Creating a Yotpo Product Review Earning Rule on Shopify
The Yotpo Product Review earning rule (previously known as a campaign) rewards customers for submitting a product review. You can use it to motivate your customers to talk about their experience with your products and reward them for sharing their thoughts.
In this article, you will learn how to set up the earning rule and enrich your user-generated content.
If you're using a different eCommerce platform, refer to our Creating a Yotpo Product Review Earning Rule article.
How it works
- The earning rule can be applied only to product reviews.
- You can enrich the content of the reviews by setting up the Yotpo Photo Review earning rule and the Yotpo Video Review earning rule.
Your customers can submit a review in one of the following ways:
- Customers receive a post-purchase review request email that asks them to write a review about the product/s they received.
- Customers can submit a review on-site using the Reviews Widget.
The reward for leaving a review is mentioned in the body of the email or on your Rewards Page - making sure they know about it.
Once a review has been submitted, Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals gives the specific customer the point reward - all according to the earning rules setting you’ve configured.
Before you start
To use this earning rule, you’ll need an active Yotpo Reviews account.
Creating a Yotpo Product Review earning rule
To create the earning rule, follow these steps:
- From your Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals main menu, go to Set Up Program > Rewards Program.
- Click Create earning rule.
- Select Yotpo Product Review, then click Next.
Earning rule settings
Eligible reviews - Choose which type of reviewer is eligible to receive a reward. By default, points are given to verified buyers - reviews written by customers who purchased the product. If you wish, you can change the setting to ‘All Reviews’ to also reward reviews submitted by verified reviewers.
Reward amount - The number of points the customer will receive as a reward for submitting a product review.
Rewards history text - Your customers will see the reward they earned in the ‘My activity’ section of your store's Rewards page.
Advanced settings
Target audience - Add Lists & Segments to target this earning rule at specific audiences. For example, target those who have not made a purchase in over 90 days.
Yotpo Lists and Segments are available only for Platinum and Enterprise plans.
Within this setting, you can choose to:
- Apply this rule to - Use the dropdown menu to include the relevant lists and/or segments of customers you’d like to target.
- Do not apply this rule to - You also have the option to exclude lists and/or segments. For example, if you want to apply an earning rule to all customers except for those who consistently spend a lot of money in your store. In this case, you would select: Apply this rule to - All customers, and Do not apply this rule to - Top spenders.
Maximum times completed - Select the maximum number of times a customer can complete this rule. If you don’t want to set a maximum limit, select No maximum from the dropdown.
Waiting period between rewards - Depending on the 'Maximum times completed' limitation you set, you can set a waiting period that needs to pass before a customer can earn another reward from this earning rule. If you do not want to enforce a waiting period between rewards, select No limit from the dropdown.
We highly recommend adjusting the waiting period between rewards or the total number of times a customer can earn a reward for completing an action. This is to prevent manipulation of the number of entries to gain rewards.
To learn more about how limitations affect rewards, go to the FAQ section.
Changing the name of your earning rule
You can change the name of this earning rule by clicking the edit icon next to it.
Finding your rule ID
Use the Copy rule ID option if you need to share it with 3rd party partners that Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals doesn't directly integrate with.
To find the earning rule ID, click the ellipses icon next to the Save button.
Managing the rule status
The rule status can be seen next to the rule name. It tells you whether the rule is active on your site or not. If active, the rule is running and customers are earning rewards.
You can deactivate the rule if you want to. If you choose to deactivate the earning rule, it will no longer be visible to customers, and they won't be able to earn rewards from it.
Editing your review request email
After setting up the rule and saving it, you will see a message asking you if you want to edit your review request email.
Edit your template to let your customers know about the reward they can receive when submitting a review.
This will take you to the automatic review request editing page of your Reviews admin where you can edit the body of the email to inform customers that they will receive a reward after submitting a review.
Once you’ve edited your email, scroll to the bottom of the page to save your changes.
Reward limitations FAQs
I set no time limit and a customer submits 3 reviews. How many rewards will they get?
They will receive 3 rewards. Since there is no waiting period, they will receive one reward for each review they submitted.
I set a time limit of 2 days. A customer submits 3 product reviews at the same - how many rewards will they get?
They will receive 1 reward. Regardless of how many reviews they submitted, they will only receive 1 reward during the set time limit. They must complete the waiting period and complete the earning rule again in order to receive another reward.
Next steps
To further enrich the content of your reviews, we recommend you set up the Yotpo Photo Review earning rule and the Yotpo Video Review earning rule.