Curating videos in Yotpo Visual UGC

      Curating videos in Yotpo Visual UGC

        Article Summary


        Visual UGC
        Supported plans

        Premium, Enterprise

        eCommerce Platform


        Curate user-generated videos from Instagram and video uploads through your on-site galleries.

        Instagram video curation

        Curate Instagram videos the same easy way you curate Instagram photos!

        Please note:
        Yotpo is not currently able to curate Instagram videos uploaded through IGTV or reels.

        To curate videos from Instagram:

        1. Log into Yotpo Visual UGC.
        2. In the main menu, click Visual Curation.
        3. Select All Media > Instagram
        4. Select the relevant Instagram curation tab at the top of the page:
          1. My Posts
          2. Tagged Me
          3. Mentioned Me
          4. Hashtags
          5. Usernames
        5. Click Filters.
        6. Click Media type, and then select Videos.
        7. Curate videos to albums and galleries the exact same way you curate Instagram photos.
        Be sure to check out the Visual Curation guide for more helpful info about curation, albums, galleries, and everything in between!

        Collecting videos from on-site galleries

        Collect user-generated videos from shoppers right through your on-site Media Galleries.

        How does it work?

        Easy! Video curation from on-site Photo Galleries works the exact same way as photo uploads. Simply make sure the Upload Button is enabled for the gallery or galleries you wish to collect videos from. 

        1. Log in to your Yotpo Visual UGC admin.
        2. Click Galleries.
        3. Click Photo Galleries.
        4. Click on the relevant existing gallery, or create a new one.
        5. Within the gallery settings page, toggle the On-site Uploads to enable it.
        6. Customize your Upload button.

        What happens next?

        Shoppers will be able to upload videos and photos via your on-site gallery by clicking on the upload button.

        Please note:
        • Video uploads are supported for all video file types except for MKV files.
        • Shoppers can upload videos up to 2GB in size.

        Where do I find uploaded videos?

        Videos uploaded through on-site Photo Galleries can be found on your Visual Curation moderation page:

        1. Click Visual Curation.
        2. Click Uploaded.
        3. Photos and videos uploaded via your on-site gallery will appear in the Uploaded on-site tab.

        How do I curate videos for albums and galleries?

        Simply click Albums and organize videos into albums the same way photos are curated. You can curate videos into existing custom albums or create an entirely new album.

        Albums and galleries can contain a mix of photos and videos or you can create dedicated galleries exclusively for photos and/or videos.

        Next, assign the desired album to the relevant Custom Gallery, and don't forget to click Save Changes when you're done. That's it!

        How do I tag products in videos?

        You can tag products to videos the same way you tag products to photos. Once products are tagged to a video, the video will be automatically added to the relevant product album which will display on the relevant product page gallery. 

        Be sure to check out the Visual Curation guide for more helpful info about curation, albums, galleries, and everything in between!

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