Saving a CSV File in UTF-8 with Google Spreadsheet
    • Dark

    Saving a CSV File in UTF-8 with Google Spreadsheet

    • Dark

    Article summary


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    Not all versions of Excel provide a way to save CSV files in UTF-8. This guide is intended as a quick solution to automatically saving your files with UTF-8 encoding. To save the file:

    1. Copy all the content from your Excel CSV document.
    2. Create a blank spreadsheet document in Google's spreadsheet program.
    3. Paste your data from the Excel document into the Google spreadsheet.
    4. Download the file as a .CSV document from the Google Spreadsheet.

    The file is now saved as a CSV with UTF-8 encoding and you can use this to upload directly into Yotpo's admin.

    Do not open the file again in Excel. Doing so will override the UTF-8 encoding and you will have to repeat the process

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