Insights - Topics

      Insights - Topics

        Article summary



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        The Topics dashboard is the core dashboard where insights on topics are displayed. The dashboard is comprised of strips per topic and includes the Favorite Topics and Remaining Topics sections.

        Understanding your topics

        Expand the tabs below to get a better understanding of Topics and Insights terminology.


        A topic represents a group of synonymous or highly correlated keywords mentioned in your customer reviews.

        For example, the keywords 'Shipping', 'Shipment', 'Ship', 'Delivery', etc. may be represented as 'Shipping' in your list of topics. If a topic had three or more mentions, you'll be able to see hover over the topic to see which keywords are associated with each topic.

        Note: Keyword grouping may vary from account to account.

        Each topic is then assigned a sentiment score and includes associated opinions and products. The total number of topics available per the selected date range and filter(s) is displayed at the top of the Insights dashboard.


        Opinions reflect customer sentiment towards a particular topic. Opinions are classified as Positive or Negative based on the customer sentiment for that topic. Neutral opinions may result in inconclusive or undetermined sentiment. 

        Note: The number of opinions only refers to opinions found in organic reviews. Grouped or syndicated (cloned) reviews are excluded from the opinion count. 


        Product reviews are analyzed to identify key topics mentioned in reviews. The products column refers to the number of products which had the topic mentioned in their reviews.

        Note: The product count does not include products with cloned reviews (e.g. grouped products or syndicated reviews).

        Sentiment score

        Sentiment score is calculated by subtracting the percentage of negative opinions from the percentage of positive opinions mentioned per topic (similar to Net Performer Score/NPS).

        The scale of sentiment score ranges from -100 to +100 where -100 is the most negative topic sentiment, +100 is the most positive topic sentiment. Like the star-rating distribution (1-5 stars), most topics have a positive sentiment score.

        Note: Topics associated with a low number of opinions may result in a statistically insignificant Sentiment Score.

        Sentiment change

        Sentiment Change compares the change in a topic's sentiment score between two date ranges. The difference of the two scores is represented as the sentiment change per the selected date range. For example, if your date range is set to Past Month, the sentiment change will reflect the change in sentiment when comparing data from the past month to the month before it.

        Note: Sentiment change may appear as N/A in cases where there is insufficient data to calculate the sentiment score.


        Track the topics that interest you the most by adding them to your Favorites.

        Topics can be added to or removed from Favorites by simply clicking on the star icon.

        Topic strips

        Each topic strip includes the topic name and sentiment score, sentiment change over time, opinions per topic, and the number of products affiliated with the topic per strip.

        Industry average

        Understand how your performance compares to similar businesses with industry benchmarks. Insights automatically compares topic sentiment with over a dozen Yotpo accounts within your store's industry.

        Topic breakdowns

        Drill down by product, country, state, product group or product collection to get a real understanding of what has the biggest impact on customer satisfaction. When expanded, each strip includes an itemized breakdown affiliated with the selected topic. Breakdowns include the sentiment score and the number of opinions for each respective product. You can also read and export reviews by product or topic.Opinions reflect customer sentiment towards a particular topic. Opinions are classified as Positive or Negative based on the customer sentiment for that topic. Neutral opinions may result in inconclusive or undetermined sentiment.


        The more opinions a topic has, the more accurate the sentiment score.


        Please note:

        • Opinion breakdowns do not include site reviews. If your store has only site reviews, breakdowns will appear empty and the sum of opinions in the breakdown may differ from the sum of bottom-lines per topic. Grouped (cloned) products will still appear in the product drill-down but may not have any organic reviews and opinions. 

        • Opinion breakdown by state reflects data collected as of May 2017. As such, filtering by date prior to May 2017 may not return data for your search. 

        • New product collections may be created via product catalog import and are updated once every 24 hours. If you're missing the Product Collections field in your product catalog, please contact your Yotpo representative for assistance.

        • The feature will not work for blocklisted products

        Reading reviews

        Insights makes it easy to pinpoint issues and access related reviews by product or topic.

        The reviews popup includes tabs for Positive, Negative, and Inconclusive reviews. 

        Customer opinions are highlighted and color-coded within your customer review content making it easy to spot opinions. Positive opinions are highlighted in blue, negative opinions are highlighted in red, and inconclusive opinions are highlighted in grey.


        If you come across a discrepancy in opinion polarity, we encourage you to report the issue by clicking the feedback icon .

        Reviews by topic:

        To read reviews by topic, click Read All Reviews in the opinions breakdown header.

        Reviews by product:

        To read reviews by product, click Read Reviews adjacent to each product.

        Most mentioned opinions

        Most Mentioned Opinions is a great way to get a high-level summary of how shoppers feel about a specific topic. This section includes the top 6 most mentioned opinions per topic and allows you to drill-down to actual reviews with just one click. Each opinion is factored by reviewer sentiment and grouped keywords and includes the number of opinions in parentheses.

        Volume over time

        Volume Over Time provides you with a visual representation of the number of opinions on a topic per the date range you've selected, allowing you to correlate opinions with a specific point in time.

        Stacked bars reflect positive opinions at the bottom, negative opinions at the top, inconclusive opinions in the middle.

        Please note:

        As opinion polarity cannot be applied to neutral opinions, they are referred to as 'inconclusive'(grey).

        Exporting insights and reviews

        Export insights, reviews, and audiences to enable teams company-wide. You can export an overview of Insights data including topic, sentiment, industry benchmark, and opinions, or export data by topic for all products or exclusively for a specific product.

        Please note:

        The maximum export size is 10K rows. If you've exceeded 10k rows, try narrowing down your search using filters or date range and try again.

        To export overview data:

        Overview data includes the topics, sentiment, industry benchmark, and opinions displayed in the main Insights dashboard. To export overview data:

        1. Access the main Insights dashboard.

        2. Click Export adjacent to the Search bar at the top of the page.

        Sample exported data and metrics:

        To export reviews for a specific topic:

        1. Click the relevant topic.

        2. In the topic opinion breakdown, click Read All Reviews.

        3. Click Export.

        To export reviews for a specific product:

        1. Click the relevant topic.

        2. In the topic opinion breakdown, click Read Reviews.

        3. Click Export.

        The CSV report contains detailed information such as review content, reviewer location, and the source URL of the review. Click the image below to view a sample form. Expand the tab below to view a list of export metrics.

        Export Metrics

        • Topic: Shipping

        • Topic Sentiment Score: 93

        • Opinion (sentence) very satisfied with the ease of ordering and quick shipping

        • Opinion Sentiment: Postive

        • Review Date: 11.19.2017 

        • Review Title: Very satisfied with the ease

        • Review Content: Very satisfied with the ease of ordering and quick shipping....

        • Review Star Rating: 5

        • Product Name: Athletic T-Shirt

        • Product ID: 234545

        • Reviewer Email:

        • Reviewer Country: US

        • Reviewer State: CA

        • Source URL:

        Unavailable data is represented as N/A within the relevant cell.

        Please note:

        As Insights is able to identify multiple opinions per sentence, each row in your export file represents a unique opinion and sentiment found in a sentence within a review. As such, the count of rows in your export file may vary from the count of total opinions per topic or topic and product. To view your most positive or negative opinions, simply sort or filter the Opinion Sentiment column according to the desired opinion polarity.

        Date picker and filters

        Use the Date Picker and Filters to refine topics in your dashboard. Filters apply to published and unpublished reviews (including site reviews).

        Please note:

        Dates refer to the date the review was submitted (not the date the order was received).

        Date picker

        The Date picker allows you to filter insights for a specific date range by the date the review was submitted. Choosing a custom date range will display insights only for the date range specified.

        You may define a custom date range using the calendar, or select one of three predefined ranges:

        • Past Month

        • Past 3 Months

        • Past Year


        Product collections

        Reviewer location


        Minimum opinions


        If you're unable to find insights, we recommend resetting your filter criteria or broadening your date range and/or minimum opinions. You can reset your filter criteria by clicking Reset above the  date picker or by clicking Reset Filters.

        Topic search and sorting

        Use the Search and Sorting features to find specific topics and rank their display in the order desired.

        Searching for topics in the search bar will return the first three textual matches and the first three related topics based on the related keywords for that topic. For example, searching for 'shipment' could return the topic 'Delivery' as it is grouped together with the keyword 'shipment'.


        Search results return matches by topic name within the applied filters (e.g. date or minimum opinions). For example, if you've selected Past 3 Months, only search results within the last three months will be returned.

        1. The first section returns the first three textual matches for the search criteria.

        2. The second section (Related Results) returns up to three topics that are related to the search criteria based on keywords they keywords that are grouped with the topic. 

          1. For example, if you search for delivery you may also see results for shipment as the shipment keyword is grouped with delivery. Searching for ship can return the topic cost which may contain the keyword shipping cost

        3. The third section, See all results, will return all the relevant search results including any related topics.

        Note:Topics with very few opinions will not appear in topic search results.

        Sort by

        Frequently asked questions

        Still have questions? Check out detailed answers to frequently asked questions about Insights here: Yotpo Insights - FAQ

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