Redeem Points On-site Module (Read-only)

      Redeem Points On-site Module (Read-only)

        Article summary


        Loyalty & Referrals
        Supported plans

        Premium, Enterprise

        eCommerce Platform

        Shopify, Shopify Plus, BigCommerce, Salesforce Commerce Cloud, Adobe Commerce (Magento), Custom

        The Redeem Points Read-only Module/Section is an easy way to display some reward options onsite. You can deploy a new module in minutes, with no development required. The Read-Only Module/Section is meant to be used alongside a Checkout Module. The Read-Only module is a way to show new and existing customers what rewards await them at checkout.

        In this article find out how to access, customize, and deploy the Read-only Module on your site.


        Before setting up your Read-only module, you'll want to:

        Accessing the editor

        Accessing via the Rewards Page

        To access and edit the section via the Rewards Page, do the following:

        1. In your Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals main menu, go to Display On-site > Rewards Page Builder.
        2. Click Create Rewards Page or click the existing page you want to edit.
        3. Click Redeem Points (Read -only section).
        4. Proceed below to the next step, "Customize settings".
        Accessing as a module

        To access and edit as a module, do the following:

        1. In your Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals main menu, go to Display On-site > Redeem Points Modules.
        2. Scroll down to the "Read-Only" section.
        3. Click Edit on the instance you wish to edit or click "+ Create new"

        Customizing the module

        There are three sections in the module editor:

        1. Layout

        Configure layout The dropdown menu will let you choose between 3 layout options.

        Reward tiles
        Select or add tiles to display as many different reward options as you wish.

        2. General appearance

        These are the settings that are applied to all tiles at once. To edit individual tiles, go to Customize tiles.

        General appearance > Fonts & general text

        Background color
        Choose whether you want to add a background color or have the widget be transparent.

        The primary and secondary fonts are two fonts that will apply in several places throughout your module. 

        • Choose primary font

        The font you choose here will apply to and Module title, Exchange rate, and Discount amount

        Primary font

        • Choose secondary font

        The secondary font applies to the Module Subtitle and Points

        Secondary font

        Module title

        • Title text as you want it to appear
        • Title text size
        • Title text color

        Module subtitle

        • Subtitle text as you want it to appear
        • Subtitle text size 
        • Subtitle text color 

        Exchange rate 

        • Exchange rate text
        • Exchange rate text size
        • Exchange rate text color

        Line color
        Choose the color of the lines that appear on the top and bottom of your exchange rate 


        • CSS editor
          If you'd like to make further customizations to the module, use our embedded CSS editor. If you need to make any overriding changes to the Read-only Module CSS, use this class name before the class you want to override:
        .yotpo-visual-redemption-widget.yotpo-widget-override-css {

        If you are using the CSS Editor, you may see a notification asking you to update your Module version from time to time. Read more about Module Versions.

        Please note:

        Please make sure to use our embedded CSS editor instead of hardcoding directly onto your storefront

        If our system detects CSS implementation outside the module, we will refrain from updating the module version as it might impact your site.

        3. Customize tiles

        Customize tiles > Settings

        Discount amount
        Discount amount (usually in the form of currency, such as $10.00) 

        • Amount text size
        • Amount text color


        This is the number of points needed to claim the discount amount you set above

        • Points size
        • Points color

        Apply Design to All Tiles

        This is a quick and easy way to apply changes to your tile design. Clicking Apply Design to All Tiles will take the following design settings and apply them across all the tiles:

        • Amount text size and color 
        • Points size & color

        Publishing the module

        For your Module to appear onsite, you need to embed some code onto your site. See a guide for Embedding Modules on Shopify.

        Publishing via the Rewards Page Builder

        If you are building your Redeem Points Section with the Rewards Page Builder, follow the steps for publishing your Rewards page.



        If your module is active (green dot), this means that any changes you publish will be reflected on your store if the module snippet is embedded


        If your module is inactive (yellow dot), this means that any changes you publish/save will not be reflected on your store. This also means if you had the module snippet embedded and active on your store before, it will not be visible when inactive.

        Advanced customizations

        Some additional customizations can be made to the module if you are savvy with code. See below the advanced options.

        The following attributes can be added to your module's code snippet, just after your instance ID.

        For example, if your module's code snippet looks like this:
        <div class="yotpo-widget-instance" data-yotpo-instance-id="0000"></div>

        Then add the attribute here:
        <div class="yotpo-widget-instance" data-yotpo-instance-id="0000" add-attribute-name=value> </div>

        If you want to add multiple attributes, add them one after the other, separated by spaces.

        Advanced attributes
        • visual-redemption-headline
          Default - "How to use your points", the text of the headline of the module.
        • visual-redemption-description
          Default - "Redeeming your points is easy! Click Redeem My Points and copy & paste your code at checkout.", the text of the description of what this module does.
        • visual-redemption-rule
          Default - "100 points equals $10.00", the text of the exchange rate of points to dollars.

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