Managing Your Rewards Program for Shopify and Shopify Plus

      Managing Your Rewards Program for Shopify and Shopify Plus

        Article summary


        Supported plans

        Free, Pro, Premium, Enterprise

        eCommerce Platform

        Shopify, Shopify Plus

        The Rewards Program page is the area where you can view and manage every side of your rewards program. This includes managing how customers can earn points and other rewards, redeem their points for rewards, and finally how they experience your program on-site. 

        In this article, you’ll learn how to manage the different sides of your rewards program.

        To view and manage your Rewards Program:

        In the Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals main menu, go to Set Up Program > Rewards Program.

        Ways to earn

        Earning rules set the conditions for the activities customers can complete to earn points and other rewards as part of your rewards program. 

        Use earning rules to promote various business goals, such as increasing brand awareness, turning one-time buyers into repeat customers, etc.

        Managing earning rules

        The Ways to earn section of the program page summarizes the earning rules that are currently Active in your program. 

        To go to the Earning Rules page to manage the full list of earning rules, including those that are inactive (deactivated or scheduled for later), click Manage earning rules.

        The Earning Rules page is available for Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals merchants on Gold, Platinum, and Enterprise plans.

        Learn more about managing earning rules

        Creating new earning rules

        When first starting out with Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals, you’ll see two earning rules set up by default: Points for Purchases and Create Account

        The option to add more earning rules is available for Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals merchants on Gold, Platinum, and Enterprise plans.

        To add more earning rules follow these steps:

        Step 1: Create a new earning rule

        1. From the Rewards Program page, go to the Ways to earn section.
        2. Click Create earning rule.
        3. Select the earning rule you’d like to add.
        4. Click Next.
        5. Once finished going through the earning rule settings, click Save.

        Step 2: Add it to your Rewards Page

        The Rewards Page is available for Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals merchants on Gold, Platinum, and Enterprise plans.
        1. From the Rewards Program page, click Edit on the Rewards Page preview section.
        2. Hover over the active Rewards Page instance on your store, and click edit.
        3. Click Earning Points.
        4. Then, click Layout.
        5. Use the drop-down to select the earning rule (previously called Campaign) you just created.
        6. Then, click Update.
          Use the different module sections to design the look & feel of the earning rule tile as part of your page. Learn more
        7. If you haven't published your Rewards Page yet and are ready to, click Publish. If you’re not ready to publish yet, click the Save icon.
          Learn more about publishing your Rewards Page on Shopify for the first time.
        8. Go back to the Rewards Program page.

        If your Rewards Page is published, the new earning rule will now show up on your store and customers can earn rewards from it!

        Editing earning rules

        To edit the conditions of an existing earning rule:

        1. From the Rewards Program page, go to the Ways to earn section.
        2. Hover over the earning rule you want to edit.
        3. Click Edit.

        Ways to redeem

        This area is where you manage the different ways your customers can redeem their points for rewards as part of your rewards program. Once your customers have earned some points, they can redeem them for redeemable rewards such as discounts, free shipping, free products, etc.

        Learn more about redeemable rewards

        Managing redeemable rewards

        The Ways to redeem section of the program page summarizes the redeemable rewards you’ve created. 

        To go to the Redeemable Rewards page to manage your full list of rewards, as well as view key data such as the number of times each was redeemed, click Manage rewards.The Redeemable Rewards page is available for Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals merchants on Platinum and Enterprise plans.

        Creating new redeemable rewards

        When first starting out with Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals, you will automatically be set up with a fixed amount cash discount reward

        • The option to create an any amount cash discount is only available for Shopify Plus merchants on Gold, Platinum, and Enterprise plans
        • The option to add more reward types is available for Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals merchants on Platinum and Enterprise plans

        To add more redeemable rewards from the program page, follow these steps:

        Step 1: Create a new reward

        1. From the Rewards Program page, go to the Ways to redeem section.
        2. Click Create reward.
        3. From the drop-down, select the reward you’d like to add.
        4. Click Next.
        5. Once finished going through the reward settings, click Save.

        Step 2: Add it to your Rewards Page

        The Rewards Page is available for Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals merchants on Gold, Platinum, and Enterprise plans.
        Please note:

        For merchants on Shopify Plus, you can add the reward to the Checkout widget for it to show up on your store's checkout page. Learn more

        1. Go back to Set Up Program > Rewards Program.
        2. Click Edit on the Rewards page preview section.
        3. Hover over the active Rewards page instance on your store, and click edit.
        4. Click Redeem Points (Interactive).
        5. Then, click Layout.
        6. From the drop-down, select the reward you just created.
        7. Then, click Update.
          Use the different module sections to design the look & feel of the reward tile as part of your page. Learn more
        8. If you haven't published your Rewards Page yet and are ready to, click Publish. If you’re not ready to publish yet, click the Save icon.
          Learn more about publishing your Rewards Page on Shopify for the first time
        9. Go back to the Rewards Program page.

        If your Rewards Page is published, the new reward will now show up on your store and customers can redeem their points for it!

        Editing redeemable rewards

        To edit the settings of an existing reward:

        1. From the Rewards Program page, go to the Ways to redeem section.
        2. Hover over the reward you want to edit.
        3. Click Edit.

        Managing the on-site experience

        Use the right side of the Rewards Program page to preview and edit the way your program will appear on your store.

        Rewards Sticky Bar

        The Rewards Sticky Bar is available for all Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals plans.

        Your customers can interact with the Rewards Sticky Bar at any point in their shopping journey. It can be used to invite customers to sign up for your rewards program, let them view their available points, and redeem them for rewards.

        To make any changes to your Sticky Bar:

        1. From the Rewards Program page, go to the Sticky Bar section.
        2. Click Edit.

        Rewards Page

        The Rewards Page is available for Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals merchants on Gold, Platinum, and Enterprise plans.

        This area of your program page lets you preview what the different earning rules and rewards look like on your store’s dedicated Rewards Page.

        To make any changes to the look and feel of your page:

        1. From the Rewards Program page, go to the Rewards Page section.
        2. Click Edit.
        Please note:

        Gold, Platinum, and Enterprise plan merchants will see the Rewards Page preview by default. If you wish to edit the Sticky bar, go to Display On-site > Rewards Sticky Bar

        To learn more about the Sticky Bar, please refer to our Setting Up Your Rewards Sticky Bar article.

        Launching your Rewards Program

        Free plan

        Launch your rewards program straight from the Rewards Program Page by clicking the Launch Program button. You will then need to enable the App Embed toggle in Shopify:

        Enabling App Embed

        For merchants who haven’t yet enabled Yotpo in Shopify, follow these steps to publish Yotpo on-site elements on your website:

        1. From the Rewards Program Page, click Launch Program.
        2. Follow the on-screen instructions to enable and publish in Shopify.
        3. Your Shopify theme editor will open in a separate tab.
        4. In App embeds, make sure that the Modules & SDK loaders toggle is turned on.
        5. Click Save.
        6. Go back to the Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals tab.

        The Loyalty & Referrals program is now live in your store!

        Please note:

        If you see the message “There seems to be a connection problem,” or “Your session timed out due to inactivity,” this means we had a problem completing your publish request. To fix this, repeat steps 3 through 5 above.

        If you are still seeing these errors, please contact customer support.

        Gold, Platinum & Enterprise Plans

        A crucial step in launching your loyalty and referrals programs is enabling Yotpo’s on-site elements in Shopify. 

        This will allow your shoppers to engage with the Rewards Page and the modules and participate in your on-site loyalty experience.

        1. Enable app embedd

        To enable Yotpo on-site:

        1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Themes.
        2. Find the theme you wish to edit, and then click Customize.
        3. Click the App embeds icon on the side menu.
        4. Enable the Modules & SDK loaders toggle.
        5. Click Save.
        2. Publish your rewards page

        Go back to the Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals and publish the Rewards page or modules you've customized.

        Make sure to follow the instruction when publishing the modules for the first time.

        3. Activate your program

        Go to the Yotpo Loyalty & Referral Settings page and activate your program.

        Loyalty & Referrals widgets will now appear in your store once you choose to publish them!

        Please note:

        If you see the message “There seems to be a connection problem,” or “Your session timed out due to inactivity,” this means we had a problem completing your publish request. To fix this, repeat steps 3 through 5 above.

        If you are still seeing these errors, please contact customer support.

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