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Loyalty Performance Dashboard
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The Loyalty Performance Dashboard is a great way to gain valuable insights into the performance of your customer loyalty program and leverage real-time data to gauge ROI and understand, optimize, and improve your loyalty program.
Use the dashboard to:
- Compare metrics of active vs. inactive loyalty and referral members.
- Track the number of active customers and set benchmarks for future growth.
- Generate scheduled reports to easily share data with teammates and stakeholders.
Getting started
To get started, access the Loyalty Performance Dashboard from within your Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals admin.
To view the Loyalty Performance Dashboard:
In Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals main menu, go to Analytics > Loyalty Performance
Loyalty performance dashboard
The Loyalty Performance Dashboard is comprised of a few sections that can be filtered by date range and further refined using the graph time frame.
To generate graph data, set a date range and time frame, and click Update
- Date Range - The date range(s) of the dataset you wish to generate.
- Graph Time Frame- This filter only affects the graph and will change the scale to either a daily, weekly, or monthly view. To change the viewed breakdown, change the filter as follows:
- is 1 = by day
- is 2 = by week
- is 3 = by month
- First Purchase Date - Filter for customers whose first purchase date (the first purchase they ever made with the store) is within the given range.
- First Purchase Value - Set a filter for the monetary value of a customer’s first purchase with your store.
The dashboards display monetary amounts in the default currency you have set under Settings > General > Default Currency
Redeeming and non-redeeming customers
- Redeeming customers are users who made a purchase and redeemed points/coupons when making a purchase within the selected date range.
- Non-redeeming customers are customers who made at least one purchase during the given date range but did not redeem loyalty points or receive a perk.
Participation rate
Participation Rate reflects the number of customers who have redeemed points (Redeeming Customers) out of your entire customer base who have made at least one purchase.
Added revenue per customer
Added Revenue per Customer refers to how much additional average revenue was generated per redeeming customer.
Added revenue
Added Revenue refers to the total added revenue generated by all customers who have redeemed loyalty points.
Redeeming customers graph
Use the redeeming customers graph to view trends in the number of redeeming customers by date range and time frame.Tip:Hover over the line graph to view a count of redeeming customers for the date range/time frame defined.
Average purchases
The average number of purchases made by customers who have redeemed points (redeemers) vs. customers who haven't redeemed loyalty points (non redeemers).
Average revenue per customer
The average revenue generated by customers who have redeemed points (redeemers) vs. customers who haven't redeemed loyalty points (non redeemers).
Repeat purchase rate
Reflects the rate at which redeeming customers vs. non-redeeming customers made more than one purchase within the date range defined.
Average order value
Average Order Values (AOV) reflects the average order size of redeeming vs. non-redeeming customers within the date range defined.
View an itemized count of customers, orders, total revenue, repeat purchases, and average purchases by customer type.
Export actions
Multiple export actions allow you to create one-time reports as a PDF/CSV file or schedule automated actions you can sync with your ESP or Slack.
For all export options, Click the 3 dots at the upper right corner to export data
Download as PDF
Generates a one-time report in PDF format.

Download as CSVs
Downloads a one-time comma-separated value (.csv) report which can be easily shared with teammates and stakeholders.
You can use this one-time action to collaborate with teammates via email or Slack, or push your customer segment data to your ESP via Webhook URL.
To use this action, click the 3 dots at the upper right corner > Schedule delivery > Change the Recurrence to "Send Now" and enter the email address.
An automatic scheduled action you can use to generate recurring reports and/or a regular sync with your ESP via Webhook URL.
To create a new scheduled action:
- Click the 3 dots in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
- Click Schedule.
- Click New.