- DarkLight
Creating and Assigning Albums
- DarkLight
Curate visual content for custom albums and product albums to keep them organized for easy widget creation. When you're ready to share your album on-site, simply create and design your Custom Gallery and connect it to the desired album. Learn more
Managing visual content
You can manage visual content in albums individually or using bulk actions.
- Adding/removing items from albums
- Rejecting items
By default, visual content is sorted and displayed according to the creation date (newest first) and then alternated by source (e.g. Instagram, Reviews, On-Site Upload) in chronological order.
In Custom Galleries, you can choose to manually sort your images in the gallery.
Creating custom albums
Once you've curated visual content to custom albums, you can then create a new Custom Gallery widget for each custom album or assign a specific album to an existing Custom Gallery.
Assigning albums to custom galleries
Visual content showcased in the Custom Gallery is sourced from albums created via Visual Curation. When creating a new Custom Gallery, you must assign the gallery to an existing album which you can reassign at any time via the gallery settings.
To assign a specific custom album to a new gallery:
- Click Photo Galleries.
- Click Create Gallery and assign the desired album to it.
To assign a specific custom album to an existing gallery:
- Click Photo Galleries.
- Pick the desired gallery from the Photo Galleries page.
- Choose the desired album from the Album Source dropdown.

On-site galleries can be created from within albums or from within the gallery menu. Remember, there's no limit to the number of Custom Galleries you can create!