Photos Dashboard FAQ

      Photos Dashboard FAQ

        Article summary



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        Get answers to frequently asked questions about Photos Dashboard analytics of your visual marketing features. 

        What are the requirements for a product page to show photos?

        • Photos uploaded from reviews are shown on the product page when just one is published

        • Curated photos from Instagram show on a product page when the Photos Carousel is installed and at least three photos, either from Instagram or from reviews, are published for the product

        My product generation is higher than my actual product coverage. What do I do?

        This is great news! Your photos are already generated - all that's left for you to do is publish them.

        1. In your Yotpo Reviews main menu, go to Reviews > Moderation

        2. Select With Images/Videos in the Sort by dropdown menu in the top right corner.

        3. Click the Publish button under to the review.

        4. See this article for information on publishing photos using Reviews Moderation.

        Can I see photo generation over time?

        Photo generation over time can be viewed by exporting your data via the Export button on the upper right-hand side of your Photos Dashboard. The data will be displayed in CSV format and the date range is presented by day. This allows you to correlate between the 'Photos - Total Generated' field and the desired date range. 

        How can I see photos generated and published per product?

        Data on photo generation and publication can be downloaded by clicking on the blue arrow to the right of 'Top Products by Photo Generation' in the Activity tab of your Photos Dashboard.

        Why do I see "Not Available"?

        There are a few reasons why your data shows as Not Available. Individual widget data will show as N/A if not available. 

        • Network connectivity issues that may impact the availability of your data and may, therefore, be presented as "Not Available". To resolve such issues, check your local network connectivity settings

        • Conversion tracking is not enabled, if you don't have conversion tracking pixel enabled on your checkout page, some of the data will be missing from the dashboard and will show as not available

        • We have not been able to track your data for the selected time period

        Why does my dashboard display “Insignificant Data”

        If results are not yet statistically significant for any metric, you will see an "Insignificant Data" notification until we can be more confident in the data's accuracy. (Insignificant individual widget data will appear as N/A) For immediate results, try increasing the currently defined date range. 

        Why does my dashboard show more conversions than clicks?

        Conversions are attributed to an interaction (click) or an impression (view). 

        As such, a conversion may be attributed to a photo impression even if the buyer did not interact with the photo by clicking on it. 

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