Adding Promoted Products to your Review Requests

      Adding Promoted Products to your Review Requests

        Article summary


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        Include Promoted Products in your emails to increase customer retention and boost the lifetime value (LTV) of your buyers. Bundling related or complementary products together is an effective way to draw repeat customers back to your store by exposing them to other items they may be interested in purchasing.  

        In this article, you'll learn how to add Promoted Products to your review requests.

        How it works

        Promoted Products can be displayed in the following:

        Enabling promoted products in emails

        To add Promoted Products to your review requests:

        1. Log into Yotpo Reviews.
        2. Click Collect Reviews.
        3. Click Email Settings.
        4. Click the Promoted Products tab.
        5. Click the Activate Promoted Products toggle to enable/disable the feature.

        Requirements for Yotpo's algorithm

        Please note:
        These requirements only apply when using Yotpo's Algorithm.

        In order for promoted products to appear in the Automatic Review Request emails, the following requirements must be met:

        • At least 3 products from your catalog have been purchased in the past 2 weeks
        • The relevant products must have an image
        • The relevant products must not be on your blocklist
        • The relevant products must have price information
        • The relevant products cannot belong to the same group

        Requirements for manual selection

        • The relevant products cannot belong to the same group
        Please note:
        • This only applies when using the manual product selection.

        Configuring products to promote

        You can choose up to three products to display in the Promoted Products section of every email, or let Yotpo's smart algorithms choose the products for you. 


        If you enable Promoted Products but do not choose any specific products, Yotpo will choose the products for you according to the algorithm. 

        If you choose less than three products, the remaining product(s) will be chosen for you automatically. 

        Yotpo's algorithm

        Yotpo's algorithm will choose products for you based on the following logic:

        • Related Products: Yotpo will automatically suggest products that are commonly purchased with this product. For example, if your customer purchased a jacket, Promoted Products will suggest complementary products such as a scarf and gloves
        • Top Rated: Promoted Products will suggest products with the highest star rating and most votes
        • Top Selling: Promoted Products will suggest products the most purchased products in your store

        Each metric has an equal amount of influence. This means that if one metric is missing, the weight is divided among the remaining metrics. Promoted Products will give preference to products with default images while products without images will only be promoted if there are no other products to choose from.

        Manual product selection

        To choose manually which products to promote:

        1. Log into Yotpo Reviews.
        2. Click Collect Reviews.
        3. Click Email Settings.
        4. Click the Promoted Products tab.
        5. Choose the products you want to display.
          • You can enter a title of up to 15 characters to display instead of the product name in the Title field for each product
          • The title can only be in Latin characters
        6. Click Save Changes.

        When manually choosing products to display in Promoted Products, the product images are cached. Therefore, if you've updated the product's image(s) in your store, the updated images will not be automatically reflected in your emails. 

        To update the product image, temporarily select a different product or "Let Yotpo Choose" and then re-select the relevant product.

        Customizing the title and design of promoted products in emails

        To customize the promoted products that appear in your MAPs:

        1.  Choose a title for the promoted products, for example, "You may also be interested in these" in the Title field.
        2. Choose up to three promoted products using the drop down lists
          •  Manually selecting a product allows you to customize:
            • The banner text for the product in the Title field
            • The color of the banner for the product
        3. Click Save Changes.

        Disabling Promoted Products

        To disable Promoted Products in your Automatic Review Request emails:

        1. Log into Yotpo Reviews.
        2. Click Collect Reviews.
        3. Click Email Settings.
        4. Click the Promoted Products tab.
        5. Set the Activate Promoted Products switch to off.

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