Integrating Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals with Sailthru

      Integrating Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals with Sailthru

        Article summary


        Supported plans

        Premium, Enterprise

        eCommerce Platform

        Shopify, Shopify Plus, Adobe Commerce (Magento), BigCommerce, Salesforce Commerce Cloud, Custom

        If you use Sailthru to send marketing emails to your customers, then you can use our Sailthru integration to automatically pass program-related data directly into your Sailthru account! Sending rewards and referral program-related emails directly from Sailthru makes it easier to manage your marketing drips, ensure that customers receive the right email at the right time, and better target customers based on their program status.

        Before you start

        1. Log in to Yoptpo Loyalty & Referrals admin.
        2. Click on Integrations.
        3. Select Sailthru from the drop-down and click Add.
        4. You'll see a prompt asking you for a key & secret so that we know exactly where to send your program data:

        1. Just follow the on-screen instructions to access your Public API Key & Secret from directly within your Sailthru account. You can click the "lock" icon in Sailthru to view both of these: 

        1. Once you've input your Sailthru API credentials were prompted in Yotpo Referrals, just click Add Integration, and you're all set! The integration will start syncing & show up in your list of integrations:

        Integration data

        In general, there are two types of data parameters that Yotpo Referrals passes to Sailthru:

        1) Vars refer to any pertinent Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals data about the customer (e.g. point balance, unique referral link, etc.). Each time it updates (for example, if a customer earns more points), Yotpo Referrals will automatically it in Sailthru as well. Here are a list of all the vars Yotpo Referrals sends to Sailthru

        • swell_has_account
        • swell_point_balance
        • swell_points_earned
        • swell_referral_link
        • swell_referral_discount_code
        • swell_credit_balance
        • swell_vip_tier_name
        • swell_vip_tier_ends_at
        • swell_points_expire_at

        2) Custom Events refer to one-time occurrences that you can use to trigger specific program-related emails. For example, the Yotpo Referrals Redemption Reminder event can be sent when a customer has enough points for a discount but hasn't redeemed their points in a certain period of time. This type of email has proven itself as an extremely effective way to bring past buyers back to your shop. 

        • swell/points/earned
        • swell/referral/share/reminder
        • swell/tier/lost
        • swell/tier/earned
        • swell/referral/share
        • swell/customer/birthday
        • swell/redemption/reminder
        • swell/points/reminder
        • swell/referral/completed
        • swell/redemption/created 

        Sending Loyalty & Referrals emails in Sailthru

        Using a combination of your vars and custom events data, there are an incredibly wide variety of emails you can send using the Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals-Sailthru integration. This section describes some of the most popular emails we recommend sending, and includes the appropriate code / email tags you'll need to place the appropriate program data in each email.

        Want to send customers an email with their referral link? Or include their up-to-the-minute point balance? No problem!

        Encourage customers to share their referral link

        We highly encourage you to send an email to your customers with their unique referral link. Upon receiving your email, they can forward it directly along to all of their friends, and hopefully earn you tons of referral-based business in the process!

        Wherever you'd like to include the customer's unique referral link in your email, just insert this code:

        {profile.vars.swell_referral_link?:"Don't have an account yet? Create an account with our store to get your very own link!"}

        You can edit any of the "default" text  included in the code to better match your tone and style.

        Update customers on their point balance

        In almost any of your emails, it's never a bad idea to update your customers on their point balance! Better yet, all it takes is a simple line of code:

        {profile.vars.swell_point_balance?:"Don't have an account yet? Create an account with our store to get your very own link!"}

        Trigger-based emails

        Instead of sending emails to customers via Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals when they complete program-related "events", you can send them directly via Sailthru instead! 

        All trigger-based emails should be set up as Flows within the Lifecycle Optimizer in your Sailthru account. To get started, click on the Communications tab at the top of your Sailthru admin & select  Lifecycle Optimizer. Let's get started with creating a flow by clicking on the New Flow button within that section.

        In this Flow editor, click on the perforated "event" element in the middle of the page to get started. You'll see a menu slide out from the right where you'll want to select Custom Events API from the Start This Flow When drop-down.

        Under Event Name, you'll input the Yotpo Referrals event name you're setting your flow up for (all custom events are listed earlier in this help doc). 

        Next, click on the plus sign ( + ) below the event graphic and select Action. You'll want your action to be Send Email:

        Select the Template you'd like to use for your email and click the Draft button at the top of the flow toolbar to set your Flow to Active.

        And you're all set! Your flow is now Saved and Active on your store! You're of course welcome to just save it and mark it "active" later on.

        When you’re ready to launch your Sailthru emails make sure that emails in your Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals admin are disabled and that these flow are active in your Sailthru account

        Example templates

        Below are instructions & examples of Yotpo Referrals email templates for you to create in Sailthru Each Custom Event will have its' own template below.

        We recommend building these templates out before creating your flows.

        Yotpo referral share (swell/referral/share)

        The referral link share email gets sent out when a customer on your site refers their friend to your store. This email is sent directly to their referred friend. This message should include the customer’s unique referral link.

        To set up this template in Sailthru:

        1. Create a new template by going to Communications > Templates > New Template
        2. Add your Basics information into subject, from name, etc..
        3. Select the Code tab to add your content. We suggest customizing the email to match your brand and to use copy similar to this:
        "Hey there! Your friend just gave you <add referred customer reward amount> off your first purchase at <Your Store Name>. Use your friends special link and they’ll get rewarded too: {referral_link} "
        • We also suggest following these best practices:
          • Do not try and include the recipient's name in this message: if they are a new customer to your store this will likely result in a blank field
          • Make sure that any CTA’s (“Shop Now” buttons, etc) include the referrer’s link so we can track the referral. {referral_link}
        1. When you're happy with your template, click Save

        Loyalty & Referrals share reminder (referral/share/reminder)

        The referral link share email gets sent out three days after a customer refers their friend to your site. The email is sent directly to the friend they referred if they have not yet made a purchase since the Yotpo Referral Share email was sent out. This message should include the customer’s unique referral link.

        To set up this template in Sailthru:

        1. Create a new template by going to Communications > Templates > New Template
        2. Add your Basics information into subject, from name, etc..
        3. Select the Code tab to add your content. We suggest customizing the email to match your brand and to use copy similar to this:
        "Hey there! You still have <rewards amount> off your first purchase at <Your Store Name>. Use your friends special link and they’ll get rewarded too: {referral_link}"
        • We also suggest following these best practices:
          • Do not try and include the recipient's name in this message: if they are a new customer to your store this will likely result in a blank field
          • Make sure that any CTA’s (“Shop Now” buttons, etc) include the referrer’s link so we can track the referral. {referral_link}
        1. When you're happy with your template, click Save

        Yotpo referral completed (swell/referral/completed)

        The referral completed email gets sent out if a friend that was referred to your store makes a purchase. The email gets sent to the customer that made the referral. If you offer incentive for referrals this message should include a mention of the reward the customer has just earned as well as redemption instructions.

        To set up this template in Sailthru:

        1. Create a new template by going to Communications > Templates > New Template
        2. Add your Basics information into subject, from name, etc..
        3. Select the Code tab to add your content. We suggest customizing the email to match your brand and to use copy similar to this:
        “You just earned <Reward> for your referred friend’s purchase at <Your Store Name>! To redeem your reward just head over to <Your Site>, log in to your account, prepare your next purchase and then select your redemption option at checkout. Want to earn more? Keep sharing your referral link {profile.vars.swell_referral_link} or check out these other ways to earn more here <Link To Rewards Page>”
        • We also suggest following these best practices:
          • Provide specific instructions on how and where a customer can redeem rewards
          • Link back to your rewards page if there are other ways a customer can earn rewards
          • If you are rewarding referrals with a coupon be sure to use the discount code property (“To redeem your reward use this code a checkout: {redemption.reward_text} )
        1. When you're happy with your template, click Save

        Loyalty & referrals customer birthday (swell/customer/birthday)

        If you are running a Happy Birthday campaign in your rewards program, this email will be sent out to customers on their birthday. This email should contain the reward they’ve earned and how and where they can redeem it.

        To set up this template in Sailthru:

        1. Create a new template by going to Communications > Templates > New Template
        2. Add your Basics information into subject, from name, etc..
        3. Select the Code tab to add your content. We suggest customizing the email to match your brand and to use copy similar to this:
        “Happy Birthday <First Name>! To celebrate your special we we’ve given you {perk.reward_points}."
        • We also suggest following these best practices:
          • Provide specific instructions on how and where a customer can redeem rewards
          • If you are rewarding birthdays with a coupon be sure to use the discount code property (“To redeem your reward use this code a checkout: {redemption.reward_text} )
        1. When you're happy with your template, click Save

        Loyalty & referrals points reminder (swell/points/reminder)

        By default, this email is triggered when a customer has been inactive (has not earned or redeemed points) in 30 days. This gets sent directly to the customer and should include their current points balance, a link to your store, and directions on how to earn more points.

        Please Note:

        You can change the number of days under the Trigger Customer Reminder Notification... field by going to Programs > Triggered Emails:

        If you are using variable coupons (meaning that customer can redeem points for a discount at any threshold), there is no need to set up this email. Customers with any points balance will be eligible for a reward and should instead receive the “Swell Referrals Redemption Reminder” message.

        To set up this template in Sailthru:

        1. Create a new template by going to Communications > Templates > New Template.
        2. Add your Basics information into subject, from name, etc.
        3. Select the Code tab to add your content. We suggest customizing the email to match your brand and to use copy similar to this:
        “Hi <First Name>! Did you know you have {profile.vars.swell_points_balance} points in <Rewards Program Name>? Just earn {points_needed} more points and you’ll be able to exchange them for rewards directly at <Your Site>.
        Want to learn more? Login to <Your Rewards Page> to check out your status and see more ways to earn. Don’t have an account? No problem, we’re still holding your points for you. Just create an account here <Your Site> using your email address and you’ll have access to your balance.”
        • We also suggest following these best practices:
          • You can create multiple “Points Reminder” emails in Sailthru if you offer different rewards. If you create a flow that is triggered by Yotpo Referrals Points Reminder and is further targeted to customers with a certain amount of points you can specify in your email copy what type of reward they are close to earning (ex: “Get X more points for $5 off your next order!”)
          • Provide a link back to your store and your rewards page so customers can “Shop Now” or “Learn More Here”
        1. When you're happy with your template, click Save.

        Loyalty & referrals redemption reminder (swell/redemption/reminder)

        This email is triggered 30 days after a customer has enough points or credit to redeem a discount. This gets sent directly to the customer and should include their current points balance, a link to your store, and directions on how to redeem their rewards.

        To set up this template in Sailthru:

        1. Create a new template by going to Communications > Templates > New Template.
        2. Add your Basics information into subject, from name, etc.
        3. Select the Code tab to add your content. We suggest customizing the email to match your brand and to use copy similar to this:
        ““Hi <First Name>! Did you know you have {profile.vars.swell_points_balance} points // or {profile.vars.swell_credit_balance} at <Rewards Program Name>? That's enough for a discount! 
        Want to learn more? Login to <Your Rewards Page> to check out your status and redeem your rewards.Don’t have an account? No problem, we’re still holding your points // credit for you. Just create an account here <Your Site> using your email address and you’ll have access to your balance.”
        • We also suggest following these best practices:
          • Provide specific instructions on how and where a customer can redeem rewards
          • Use {profile.vars.swell_point_balance} if you have a points system but if you message rewards in direct dollars off or credit you can use the {profile.vars.swell_credit_balance} tag instead
        1. When you're happy with your template, click Save.

        Loyalty and referrals tier earned (yotpo/tier/earned)

        If you are running VIP tiers  in your rewards program, this email will be sent out to customers when they enter a tier (found under your VIP Tiers section in your Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals admin).

        To set up this template in Sailthru:

        1. Create a new template by going to Communications > Templates > New Template.
        2. Add your Basics information into subject, from name, etc.
        3. Select the Code tab to add your content. We suggest customizing the email to match your brand and to use copy similar to this:
        “Congrats <First Name>! We’re thrilled to report that you’ve just leveled up to our  {profile.vars.swell_vip_tier_name} tier. You’re about to enjoy a whole new host of exclusive opportunities, including not just early access to sales throughout the year, but more points on every single purchase you make.
        • We also suggest following these best practices:
          • If you are rewarding VIP tiers with a coupon be sure to use the discount code property so your customers can redeem their reward (“To redeem your reward use this code a checkout: {redemption.reward_text} )
          • If you have more than 2 VIP tiers we recommend creating an email template for each VIP tier that outlines the unique benefits of being on that new level. These emails can be triggered by the Yotpo Referrals Tier Earned event but targeted to specific segments (based on tier_name or points_balance)
        1. When you're happy with your template, click Save

        Loyalty & Referrals redemption created (yotpo/redemption/created)

        This email is triggered when a customer redeems points for a coupon on your rewards page. This email contains the code a customer must enter at checkout for their discount. If you allow customers to redeem points for a discount or product that is automatically redeemed at checkout this email will not be triggered.

        To set up this template in Sailthru:

        1. Create a new template by going to Communications > Templates > New Template.
        2. Add your Basics information into subject, from name, etc.
        3. Select the Code tab to add your content. We suggest customizing the email to match your brand and to use copy similar to this:
        “Congrats on earning your coupon! Here is your coupon code: {redemption.reward_text}. To redeem your reward please enter the code on the checkout page when you make your next purchase at <Store Name/Link>.”
        • We also suggest following these best practices:
          • Provide specific instructions on how and where a customer can use their coupon
          • Link back to the rewards page so customers can see how they can earn or redeem more points
        1. When you're happy with your template, click Save.

        Just keep in mind that some parameters for event-related emails (e.g. the amount of time we should wait before determining that a customer qualifies for the Redemption Reminder email) should be set up in the Email Notifications section of your Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals account. Then, when the person qualifies for the event, we'll automatically send it to Sailthru!

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