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Multi-currency Placeholders for Modules
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Implementing multi-currency allows you to display your Loyalty & Referrals program in the shopper’s chosen currency.
The multi-currency placeholders convert the default currency you have set in your Loyalty admin and dynamically display amounts in the currency chosen by the shopper.
For example, {{10_local_currency}} will display the equivalent value of 10 base currency in the customer’s local currency.
Before you start
Before proceeding, make sure the multi-currency feature is set up and enabled for your shop. Click on the relevant guide below to learn more:
The next step is to enter the placeholders in your on-site elements.
Multi-currency placeholders overview
This table below provides an overview of all the existing placeholders. To get a better idea of what they do and where they should be used, please review the placeholders checklist.
Placeholder | Description |
{{X_local_currency}} | This will display a given value ‘X’ in the currency the shopper is currently using. For example:If the shopper's display is set to euros, {{10_local_currency}} will display €10 |
{{local_currency_spend}} | This placeholder converts one unit of default currency set in your admin into the currency used by the shopper. For example, if your default currency is set to USD and the shopper is using euros, $1 will be displayed to the shopper as €0.8. |
{{local_currency_goal_spend}} | This placeholder pulls the value set in the ‘Goal spend’ field in the Goal spend campaign and displays the equivalent value in the shopper’s local currency. For example:Spend over {{local_currency_goal_spend}} and earn a 500 point bonus! |
{{local_currency_reward}} | This placeholder pulls the value set in the “Name” field of a coupon and displays the equivalent value in the shopper's local currency. For example:Redeem 500 points for a coupon worth {{local_currency_reward}} |
Pre-existing placeholders
The Loyalty & Referrals program has existing placeholders that do not need to be changed or adjusted in order to support multi-currency.
Click below to see the full list of pre-existing placeholders that will include that will also react to a currency change:
Pre-existing placeholders list
Module placeholders checklist
Below is a list of modules or Rewards page builder instances where you should use placeholders.
Follow the list to make sure currency changes will be reflected across all the different sections of your loyalty and referrals program.
Earning points module
The Earning Points module consists of all your active campaigns. See below which placeholders to use in which campaigns.
For All Campaigns
A general placeholder you can use in all campaigns is {{X_local_currency}}. Simply replace the ‘X’ with any number to reflect a static amount of money.
You can use this placeholder in the following places:
- Customize tiles > Tile appearance & Text: Upper text/Lower text.
- Customize tiles> Logged in hover over text.
Points for purchases campaign 'Tile text' placeholder
- Go to Customize Tiles.
- Select your Points for purchases campaign.
- Go to Tile appearance & text.
- In the Tile text field, replace the defaults with {{local_currency_spend}}.
It can be used in both Tile upper text and Tile lower text fields. For example: “Earn 10 point per {{local_currency_spend}} spent”.
Points for purchases campaign ‘Logged-in hover text’ placeholder
- Go to Customize Tiles.
- Select your 'Points for purchase' campaign from the dropdown menu.
- Go to Logged in hover over text.
- Replace the default with {{local_currency_spend}}.
Goal spend campaign ‘Tile text’ placeholder
- Go to Customize Tiles.
- Select your 'Goal spend' campaign from the dropdown menu.
- Click Tile appearance & text.
- In the Tile text field, replace the defaults with {{local_currency_goal_spend}}.
The placeholder can be used in both ‘Tile upper text’ and ‘Tile lower text’ fields.
Goal spend campaign ‘Logged-in hover text’ placeholder
- Go to Customize tiles.
- Select your 'Goal spend' campaign from the dropdown menu.
- Go to Logged in hover over text.
- Replace the default with {{local_currency_goal_spend}}.
Redeem points module - Read-only
Read-only ‘Exchange rate’ placeholder
- Go to General appearance > Fonts & general text.
- In the Exchange rate text field, use the placeholder {{X_local_currency}}.
- Replace the ‘X’ with the relevant number.
Read-only ‘Discount amount’ placeholder
- Go to Customize tiles > Settings.
- In the Discount amount text field, replace the default with {{X_local_currency}}.
- Replace the ‘X’ with the relevant number.
Redeem points module - Interactive
‘Exchange rate’ placeholder
- Go to General appearance > Fonts & general text.
- In the Exchange rate text field, use the placeholder {{X_local_currency}}.
- Replace the ‘X’ with the relevant number.
‘Reward amount’ placeholder
- Go to Customize reward appearance > Settings.
- In the Reward amount field, replace the default with {{local_currency_reward}}.
Refer friends module
Title & description placeholder
- Go to Text & share settings > Step 1 > Text.
- In the Title field, replace the default with {{X_local_currency}}.
- In the Description field, replace the default with {{X_local_currency}}.
- Replace the ‘X’ with the relevant values.
VIP Tiers module
VIP Tier placeholders
The VIP Tiers module placeholders automatically support multi-currency:
Checkout module
Checkout placeholders
Checkout placeholdersThe checkout module placeholders automatically support multicurrency:
{{discount amount}}
Points as credit multi-currency display
You can choose to show your shoppers the monetary equivalent of their points. In every field that can display the {{current_point_balance}} placeholder, you can choose to use the {{points_as_credit}} instead or in addition to it.
All points-as-credit placeholders support multi-currency. This means anywhere you’re using the points_as_credit placeholders, no action is needed, it will automatically display in customer currency.
Additionally, in the free products module, you can use the {{points_as_credit}} placeholder under the Appearance > Product points cost value.