Receipt Upload Earning Rule

      Receipt Upload Earning Rule

        Article summary


        Loyalty & Referrals
        Supported plans

        Premium, Enterprise

        eCommerce Platform

        Shopify, Shopify Plus, BigCommerce, Salesforce Commerce Cloud, Adobe Commerce (Magento), Custom

        Reward customers for uploading receipts from your own store or third-party retailers. The receipt upload earning rule (previously known as a campaign) is a great way to collect customer emails and drive repeat purchases.

        Please note that for a successful program, you will need to get the word out about your receipt upload earning rule. This is up to you to decide the best way to do this for your brand.

        This feature requires human moderation. See Moderating Receipt Uploads for more information. For brands with high volume, Yotpo is able to provide receipt moderation services. 

        To learn about our receipt moderation services, please reach out to your customer success manager.

        Setup overview

        1. Create a receipt upload earning rule

        Shopify and Shopify Plus
        1. From your main menu, go to Set Up Program > Rewards Program. 
        2. Click on Create earning rule.
        3. Under Advanced select Receipt upload, then click Next.
        All other eCommerce platforms
        1. From your main menu, go to Set Up Program > Earning Rules. 
        2. Click on Create earning rule.
        3. Click Select on Receipt upload.

        Earning rule settings

        • What kind of reward
          Choose either points or a coupon
          • A Coupon
            Coupon for each receipt uploaded. The customer gets a direct reward to shop on your site.
          • A fixed amount
            The customer gets points per dollar spent. This essentially works the same as the Points for Purchases earning rule. Later on, they can trade points for a direct reward.
        • Please note:

          You can only choose from a list of coupons you have already set up 

          Read about how to set up coupons


        Points are awarded only in whole numbers. When a customer makes a purchase for a sum that isn't a round number (whole dollars only), their point balance will be rounded down to a whole number. 

        For example, a customer made a purchase for $49.95. The amount of points they receive is rounded down to a whole number, giving the customer 49 points.

        • Campaign Name
          This field is the name of your receipt upload earning rule. It appears on the Earning Points Module, rewards pop-up, or rewards page, as well as the Rewards history (both on the customer page and onsite for the customer to see.)
        • Reward Text
          Enter the value you want to display to the shopper 
        Please note:
        If you make a change to the Reward Text field, don't forget to also update the What kind of reward field. Make sure they always reflect the same number. This will not be done automatically.
        • Description text
          After the customer clicks on the earning rule, they will see a short 1-2 sentence description of the reward
        • Icon
          If you don't like the default, you can also choose from hundreds of other options. Click “Use Font Awesome Icon Names” and copy & paste the icon name you want
        • Send notifications about uploaded receipts to this email:
          Every receipt uploaded will be sent to this email (1 email per receipt). This could either be your own moderator, or a moderator from Yotpo Professional Services. Learn more about moderating receipt uploads 
        • Send escalations to this email:
          When a moderator clicks "escalate" on the customer page, the case will be escalated to this email. This could be the email of a manager or other decision-maker when a second opinion is needed. Learn more about moderating receipt uploads 
        • Display On-Site?
          By default this is toggled to "Yes", meaning that if you save this earning rule after creating/editing, it will be visible on your Rewards Page/Earning Points Module. If set to "No" It will not appear on your Rewards Page or Earning Points Module, and will not be returned as part of the SDK.
        • Schedule Campaign
          You can choose to schedule this earning rule to be active during certain periods of time. Learn more about scheduling an earning rule

        2. Customize the approve/reject emails

        How to customize emails

        You can customize the content of the email to reflect your brand’s personality and tone. Learn more about Customizing Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals Triggered Emails

        1. Open the Programs tab
        2. Click Triggered Emails
        3. Click the Customize Email button

        There are 4 emails that are triggered in the course of receipt upload: 

        • Receipt Approved: rewarded points (Sent to the customer)
        • Receipt Approved: rewarded coupons (sent to the customer)
        • Receipt rejected (sent to the customer)
        • Pending receipts (sent to the moderator) 

        Currently, these emails can only be customized and sent through Yotpo's email system.

        3. Deploy the earning rule onsite

        Display your earning rule onsite with the Earning Points On-site Module.

        If you don't have an Earning Points Module yet, learn more about how to create an Earning Points On-site Module.

        If you already have an Earning Points module, add the receipt upload earning rule to your module in the layout section. In the module editor, you will be able to customize all the texts for the upload process.

        What customers see on mobile

        What customers see on desktop

        What file formats are supported for receipt uploads?

        We support the following file formats: JPEG, SVG, PNG, GIF, PDF

        4. Moderate the submissions

        This feature requires human moderation. Learn more about Moderating Receipt Uploads.

        For brands with high volume, Yotpo is able to provide receipt moderation services. To learn about our receipt moderation services, please reach out to your customer success manager.

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