subscriptions on your store until you’re completely satisfied with your store appearance.

        Previewing your subscriptions store appearance

        You can preview subscriptions from your store product pages, for each product that's included in a Subscription Plan.

        You can preview subscriptions in two ways:

        1. Go to your Shopify store website > Select the product you want to view.
        2. Go to Products in your Shopify admin > Select the product you want to view > Click Preview.
          In both cases, the Product Page Widget will display your subscription options on the right-hand-side of the page.
        If you can't remember all the products you're offering subscriptions on, go to Plans to see the different products included in each subscription plan.

        The Product Page Widget

        The Product Page Widget is embedded across your store’s product pages, and displays the subscription options to your shoppers for all your subscription products.

        Please note:
        To provide a consistent subscription experience, the Product Page Widget look & feel applies to all relevant product pages, so you only need to set it once.

        Product Page Widget settings

        The Product Page Widget design is made up of 2 main settings:

        1. Widget Layout & Display Names:

        There are three different layouts you can choose from:

        • Tiles layout 
        • Classic layout 
        • Minimal layout 

        Here's what each widget layout looks like:

        Display Names: The Display Names allow you to customize the names shoppers will see for your subscription purchase option and your one-time-purchase option.

        Please note:
        The Display Name is not applied to the Tiles layout. The purchase options are displayed instead, i.e., Just once, Every 1 week, etc. See layout images above

        2. Widget Look & Feel:  You can fully customize the widget fonts and colors to match your brand. 

        Customizing the Product Page Widget

        To customize your Product Page Widget follow these steps: 

        1. Go to Store View.
        2. Hover over your Product Page Widget.
        3. Click Edit
        4. Click on the Layout & Names section to choose the widget layout and display names.
        5. Next, click on the Look & Feel section to set the widget font and colors. 
        6. Once you’re happy with your widget design settings, click Save changes.
        7. Your new Product Widget design settings will be applied to all relevant product pages.
        While customizing the widget design, you can preview your changes as you go along on the right-hand-side, without exiting the page.

        Next steps

        In addition to the subscriptions store appearance, you can also fully customize the customer portal appearance, to offer your customers a consistent brand experience.

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