Loyalty Opt-in

      Loyalty Opt-in

        Article summary


        Loyalty & Referrals

        Supported plans

        Free, Pro, Premium, Enterprise

        eCommerce Platform


        The Opt-in mechanism allows you to differentiate between customers who choose to be in your loyalty program ("opted in") and those who have not ("opted out".) Making this distinction allows for more targeted reporting, and decreased liability, and promotes brand exclusivity.
        Additionally, all opted-in customers will automatically be enrolled into your base tier.

        Opt-in global settings

        The global setting determines the behavior of your opt-in program. These settings can be changed by going to Settings > Loyalty Opt-in Rule.

        There are three options you can choose from: 

        1. Global Setting: Platform account 

        Customers are opted in if they create an account with your platform. Relevant for: Shopify, Bigcommerce, Adobe Commerce 2, SFCC, and Generic integrations

        2. Global Setting: All customers are members (Default)

        All customers are opted-in to your loyalty program. This means customers who take any action that would register them as a customer in your e-commerce platform, or if they interact with your Loyalty & Referrals program in any way

        3. Global Setting: API

        Customers are only opted in using a custom flow built using Yotpo's API, such as selecting a specific checkbox on your site

        Please note:

        If you are using a platform integration, opted-in customers must be a subset of customers who have an account, as it is not possible to opt-in customers who do not have an account.

        Changing the Default Setting

        If you update your opt-in rule, your existing customers will not be affected. The new rule will only be applied to customers who join after the rule was changed.

        Please note:

        We recommend reaching out to your CSM or to customer support to get expert advice and assistance before changing your opt-in rule.

        In order to change the default opt-in rule, do the following:

        1. Log in to your Loyalty & Referrals Admin.

        2. Click Settings.

        3. Scroll down to find the setting Loyalty Opt-in Rule.

        4.  Select the rule you want from the menu.

        5. Click Save.

        Ways to opt-in

        There are several ways a user can opt in, depending on your global settings.

        Platform Account

        If your global setting is set to Platform account, your customers can opt-in:

        1. By creating an account on your site.

        2. When purchasing a VIP tier.

        3. By referring a friend - this is the default setting. To learn how to change the setting, click here.

        4. You may also opt-in customers with the import feature or set up a custom logic via the API.


          When importing a customer, the opt-in status overrides any existing status.

        All Customers (Default)

        If your global setting is All Customers:

        All customers who interact with your Loyalty & Referrals program will be opted in. For example, signing up for a newsletter, referring a friend, or participating in a campaign.

        All customers who take any action that would register them as a customer in your eCommerce platform. For example: checking out as a guest

        Ways to opt-in: API

        If your global setting is API only:

        1. The primary way to opt-in customers is via the API.

        2. Purchasing a VIP tier will automatically opt the customer into the program.

        3. Referring a friend will automatically opt the referrer into the program. (This is the default setting, however, this settingc an be customized) 

          Opted in vs. Opted out

          This table describes the actions a customer can take in an opted-in versus opted-out state. 


          Opted In

          Opted Out

          Opted Out and referring friends

          Can Earn Points?



          Only from referring a friend

          Can enter VIP tiers?




          Can redeem points for discounts?




          Can use Coupons?




          Can use referred-friend coupon?




          Gets loyalty related emails?




          Changing opt-in status via CSV import

          You can manually opt customers in or out via the Import Customers page. Please reach out to customer support or your account manager to receive expert guidance on completing this action.
          Visit Import Customers From CSV, and follow the instructions for uploading a CSV file. There are two fields relevant to opt-In.

          Consequences of opting out

          Please note opting out a customer means they will lose their points, VIP tier status, and all in-progress perks.
          If they re-opt in, nothing will be restored. See more about what happens when you opt out a customer.

          Opt In Status Field (0 or 1)

          Designate a column in your CSV to indicate the customer's Opt-In status. It is a binary field that can read either 0 or 1.

          0 = Opt out

          1 = Opt in

          The status you set will override any existing status.

          Opt In Status Field (if left blank)

          If the Opt In Status field is left blank, your global setting will determine the outcome. Opt-In Status Field: Platform Account (Default)

          Opt In Status Field: Platform Account (Default)

          • When importing new customers with a blank Opt in status field:
            - Customers will be set to "opted out." They will not earn points due to this import.  

          • When importing existing customers that are opted out with blank Opt in status field:
            - Customers will stay opted out and will not earn any points due to the import. 

          • When importing existing customers that are opted in with blank Opt in status field:
            - Customers will stay opted in and will earn points due to the impo

          Opt In Status Field: All Customers

          • Importing new or existing customers with blank Opt in status field:
            - Customers will be opted in. Points will be added due to import.  

          • Importing new or existing customers with Opt in status field set to false (0):
            - The customers will be opted out and will not earn points due to import. 

          Opt In Status Field: API only (Exact same behavior as "Platform Account")

          • When importing new customers with a blank Opt in status field:
            - Customers will be set to "opted out." They will not earn points due to this import.  

          • When importing existing customers that are opted out with blank Opt in status field:
            - Customers will stay opted out and will not earn any points due to the import. 

          • When importing existing customers that are opted in with blank Opt in status field:
            - Customers will stay opted in and will earn points due to the import

        Opt In Date Field (iso8601)

        Enter the date you want to appear as the customer's opt-in date in this format: YYYY-MM-DD

        Opt in via API

        You may choose to use the API to opt customers in or out, regardless of your global settings 

        Opt in with API

        You can check a customer's opt-in status with this call: 

        You can update a customer's opt-in status with this call:

        When you send Yotpo a new customer via API, you can also indicate whether this customer should be opted in with opted_in = true

        • Create order
          When you send Yotpo a new order via API, you can also indicate whether this customer should be opted in 

        How does a customer know if they are opted in or out?

        Customers will NOT be notified automatically if they are opted in or out of your program. 

        We recommend setting up an email notification on your ESP to make sure customers are up to date with their status. Learn about available ESP attributes and events.

        What happens when a customer is opted out?

        • The points balance is zeroed out 

        • Customer is dropped out of any VIP tier to no tier (including paid membership)

        • Delayed perks are canceled

        • In-progress perks are canceled (for example, Goal Spend campaign or Punch Card campaign)

        • If the customer gets re-opted, their points and VIP status will not be restored


        If a customer gets opted out and back in again, they will not get their previous VIP status or points back. 

        Related settings

        Customers section

        There are two fields in your Loyalty Customer section:

        • Loyalty Status (either: "Loyalty Member" or "Non Member") 

        • Opt In Date - The date the customer opted in. If the customer has opted out and back in again, it will display the most recent opt-in date.

        Please note:

        You cannot manually adjust point balance, give a reward or add custom actions to opted-out customers

        "Referring customers automatically opted in" setting

        By default, Referring a friend will automatically opt in the referrer. To control this setting:

        1. In the Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals main menu, go to Settings > General Settings

        2. Locate the Referring customers are automatically opted into loyalty setting

        Choose either:

        • Yes (default) - Customers who refer a friend are opted into your loyalty program upon entering their email address

        • No - Even if a customer refers a friend, they will not be opted in (but will continue to collect perks for referral-related actions)

        Please note:

        This setting will appear only if the loyalty opt-in rule is set to Platfrom account or API only.

        VIP tier settings

        "Include Actions Pre Opt-in" Setting

        You can choose to count purchases made before the opt-in date towards entering a spend-based VIP tier (tiers with "amount spent" or "purchases made" thresholds.) once a customer opts in.

        To locate the setting:

        Open Loyalty & Referrals Programs tab 

        1. Click VIP Tiers.

        2. Open Advanced Settings.

        3. Locate "Include Actions Pre Opt-In" checkbox.
          Choose between two options:

        •  Checked Box - Count all purchases the customer made starting from the tier period start date, regardless of the customer's opt-in date

        •  Unchecked Box - Only start counting purchases towards entering spend-based campaigns after the customer's opt-in date 

        For example

        If you have an amount spent VIP tier with a threshold of 100$, and a customer who submitted 150$ worth of purchases as a guest checkout decided to opt in - 

        • When the box is checked, the customer will be pushed immediately into the tier (even though the relevant purchases were submitted pre-opt-in)

        • When the box is unchecked, the purchases will not count toward tiers, and the customer will now start to earn toward their VIP tier eligibility

        Opt-In and Paid VIP tiers

        A customer who is opted out cannot earn a VIP tier. However, a customer who is opted out still has the option to purchase a paid VIP tier, because this action automatically opts them in. 


        Use your Loyalty Reports to gather the most relevant data about your business. All of the below reports include opt-in/opt-out date.

        • Segments 

          • You can include only customers with a platform account by using the filter:
            Has Platform Account = Is Yes

          • You can include only customers who are opted in by using the filter:
            Loyalty Member = Is Yes

        • Dashboards
          You can filter to only include only customers who are opted in by using the filter: Only Loyalty Members = Is Yes. This filter is available on the following dashboards:


        ESP Attributes

        • Loyalty_opt_in_date
          Use this if you only want to email members who have been a part of your program for a certain amount of time, for example, either very new loyalty members or long-time members.

        • Loyalty_opt_in (changes based on opt in status)
          If you want to send an email to loyalty members only, use the attribute: Loyalty_opt_in = yes

        ESP Events

        • Loyalty_opt_in 

        • Loyalty_opt_out  
          Use these events if you want to send an email only once to welcome someone to the program or to notify them that they have opted out. 


        Opted-out customers will not receive loyalty-related emails (such as birthday, point reminder, or redemption reminder emails.)


        Can a customer retroactively get points for purchases after they’re opted in?

        No. This functionality is not available at this time.

         How do we know if an account was created on a custom platform?

        Via the  Fetch customer details API call has_account. To do this you will need to pass “has_account” = true.

        What about Lightspeed?

        Every customer passed from Lightspeed to Yotpo Loyalty will automatically be opted in. They can only be opted out through CSV import.

        What about Paid Membership? (Yotpo Membership Program)

        Every customer that purchased a paid membership is opted-in. They will never be opted out except by changing their status via CSV import

        What will an opted-out customer see onsite? Can they participate in campaigns?

        No, they will not be able to participate in campaigns. If your global setting is set to API only, you will need to adjust your onsite experience to make it clear that customers need to opt-in in order to participate. 

        Will Newsletter signup opt-in a customer?

        No. Opted-out customers can participate in this campaign, receive the campaign reward, and will not be opted in. 

        How can I opt out everyone at once?

        Reach out to our Support team or your account manager for expert guidance and help using the CSV import feature to complete this action.

        If the program is set to 'Platform account', can you still opt-in via API?


        If a customer earned points as part of the referral program, and they have not opted into loyalty, can they earn point-based tiers?

        No. Opted-out customers can not earn VIP tiers.

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