BigCommerce - Blueprint: Installing Yotpo on Blueprint

      BigCommerce - Blueprint: Installing Yotpo on Blueprint

        Article summary


        Supported plans

        Free, Starter, Pro, Premium, Enterprise

        eCommerce Platform


        In this article, you'll learn how to integrate the Yotpo app into your BigCommerce store

        Please note:
        If you're using BigCommerce Stencil, please follow the instructions here.

        The installation process

        In order for the installation process to go smoothly, we recommend that you follow the instructions carefully and ensure not to skip any of the steps
        Please note:
        You can preview any changes done within the Theme Files by clicking on the Preview button on the bottom of the screen.

        Installing the Yotpo Reviews App

        1. Access your BigCommerce admin.
        2. Click on App.
        3. Click on Marketplace.
        4. Search for Yotpo in the search box.
        5. Click on the Yotpo Reviews app.
        6. Click on Install.
        7. Click Confirm.

        Installing the Yotpo JavaScript

        1. Access your BigCommerce admin.
        2. Click on Storefront Design.
        3. Click on My Themes.
        4. Click on Edit HTML/CSS.
        5. Click Other Template Files.
        6. Access the file HTMLHead.html which is located under Panels.
        7. Add the following code after the last line of the file, just above </head> section:
        <script type="text/javascript">
        (function e(){var e=document.createElement("script");e.type="text/javascript",e.async=true,e.src="//";var t=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];t.parentNode.insertBefore(e,t)})();
        Please note:

        Replace the ###YOUR-APP_KEY### portion of the code above with your Yotpo API Key.

        Can't find your API key? Click here

        1. Click Save.

        Installing Reviews Widget

        1. Access your BigCommerce admin.
        2. Click on Storefront Design.
        3. Click on My Themes.
        4. Click on Edit HTML/CSS.
        5. Click Other Template Files.
        6. Access the file ProductDetails.html which is located under Panels.
        7. Add the following code after the last line of the file:
        <div class="yotpo yotpo-main-widget" 

        1. Click Save.
        Please note:
        If the Reviews Widget does not appear on the product page, add the code after the last line of the ProductDescription.html file.

        Installing Star Rating on product pages

        This step is optional.

        1. Access your BigCommerce admin.
        2. Click on Storefront Design.
        3. Click on My Themes.
        4. Click on Edit HTML/CSS.
        5. Click Other Template Files.
        6. Access the file ProductDetails.html which is located under Panels.
        7. Add the following code after this line:
          <h1 itemprop="name">%%GLOBAL_ProductName%%</h1>:
          <div class="yotpo bottomLine"
        8. Click Save.

        Installing conversion tracking code

        1. Please copy the following code:
          <script type="text/javascript">(function e(){var e=document.createElement("script");e.type="text/javascript",e.async=true,e.src="//{{APP_KEY}}/widget.js";var t=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];t.parentNode.insertBefore(e,t)})();</script><script>yotpoTrackConversionData = {orderId: "%%ORDER_ID%%", orderAmount: "%%ORDER_AMOUNT%%", orderCurrency: "USD"}</script><noscript><img src="//{{APP_KEY}}&order_id=%%ORDER_ID%%&order_amount=%%ORDER_AMOUNT%%&order_currency=USD" width="1" height="1"></noscript>
          BigCommerce only allows USD currency in the Conversion Tracking. If your store's currency is not USD, replace it with the correct value
        2. In your BigCommerce admin, go to Advanced Settings > Web Analytics.
        3. Check the box next to Affiliate Conversion Tracking.
        4. Click the Save button at the bottom of your screen.
        5. Click on the Affiliate Conversion Tracking  tab paste your code into the Conversion Tracking Code box:
        6. Replace both {{APP_KEY}} portions of the code above with your store's Yotpo app key.

        Make sure to replace the two {{APP_KEY}} portions of the code with the App Key from your account.

        Can't find your App Key? Click here

        1. Click Save.
        We recommend that you make a test order to check the installation.

        Installing Star Rating on category pages

        This step is optional.

        1. Access your BigCommerce admin.
        2. Click on Storefront Design.
        3. Click on My Themes.
        4. Click on Edit HTML/CSS.
        5. Click Other Template Files.
        6. Access the file CategoryProductsItem.html is located under Panels.
        7. Add the following code where you want the Star Rating to appear - the exact location depends on your store:
          <div class="yotpo bottomLine"
        8. Click Save.

        Importing reviews

        The import process is done via BigCommerce API, so there is no need to export or manually handle files.

        In order to import reviews from BigCommerce, you must:

        • Have used the BigCommerce native reviews app, now disabled.
        • Submit a ticket to Yotpo Support in here with the following message:

        Please import my BigCommerce reviews into Yotpo.
        -Send me a file with the data from BigCommerce to review before importing - 
        Yes / No
        -Apply Verified Buyer badge - 
        Yes / No

        Since BigCommerce reviews don't fully match Yotpo's format, certain types of data may be modified or lost, click here to learn more

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