Using Lists & Segments to Create Targeted Earning Rules

      Using Lists & Segments to Create Targeted Earning Rules

        Article summary


        Loyalty & Referrals
        Supported plans

        Premium, Enterprise

        eCommerce Platform

        Shopify, Shopify Plus

        You can increase your ROI and engagement by targeting shoppers based on their purchasing behaviors and attributes. Add Lists & Segments to different Loyalty & Referrals earning rules to target them at specific audiences.

        For example, re-engage customers by creating a Double Points earning rule targeting those who have not made a purchase in over 90 days and set the value of the points they can earn to double what it usually is.

        In this article, you'll learn how to create and apply earning rules to target audiences. To learn about creating and managing your target lists and segments, see About Yotpo Lists & Segments.

        Applying earning rules to target audiences

        You can use Lists & Segments to apply earning rules to target audiences by creating a new earning rule or editing an existing one.

        New earning rule

        When creating a new earning rule, do the following:

        1. From your selected earning rule set-up page, use the Target audience picker under Advanced settings to add the lists or segmentsyou’d like to apply.
          Please note:
          Using the new Lists & Segments feature allows you to target audiences in a smarter and more advanced way than before.
          If you've previously used Customer Tags to include or exclude specific customers from your earning rules, make sure to keep those fields clear under the earning rule's Advanced settings
        2. Under Apply this rule to, use the drop-down menu to include the relevant lists and/or segments of customers you’d like to expose to this earning rule. You can choose as many as you want.
          Please note:
          • Predefined segments were built to help you get started. Once you create your own tailored lists and segments, they will also appear under the drop-down menu.
          • Only customers that have opted into your loyalty program will be included in your target audience.
          • At first, earning rules are automatically applied to All customers unless you change this.
          Try hovering over each segment option in the drop-down menu to see more information about the conditions of that segment.
        3. You also have the option to exclude lists and/or segments under the Do not apply this rule to field. For example, if you want to apply a Points for Purchases earning rule to all customers except for those who consistently spend a lot of money in your store.
          In this case, you would select Apply this rule to - All customers, and Do not apply this rule to - Top Spenders.
          Please note:
          The total number of opted-in loyalty members your earning rule will apply to is reflected below the Target audience picker as an approximate figure, because segments are dynamic and this number can change.
          See About Lists & Segments to learn more about how this works.
        4. When you are finished filling in the rest of the relevant fields of this earning rule, click Save.
        5. You will then land back on the main Earning Rules page where you can see your new targeted earning rule along with all of your other existing ones. 

        Each earning rule card contains a tag reflecting which audience it's targeting. For example, you can have two Points for Purchases earning rules running. One targets all customers while the other targets potential customers.

        This allows you to differentiate between earning rules of the same type by the audience they are targeting.

        Existing earning rule

        When editing an existing earning rule, do the following:

        1. On the Earning rules page you’ll see a display of earning rules you’ve already created. 
        Please note:
        Earning rules are automatically applied to All customers unless you change this.

        2. Click the pencil icon on the top right of an earning rule card to edit its settings.

        3. Use the Target audience picker to choose which lists or segments you’d like the earning rule to apply to.

        4. To complete the process, follow steps 2-3 as listed under New earning rule above.

        5. Once completed, click Save.

        Customizing on-site modules for target audiences

        When building your Earning Points on-site module, you can customize which targeted earning rules you’d like to show your customers, as well as preview how the rewards page will appear to each customer based on the segments they fall into.

        Please note:
        You can also perform these customization options in the Rewards page module editor.

        Displaying targeted earning rules on-site

        When creating a new Earning Points Module, you will first need to select the earning rules that will appear on-site.

        To select the earning rules to display on-site, do the following:

        1. On the Earning Points Module page, click Create campaigns module
        2. Use the target audience tags to differentiate between earning rules of the same type.
        3. Select the earning rules you want to appear on-site, then click Create.

        Previewing on-site modules as the target audience

        As you customize your Earning Points Modules, use the Preview as target audience picker to preview the on-site display according to the target audience of your choice.

        Under Preview as target audience, use the Select segments dropdown menu to add which list and/or segment you’d like to preview the module as.

        Try selecting several target audiences to see what the rewards page would look like to customers who fall into more than one list or segment.
        Please note:
        • Your customers will only see the earning rules targeted at them
        • The on-site module preview will automatically display the view for the All customers segment unless you change this

        Adding a target audience message

        Make your customers feel extra special by adding a dedicated message that will appear above the targeted earning rules that offer them an exclusive reward, just for them. 

        To add a target audience message, do the following:

        1. In your Earning Points Module editor, after you’ve selected which earning rules you’d like to appear on-site, click on Customize tiles.
        2. Under the Select a tile to customize drop-down menu, select the earning rule tile you’d like to add the target audience message to.
        3. Expand the Target audience message section and turn on the Display message toggle.
        4. Under Message text, enter the message you’d like your target audience to see.

        For more information about how to fully customize your Earning Points Module, see Earning Points On-site Module.

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