Shopify: Setting up Multiple Currencies in Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals

      Shopify: Setting up Multiple Currencies in Yotpo Loyalty & Referrals

        Article summary


        Supported plans

        Platinum, Enterprise

        eCommerce Platform

        Shopify, Shopify Plus

        Our multi-currency feature allows shoppers to fully experience your shop and loyalty program in their local or preferred currency.

        There are two ways to create a multi-currency loyalty program when using Shopify:

        • Multiple admins per multiple Shopify stores - If every shop’s currency is on a separate Shopify store, each store is associated with its own Loyalty & Referrals admin
        • Single admin per single Shopify admin - If you have multiple currencies on the same Shopify store and are using Shopify’s currency conversion feature, you can associate it with one Loyalty & Referrals admin
        Please note:
        This feature does not support Shopify gift cards.

        Follow the use case relevant to you in order to set up multi-currency:

        Multiple admins

        To match your loyalty programs currency with the one used in the store associated with the account, simply go to the Settings tab of your Loyalty & Referrals admin and choose the currency relevant to you.

        This will affect all the campaigns, rewards, on-site modules, and Loyalty & Referrals Dashboards

        Single admin

        Calculating exchange rates

        Currency exchange rates are determined by Shopify. See Shopify’s guide to currency definitions and conversions. Exchange rates are taken from Shopify in real-time when the on-site element is loaded.

        Currency placeholders

        Yotpo uses Shopify’s currency conversion to display the relevant currency to the shopper. To support multi-currency, you can use our multi-currency placeholders in your rewards and on-site elements. These placeholders will dynamically convert the default currency set in your Loyalty admin into the shopper’s local currency. 

        For example, if your default currency is set to USD, the {{10_local_currency}} placeholder will display the equivalent value of $10 in whichever currency the shopper is using. If a shopper is using euros and the  Shopify exchange rate is $1 = 0,82€, the placeholder will show 8,2 € euros on-site. 

        This will only affect the on-site view. All orders and discounts will be created in the store currency you set in your Shopify account. This should be the same as the default currency set in your Loyalty & Referral admin. 

        There is a variety of placeholders that can be used. We’ll cover where and how to implement them.

        Before you start

        Please reach out to your Loyalty & Referrals representative or Customer Support and ask them to enable the Multi-currency feature on your account.

        After Multi-currency has been enabled, the relevant placeholders must be added to the following elements of  your Loyalty & Referrals admin: 

        • Fixed amount coupons
        • On-site modules

        Fixed-amount coupons setup

        Use the {{local_currency_reward}} placeholder to dynamically display the currency used by the shopper.

        This means the placeholder will use the amount you have set in the Discount Amount field and convert it according to the currency the shopper is viewing.

        To add the placeholder to the coupon:

        1. Log in to your Loyalty & Referrals admin.
        2. Go to Rewards > Redeeming Points.
        3. Click Customize on the coupon you want to add the placeholder to.
        4.  In the Name field and Description field, use the variable {{local_currency_reward}} to replace any currency values.

        Repeat these steps across all your fixed value rewards/coupons.

        If you use variable redemption, the conversion will happen automatically.

        You will also see the discount amount reflected in the coupon name within the coupons page of your Loyalty admin.

        On-site modules setup

        After you replace your coupon names and descriptions, enter the multi-currency placeholders into your on-site modules.

        To see a full list of module placeholders and how to use them, click here.


        Why is the shopper’s rewards history displayed in my default currency?

        The multi-currency feature only affects the shop’s frontend. All other orders and discounts related data are created by Shopify in the store currency. That is why the shopper’s reward history, loyalty dashboards, etc are all displayed in your Shopify store currency.

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