Points for Donations Earning Rule (ShoppingGives)

      Points for Donations Earning Rule (ShoppingGives)

        Article summary


        Loyalty & Referrals
        Supported plans

        Premium, Enterprise

        eCommerce Platform

        Shopify, Shopify Plus

        Consumers are increasingly demanding that brands use their power to make a difference. With the ShoppingGives integration, you can reward customers by donating on their behalf when they shop and then giving them points for the donation. 

        This article will show you how to set this up using the points for donations earning rule (previously known as a campaign). In addition to the points for donations earning rule, you also have another option to let customer exchange their points for a donation to charity. See how to Set up Donate My Points.

        Before you begin

        Before you can set up a Points for Donations earning rule, you need to complete the ShoppingGives integration setup.

        Create a Points for Donations earning rule

        1. From your main menu, go to Set Up Program > Rewards Program. 
        2. Click on Create earning rule.
        3. Under Advanced select Points for donations then click Next.

        Customize earning rule settings

        Reward the customer with...

        Choose either points or a coupon


        How many points should we give the customer per $1 donated?

        For example: if the customer purchases $10 worth of merchandise, which is worth $1 of a donation, how many points will they get for the $1 that was donated?

        A Coupon

        Which coupon should the customer get?

        You can only choose from a list of coupons you have already set up 

        Read about how to set up coupons

        Your donation percentage is something you control through your ShoppingGives account. See this ShoppingGives’ guide for more information.

        • Title
          This field is the name of your points for donations earning rule. It will appear on the earning rule itself, as well as on the customer’s history page.
        • Reward Text
          Enter the value you want to display to the shopper.
        • Description
          After the customer clicks on the earning rule, they will see a short 1-2 sentence description of the earning rule and reward.
        • Icon
          By default, this is a heart icon, but you can also choose from hundreds of other options. Click “Use Font Awesome Icon Names” and copy & paste the icon name you want
        • Display On-Site?
          By default this is toggled to "Yes", meaning that if you save this earning rule after creating/editing, it will be visible on your Rewards popup. Select "No" if you'd like to set up an earning rule that doesn't appear on your site.

        Deploy the earning rule onsite

        On-site module implementation

        Display your Points for Donation earning rule onsite with the Earning Points On-site Module. If you don't have an Earning Points Module yet, learn more about how to create an Earning Points On-site Module

        You can also display your points for donations earning rule onsite with your Earning Points widget in the layout section. In the module editor, you will be able to customize all the texts for the donation process.

        Custom implementation

        If you are using a custom implementation - The earning rule is also available in the SDK

        Email notifications

        If you are using a third-party Email Service Provider (ESP) you can trigger an email to be sent every time the points for donations earning rule is completed

        If you already have a Points/Coupon Earned triggered email

        If you already have set up a triggered email for either points/coupons earned, the points for donations earning rule email will be triggered in the same way. 

        • If you are rewarding with a coupon: the event called "Swell Redemption Created" will be triggered when the earning rule is complete.
        • If you are rewarding with points: the event called "Points Earned" will be triggered when the earning rule is complete.

        If you do not have a Points Earned or Redemption Created email set up, see an example for how to set it up in Klaviyo or see a list of which email service providers are supported.

        If you want to set up an email specific to the Points for Donations earning rule

        If you want to send out a special email only related to when an earning rule is completed, then follow the directions below. Just note that if you also have a points/coupon email set up, this email will be sent in addition to that email.

        1. Create a triggered email with either the Points Earned/Swell Redemption Created event (depending on if you are rewarding with points or coupons for this earning rule.) see an example for how to set it up in Klaviyo.
        2. Set up a filter to only trigger this email when the word "Donation" is present. This will ensure that this email will only be triggered when the points for donations earning rule is completed, and you can customize your email content accordingly. 

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